CIAT Publications 2006

Articles in Refereed Journals / Articles in non Refereed Journals / Books / Book Chapters / Proceedings / Articles in Proceedings / Abstracs in Proceedings / Theses Supervised / Posters / Other Publications

Articles in Refereed Journals

Abello, J.F.; Kelemu, S. 2006. Hongos endófitos: Ventajas adaptativas que habitan en el interior de las plantas. Revista CORPOICA (Colombia) 7(2):55-57.

Andersson, M.S.; Lascano, C.E.; Schultze-Kraft., R.; Peters, M. 2006. Forage quality and tannin concentration and composition of a collection of the tropical shrub legumes Flemingia macrophylla. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86:1023-1031.

Andersson, M.S.; Peters, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Franco, L.H.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Molecular characterization of a collection of the tropical multipurpose shrub legume Flemingia macrophylla. Agroforestry Systems 68(3):231-245.

Andersson, M.S.; Peters, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Gallego, G.J.; Duque E., M.C. 2006. Phenological agronomic and forage quality diversity among germplasm accessions of the tropical legume shrub Cratylia argentea. Journal of Agricultural Science 144:237-248.

Andersson, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M.; Hincapie, B.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Morphological agronomic and forage quality diversity of the Flemingia macrophylla world collection. Field Crops Research 96(2-3):387-406.

Argel M., P.J. 2006. Contribución de los forrajes mejorados a la productividad ganadera en sistemas de doble propósito. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal 14(2):65-72.

Aye, T.M.; Nguyen, M.L.; Bolan, N.S.; Hedley, M.J. 2006. Phosphorus in soils of riparian and non-riparian wetland and buffer strips in the Waikato area, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 49:349-358.

Barahona, R.; Sánchez, S.; Lascano, C.E.; Owen, E.; Morris, P.; Theodorou, M.K. 2006. Effect of condensed tannins from tropical legumes on the activity of fibrolytic enzymes from the rumen fungus Neocallimastyx hurleyensis. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 39:281-288.

Bado, B.V.; Bationo, A.; Cescas, M.P. 2006. Assessment of cowpea and groundnut contributions to soil fertility and succeeding sorghum yields in the Guinean savannah zone of Burkina Faso (West Africa). Biology and Fertility of Soils 43:171-176.

Barrios, E.; Delve, R.J.; Bekunda, M.A.; Mowo, J.; Agunda, J.; Ramisch, J.; Trejo T., M.T.; Thomas, RJ. 2006. Indicators of soil quality: A South-South development of a methdological guide for linking local and technical knowledge. Geoderma 135:248-259.

Basamba, T.A.; Barrios, E.; Amézquita C., E.; Rao, I.M.; Singh, B.R. 2006. Tillage effects on maize yield in a Colombian savanna oxisol: Soil organic matter and P fractions. Soil and Tillage Research 91:131-142.

Beebe, S.; Rojas, M.; Yan, X.; Blair, M.W.; Pedraza G., F.; Muñoz A., F.; Tohme M., J.; Lynch, J.P. 2006. Quantitative trait loci for root architecture traits correlated with phosphorus acquisition in common bean. Crop Science 46(1):413-423.

Begum, H.H.; Osaki, M.; Nanamori, M.; Watanabe, T.; Shinano, T.; Rao, I.M. 2006. Role of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in the adaptation of a tropical forage grass to low-phosphorus acid soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29:35-57.

Blair, M.W.; Beaver, J.S.; Nin, J.C.; Prophète, E.; Singh, S.P. 2006. Registration of PR9745-232 and RMC-3 red-mottled dry bean germplasm lines with resistance to bean golden yellow mosaic virus. Crop Science 46(2):1000-1001.

Blair, M.W.; Giraldo Z., M.C.; Buendía C., H.F.; Tovar L., E.; Duque, M.C.; Beebe, S.E. 2006. Microsatellite marker diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113:100-109.

Blair, M.W.; Iriarte S., G.A.; Beebe, S. 2006. QTL analysis of yield traits in an advanced backcross population derived from a cultivated andean x wild common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cross. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112:1149-1163.

Blair, M.W.; Muñoz, J.; Garza G., R.; Cardona M., C. 2006. Molecular mapping of genes for resistance to the bean pod weevil (Apion gomani Wagner) in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112:913-923.

Bolaños B., M.M.; Sánchez de P., M.; Rao, I.M. 2006. Arilsulfatasa en la rizosfera de plátano, Musa AAB y relación con crecimiento, desarrollo y producción. Acta Agronómica 55(3):11-14.

Castelblanco W.; Fregene M. 2006. SSCP-SNP-based conserved ortholog set (COS) markers for comparative genomics in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 24:229-236.

Ceballos, H.; Sánchez, T.; Chávez, A.L.; Iglesias F., C.A.; Debouck, D.G.; Mafla B., G.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Variation in crude protein content in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 19:589-593.

Checa C., O.E.; Ceballos, H.; Blair, M.W. 2006. Generation means analysis of climbing ability in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of Heredity 97(5):456-465.

Chen, W.-M.; James, E.K.; Coenye, T.; Chou, J.-H.; Barrios, E.; Faria, S.M. de; Elliott, G.N.; Sheu, S.-Y.; Sprent, J.I.; Vandamme, P. 2006. Burkholderia mimosarum sp. nov., isolated from root nodules of Mimosa spp. from Taiwan and South America. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56:1847-1851.

Chianu, J.N.; Tsujii, H.; Awange, J. 2006. Environmental impact of agricultural production practices in the savannas of northern Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 4(2):255-260.

Chianu, J.; Vanlauwe, B.; Mukulama, J.; Adesina, A.A.; Sanginga, N. 2006. Farmer evaluation of improved soybean varieties being screened in five locations in Kenya : Implications for research and development. African Journal of Agricultural Research 1(5):143-150.

Correa V., F.J.; Fuentes, J.L.; Escobar R., F.; Prado P., G.A.; Aricapa, M.G.; Duque, M.C. 2006. Identificación de marcadores microsatélites ligados a genes de resistencia a Pyricularia grisea en arroz. Fitopatología Colombiana 30(2):33-38.

Cuéllar J., M.E.; Morales G., F.J. 2006. La mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) como plaga y vectora de virus en frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 32(1):1-9.

Díaz M., L.M.; Blair, M.W. 2006. Race structure within the Mesoamerican gene pool of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as determined by microsatellite markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114: 143-154.

El-Sharkawy, M. 2006. Utility of basic research in plant/crop physiology in relation to crop improvement: A review and a personal account. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18(4):419-446.
Escobar, R.H.; Hernández, C.M.; Larrahondo, N.; Ospina, G.I.; Restrepo M., J.M.; Muñoz, L.C.; Tohme M., J.; Roca, W.M. 2006. Tissue culture for farmers: Participatory adaptation of low-input cassava propagation in Colombia. Experimental Agriculture 42:103-120.

Fatondji, D.; Martius, C.; Bielders, C.L.; Vlek, P.L.G.; Bationo, A.; Gerard, B. 2006. Effect of planting technique and amendment type on pearl millet yield, nutrient uptake, and water use on degraded land in Niger. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:203-217.

Franke, A.C.; Ellis-John, J.; Tarawali, G.; Schulz, S.; Hussaini, M.A.; Kureh, I.; White, R.; Chikoye, D.; Douthwaite, B.; Oyewole, B.D.; Olanrewaju, A.S. 2006. Evaluating and scaling-up integrated Striga hermonthica control technologies among farmers in northern Nigeria. Crop Protection 25:686-878.

Fregene, M.A.; Morante, N.; Sánchez, T.; Marín, J.A.; Ospina, C.; Barrera S., E.; Gutiérrez, J.; Guerrero, J.M.; Bellotti, A.C.; Santos, L.G.; Alzate, A.M.; Moreno, S.; Ceballos, H. 2006. Molecular markers for introgression of useful traits from wild manihot relatives of cassava, marker-assisted selection (MAS) of disease and root quality traits. Journal of Root Crops 32(1):1-31.

Gómez C., E.A.; Alvarez, E.; Llano R., G.A. 2006. Variabilidad genética de Ralstonia solanacearum raza 2, agenta causante del moko de plátano en Colombia. Fitopatología Colombiana 30(1):1-7.

Guzmán de Serrano, Reina Flor; Morales, Francisco José. 2006. Identificación de virus que afectan el loroco (Fernaldia pandurata) en el valle de Zapotitán, El Salvador [online] . Agronomía Mesoamericana (Costa Rica) 17(1):41-45.

Häusller, K.; Rao, I.M.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Marschner, H. 2006. Shoot and root growth of two tropical grasses, Brachiaria ruziziensis and B. dictyoneura, as influenced by aluminium toxicity and phosphorus deficiency in a sandy loan oxisol of the eastern plains of Colombia. Tropical Grasslands 40:213-221.

Hess, H.-D.; Tiemann, T.T.; Noto, F.; Franzel, S.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.. 2006. The effects of cultivation site on forage quality of Calliandra calothyrsus var. Patulul. Agroforestry Systems 68(3):209-220.

Hess, H.-D.; Tiemann, T.T.; Stürm, C.D.; Carulla, J.E.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M. 2006. Effects of tannins on ruminal degradation and excretory pattern of N and implications for the potential N emission from the manure. International Congress Series 1293:339-342.

Hillocks, R.J.; Madata, C.S.; Chirwa, R.; Minja, E.M.; Msolla, S. 2006. Phaseolus bean improvement in Tanzania, 1959-2005. Euphytica 150(1-2):215-231.

Holguín A., C.M.; Carabalí M., A.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Tasa intrínseca de crecimiento de Aleurotrachelus socialis (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) en yuca Manihot esculenta = Intrinsic rate of population increase of Aleurotrachelus socialis Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) in cassava Manihot esculenta. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 32(2):140-144.

Iriarte S., G.A.; Blair, M.W.; Hoyos, A.; Beebe, S. 2006. Evaluación agronómica de una retrocruza avanzada entre una accesión silvestre colombiana y la variedad cultivada de fríjol común, ICA Cerniza. Fitotecnia Colombiana 6(1):24-32.

Jemo, M.; Abaidoo, R.C.; Nolte, C.; Chienkoua, M. T.; Sanginga, N.; Horst, W.J. 2006. Phosphorous benefits from grain-legume crops to subsequent maize grown on acid soils of southern Cameroon. Plant and Soil (1/2):284: 385-397.

Jiménez J., J..J.; Rossi, J.-P.. 2006. Spatial dissociation between two endogeic earthworms in the Colombian "Llanos". European Journal of Soil Biology 42(1):S218-S224.

Kimetu, J.M.; Mugendi, D.N.; Bationo, A.; Palm, C.A.; Mutuo, P.K.; Kihara, J.; Nandwa, S.M.; Giller, K.E. 2006. Partial balance of nitrogen in a maize cropping systems in humic nitisol of Central Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:261-270.

Kuczak, C.N.; Fernandes, E.C.M.; Lehmann, J.; Rondón, M.A.; Luizao, F.J. 2006. Inorganic and organic phosphorus pools in earthworm casts (Glossoscolecidae) and a Brazilian rainforest oxisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38:553-560.

Lenis C., J.I.; Calle, F.; Jaramillo O., G.; Pérez V., J.C.; Ceballos, H.; Cock, J.H. 2006. Leaf retention and cassava productivity. Field Crops Research 95(2-3):126-134.

Llano R., G.A.; Alvarez, E.; Feris, M.C.; Hernández, M.L.; Rodríguez, S.M. 2006. Efecto de inductores de resistencia sobre pudrición del cogollo de palma de aceite en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Fitopatología Colombiana 30(1):15-18.

Lokko, Y.; Dixon, A.G.O.; Offei, S.; Danquah, E.; Fregene, M.A. 2006. Assessment of genetic diversity among African cassava Manihot esculenta Crantz accessions resistant to the cassava mosaic virus disease using SSR markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 53(7):1441-1453.

Mafongoya, P.L.; Bationo, A.; Kihara, J.; Waswa, B.S. 2006. Appropriate technologies to replenish soil fertility in Southern Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:137:151.

Mahuku, G.S.; Jara, C.E.; Henríquez N., M.A.; Castellanos, G.; Cuasquer, J.B. 2006. Genotypic characterization of the common bean blight pathogens Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscans by rep-PCR and PCR-RFLP of the ribosomal genes. Journal of Phytopathology 154:35-44.

Maithya, J.M.; Kimenye, L.N.; Mugivane, F.I.; Ramisch, J.J. 2006. Profitability of agro-forestry based soil fertility management technologies: The case of small holder food production in Western Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:355-367.

Mathews, K.L.; Chapman, S.C.; Trethowan, R.; Singh, R.P.; Crossa, J.L.; Pfeiffer, W.H.; Van Ginkel, M.; DeLacy, I. 2006. Global adaptation of spring bread and durum wheat lines near-isogenic for major reduced height genes. Crop Science 46:603-613.

Melo M., E.L.; Ortega O., C.A.; Gaigl, A.; Ehlers, R.-U.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Evaluación de dos cepas comerciales de entomonematodos como agentes de control de Cyrtomenus bergi Froeschner (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) = Evaluation of two commercial strains of entomonematodes as control agents of Cyrtomenus bergi Froeschner (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 32(1):31-38

Miklas, P.N.; Kelly, J.D.; Beebe, S.E.; Blair, M.W. 2006. Common bean breeding for resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses: From classical to MASS breeding. Euphytica 147:105-131.

Miles, J.W.; Cardona M., C.; Sotelo, G. 2006. Recurrent selection in a synthetic brachiagrass population improves resistance to three spittlebug species. Crop Science 46(3):1088-1093.

Montoya M., C.Aníbal; Lalles, J.-P.; Beebe, S.; Montagne, L.; Souffrant, W.B.; Leterme, P. 2006. Influence of the Phaseolus vulgaris phaseolin level of incorporation, type and thermal treatment on gut characteristics in rats.British Journal of Nutrition 95:116-123.

Morales, F.J. 2006. History and current distribution of begomoviruses in Latin America. Advances in Virus Research 67:127-162.

Morales, F.J.; Castaño J., M.; Arroyave, J.A.; Olaya, C.A.; Velasco, A.C.; Martínez, A.K. 2006. Detección de virus en especies frutales cultivadas en Colombia. Fitopatología Colombiana 30(2):39-50.

Mtambanengwe, F.; Mapfumo, P.; Vanlauwe, B. 2006. Comparative short-term effects of different quality organic resources on maize productivity under two different environments in Zimbabwe. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:271-284.

Muñoz, L.C.; Duque E., M.C.; Debouck, D.G.; Blair, M.W. 2006. Taxonomy of tepary bean and wild relatives as determined by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Crop Science 46(4):1744-1754.

Namayanja, A.R.; Buruchara, R.A.; Mahuku, G.S.; Rubaihayo, Patrick R.; Kimani, P.M.; Mayanja, S.; Eyedu, H. 2006. Inheritance of resistance to angular leaf spot in common bean and validation of the utility of resistance linked markers for marker assisted selection out side the mapping population. Euphytica 151:361-369.

Nestel, P.; Bouis, H.E.; Meenakshi, J.V.; Pfeiffer, V.H.. 2006. Biofortification of staple food crops. Journal of Nutrition 136:1064-1067.

Ochoa, I.E.; Blair, M.W.; Lynch, J.P. 2006. QTL analysis of adventitious root formation in common bean under contrasting phosphorus availability. Crop Science 46(4):1609-1621.

Odendo, M.; Ojiem, J.; Bationo, A.; Mudeheri, M.A. 2006. On-farm evaluation and scaling-up of soil fertility management technologies in Western Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76(2-3):369-381.

Ohiokpehai, O. 2006. Expanding the uses of phane, a nutritionally rich local food in Southern Africa. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 4(3-4):26-32.

Okalebo, J.R.; Othieno, C.O.; Woomer, P.L.; Karanja, N.K.N.; Semoka, J.M.R.; Bekunda, M.A.; Mugendi, D.N.; Muasya, R.M.; Bationo, A.; Mukhwana, E.J. 2006. Available technologies to replenish soil fertility in East Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76(2-3):153-170.
Okogbenin, E.; Marín, J.A; Fregene, M.A. 2006. An SSR-based molecular genetic map of cassava. Euphytica 147:433-440.

Otero, M.; Rubiano, J.E.; Lema, G.; Soto, V. 2006. Using similarity analyses to scale out research findings. Water International 31(3): 376-386.

Ouattara, B.; Ouattara, K.; Serpantie, Georges; Mando, Abdoulay; Sédogo, Michael P.; Bationo, André. 2006. Intensity cultivation induced effect on soil organic carbon dynamic in the western cotton area of Burkuna Faso. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:331-339.

Pedrosa H., A.; Almeida, C.C.S. de; Mosiolek, M.; Blair, M.W.; Schweizer, D.; Guerra, M. 2006. Extensive ribosomal DNA amplification during andean common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) evolution. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112:924-933.

Peralta, A.; García C., J.A.; Johnson, N.L. 2006. Dinámica y definición de pobreza en los Andes colombianos: Enfoques participativos versus enfoques objetivos = Dynamics and definitions of poverty in the Colombian Andes: Participatory and objective approaches. Desarrollo y Sociedad (58):1-48.

Posada T., C.A.; López G., A.; Ceballos, H. 2006. Influencia de harinas de yuca y de batata sobre pigmentación, contenido de carotenoides en la yema y desempeño productivo de aves en postura. Acta Agronómica 55(3):47-54.

Pypers, P.; Delrue, J.; Diels, J.; Smolders, E.; Merckx, R. 2006. Phosphorus intensity determines short-term P uptake by pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) grown in soils with different P buffering capacity. Plant and Soil 284(1-2):217-227.

Pypers, P.; Van Loon, L.; Diels, J.; Abaidoo, R.; Smolders, E.; Merckx, R. 2006. Plant-available P for maize and cowpea in P-deficient soils from the Nigerian Northern Guinea savanna: Comparison of E- and L-values. Plant and Soil 283(1-2):251-264.

Quintero Marín, María Paulina; Caicedo V., Ana Milena; Montoya Lerma, James; Gaigl, Andreas. 2006. Evaluation of three native entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditidae) against third instar larvae of Phyllophaga menetriesi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) . International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (United Kingdom) 26(4):233-238.

Ramisch, J.J.; Misiko, M.T.; Ekise, I.E.; Mukulama, J.B. 2006. Strengthening ´folk ecology´: Community-based learning for integrated soil fertility management, western Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 4(2):154-168.

Randall, P.J.; Abaidoo, R.C.; Hocking, P.J.; Sanginga, N. 2006. Mineral nutrient uptake and removal by cowpea, soybean and maize cultivars in West Africa, and implications for carbon cycle effects on soil acidification. Experimental Agriculture 42(4): 475-494.

Rodríguez C., J.; Peck, D.C. 2006. Parámetros poblacionales de Zulia carbonaria (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) sobre Brachiaria ruziziensis = Population parameters of Zulia carbonaria (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) on Brachiaria ruziziensis. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 32(2):145-150.

Rubiano, J.E.; Quintero, M.; Estrada, R.D.; Moreno, A. 2006. Multiscale analysis for promoting integrated wateshed management. Water International 31(3):398-411.  [Approved article]

Rufino, M.C.; Rowe, E.C.; Delve, R.J.; Giller, K.E. 2006. Nitrogen cycling efficiencies through resource-poor African crop-livestock systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112:261-282.

Salcedo C., J.M.; Arroyave, J.A.; Toro Ch., O.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. Phaseolus novoleonensis, a new species (leguminosae, phaseolinae) from the Sierra Madre Oriental, Nuevo León, México. Novon 16:105-111.

Sánchez, T.; Chávez, A.L.; Ceballos, H.; Rodríguez A., D.B.; Nestel, P.; Ishitani, M. 2006. Reduction or delay of post-harvest physiological deterioration in cassava roots with higher carotenoid content. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86:634-639.

Sanginga, P.C.; Tumwine, J.; Lilja, N. 2006. Patterns of participation in farmers´ research groups: Lessons from the highlands of Southwestern Uganda. Agriculture and Human Values 23(4):501-512.

Schlecht, E.; Buerkert, A.; Tielkes, E; Bationo, A. 2006. A critical analysis of challenges and opportunities for soil fertility restoration in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:109-136.

Schoonhoven, A.D.; Holmann, F.J.; Argel M., P.J.; Pérez, E.; Ordóñez J.C.; Chaves, J. 2006. Estimation and comparison of benefits due to feeding hay and silage during the dry season on commercial dual-purpose cattle production systems in Honduras and Costa Rica. Livestock Research for Rural Development 18(1):1-18.

Subbarao, G.V.; Ito, O.; Sahrawat, K.L.; Berry, W.L.; Nakahara, K.; Ishikawa, T.; Watanabe, T.; Suenaga, K.; Rondón, M.A.; Rao, I.M. 2006. Scope and strategies for regulation of nitrification in agricultural systems: Challenges and opportunities. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 25:303-335.

Swallow, B.M.; Johnson, N.L.; Meinzen-Dick, R.S.; Knox M., A. 2006. The challenges of inclusive cross-scale collective action in watersheds. Water International 31(3): 361-375.

Tabu, I.M.; Obura, R.K.; Bationo, A.; Mumera, L. 2006. Effect of soil fertility management and nitrogen fertilizer rate on maize yield in small holder farmers field. Journal of Agronomy 5(2):191-195.

Tittonell, P. Leffelaar, P.A.; Vanlauwe, B.; Van Wijk, M.T.; Giller, K.E. 2006. Exploring diversity of crop and soil management within smallholder African farms. A dynamic model for simulation of N balances and use efficiencies at field scale. Agricultural Systems 91:71-101.

Tofiño R., A.P.; Fregene, M.A.; Ceballos L., H.; Cabal, D. 2006. Regulación de la biosíntesis del almidón en plantas terrestres: Perspectivas de modificación. Acta Agronómica 55(1):1-13.

Trouche, G.; Hocdé, H.; Aguirre A., S.; Martínez S., F.; Gutiérrez P., N.D. 2006. Dinámicas campesinas y fitomejoramiento participativo: El caso de los sorgos blancos (Sorghum bicolor, L. Moench) en la región norte de Nicaragua. Agronomía Mesoamericana 17(3):407-425.

Trouche, G.; Narváez R., L.; Chow-Wong, Z.; Corrales B., J. 2006. Fitomejoramiento participativo del arroz de secano en Nicaragua: Metodologías, resultados y lecciones aprendidas. Agronomía Mesoamericana 17(3):309-325.

Trujillo, W.; Fisher, M.J.; Lal, R. 2006. Root dynamics of native savanna and introduced pastures in the Eastern Plains of Colombia. Soil and Tillage Research 87(1):28-38.

Tscherning, K.; Lascano, C.E.; Barrios, E.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M. 2006. The effect of mixing pruning of two tropical shrub legumes (Calliandra houstoniana and Indigofera zollingeriana) with contrasting quality on N release in the soil and apparent N degradation in the rumen. Plant and Soil 280:357-368.

Vanlauwe, B.; Giller, K.E. 2006. Popular myths around soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 116:34-36.

Vanlauwe, B.; Tittonell, P.; Mukulama, J. 2006. Within-farm soil fertility gradients affect response of maize to fertilizer application in Western Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76:171-182.
Watanabe, T.; Osaki, M.; Yano, H.; Rao, I.M. 2006. Internal mechanisms of plant adaptation to aluminum toxicity and phosphorus starvation in three tropical forages. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29:1243-1255.

Wenzl, P.; Arango V., A.; Chávez, A.L.; Buitrago G., M.E.; Patiño, G.M.; Miles, J.W.; Rao, I.M. 2006. A greenhouse method to screen brachiariagrass genotypes for aluminum resistance and root vigor. Crop Science 46:968-973.

Yeaman, S.; Jarvis, A. 2006. Regional heterogeneity and gene flow maintain variance in a quantitative trait within populations of lodgepole pine. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273(1594):1587-1593.

Articles in non Refereed Journals

Amede, T.; Kirkby, R.A.; Stroud, A. 2006. Intensification pathways from farmer strategies to sustainable livelihoods: AHI´s experience. Currents (40/41):30-37.

Blair, M.W.; Caldas, G.V.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Tannin content of commercial classes of common bean. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 49:151-152.

Blair, M.W.; Cardona M., C.; Quintero, C.; Garza G., R.; Weeden, N.; Singh, S.P. 2006. Development of scar marker for common bean resistance to the bean pod weevil (Apion godmani Wagner). Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 49:181-182.

Calvert, L.A.; Sanint, L.R.; Châtel, M.; Izquierdo, J. 2006. Rice in Central America at a critical crossroads. International Rice Commission Newsletter = Bulletin de la Commission Internationale du Riz = Noticiario de la Comisión Internacional del Arroz 55:66-73.

Carabalí, S.J.; Sanabria, Y.; Carabalí, S.J.; Borrero C., J-; Sánchez, S.H. 2006. Explorando los recursos fitogenéticos de la especie O. latifolia. Foro Arrocero Latinoamericano 12(1):14-15.
Cardona M., C.; Sotelo, G.; Miles, J.W. 2006. Resistencia en Brachiaria a especies de salivazo : Métodos, mecanismos y avances. Pasturas Tropicales 28(1):30-35.

Ceballos, H.; Fregene, M.A.; Lentini, Z.; Sánchez, T.; Puentes P., Y.J.; Pérez V., J.C.; Rosero. A.; Tofiño R, A.P. 2006. Development and Identification of High-Value Cassava Clones. Acta Horticulturae (703):63-70.

Cichy, K.A.; Blair, M.W.; Snapp, S.S. 2006. Low phosphorus tolerance in an andean bean population. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 49:23-24.

Clark, L. 2006. Building farmers´ capacities for networking (part II): Strengthening agricultural supply chains in Bolivia using network analysis. KM4D Journal 2(2):19-32.

Douthwaite, B. 2006. Enabling innovation: Technology- and system-level approaches that capitalize on complexity. Innovations 1(4):93-110.

Douthwaite, B.; Carvajal, A.; Alvarez, S.; Claros, E.; Hernández R., L.A. 2006. Building farmers´ capacities for networking (part I): Strengthening rural groups in Colombia through network. KM4D Journal: Knowledge Management for Development Journal 2(2):4-18.

Douthwaite, B.; Sikka, A.; Sulaiman V., R.; Best, J.; Gaunt, J. 2006. Learning with innovation histories. Leisa Magazine 22(1): 42-43.

González T., R.I.; Carvajal, M.; Toro Ch., O.; Duque E., M.C.; Araya V., R.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. Evidence of gene flow among bean species of selection phaseoli in Colombia and Costa Rica using microsatellite markers. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 49:135-136.

Grossman, Y.L.; González, A.; Pavel, E.W. 2006. Modeling mango fruit and vegetative growth. Acta Horticulturae 707:33-40.

Hess, H.D.; Cortés, J.E.; Carulla, J.E.; Pabón, M.L.; Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.. 2006. Protein digestibility of tannin-containing forages in the rumen and the abomasum as determined in vitro. Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology 15:157.

Hess, H.D.; Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.. 2006. Effects of different purified condensed tannins on ruminal fermentation in vitro. Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology 15:156.1.

Howeler, R.H.; Watananonta, W.; Vongkasem, W.; Klakhaeng, K.; Tran, N.N. 2006. Working with farmers: The key to achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production practices on sloping land in asia. Acta Horticulturae 703: 79-88.

Islam, F.M.A.; Basford, K.E.; Redden, R.J.; Beebe, S. 2006. Preliminary evaluation of the common bean core collection at CIAT. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter (145):29-37.

Kimani, P.M.; Beebe, S.; Blair, M.W. 2006. Effect of rhizobia inoculation on seed iron and zinc. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 49:265-266.

Kimani, P.M.; Karuri, E.G.; Mwaura, S. 2006. Iron, zinc and protein concentration in African bean cultivars. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 49:155-156.

Lehmann, J.; Gaunt, J.; Rondón, M.A. 2006. Bio-char sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem: A review. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11(2):403-427.

Lundy, M. 2006. Change through shared learning. Leisa Magazine 22(3):18-19

Miles, J.W. 2006. Mejoramiento genético en Brachiaria: Objetivos, estrategias, logros y proyecciones. Pasturas Tropicales 28(1):26-30.

Ochoa, L.E.; Checa C., O.E.; Beebe, S.E.; Lynch, J.P.; Blair, M.W. 2006. Mapping and segregation distortion analysis in the G2333 x G19839 recombinant inbred line population of common beans. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 49:271-273.

Pérez Chávez, Guillermo. 2006. Alternativas forrajeras para la ganadería tropical: Unidad de semillas CIAT-ECAG. ECAG Informa (35):46-48.

Peters, M.; Plazas B., C.H.; Franco, L.H.; Betancourt, A. 2006. Desarrollo de leguminosas multipropósito para coberturas en plantaciones. Pasturas Tropicales 28(1):16-20.

Plazas B., C.H. 2006. Experiencias en el establecimiento de Brachiaria híbrido cv. mulato CIAT 36061 como alternativa para rehabilitar pasturas degradadas. Pasturas Tropicales 28(1):9-16.

Plazas B., C.H.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Alternativas de uso de leguminosas para los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Pasturas Tropicales 28(1):3-8.

Rao, I.M.; Miles, J.W.; García, R.; Ricaurte, J.J. 2006. Selección de híbridos de Brachiaria con resistencia al aluminio. Pasturas Tropicales 28(1):20-25.

Soto S., M.; Restrepo, S.; Mosquera, G.; Verdier, V.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Análisis de expresión génica durante la respuesta de defensa de la yuca a la bacteriosis vascular (Añublo bacteriano) = Gene expression analysis during cassava defense response to bacterial blight disease. Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología (Colombia) 8(2):16-28.

Suárez, J.C.; Ramírez, B.L.; Velásquez, J.E. 2006. Producción de biomasa y valor nutritivo de bancos de proteína establecidos con especies forrajeras para corte y acarreo en el Piedemonte amazónico de Colombia. Pasturas Tropicales 28(1):57-61.

Teshale A., J.C. Rubyogo, L. Sperling, B. Amsalu, T. Abate, A. Deressa, F. Reda, R. Kirkby and R. Buruchara. 2006. Creating partnerships for enhanced impact; Bean variety delivery in Ethiopia. Journal of Crop Science Society of Ethiopia, Vol.12: 27-30. (NA)

Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.; Hess, H.D. 2006. Investigations on the use of polyethylene glycol in vitro ruminal fermentation studies with tanniferous tropical forages.Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology 15:158.(NA)

Villegas U., N.P.; Gaigl, A.; Vallejo E., L.L.. 2006. Reconocimiento de especies del complejo chisa (coleoptera: Melolonthidae) asociadas al cultivo de cebolla y pasto kikuyo del departamento de Risaralda, Colombia. Agronomia 14(1):51-63.

Watananonta, W.; Tangsakul, S.; Katong, S.; Katong, S.; Jantawat, S.; Samuthong, N.; Howeler, R.H. 2006. Effect of land preparation methods on root yields of four cassava varieties in Thailand. Thai Agric. Research J. 24(1): 2-19. (NA)


Alonso A., L.; Gallego C., S. 2006. Tecnologías para el manejo poscosecha del cultivo de la yuca. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 64 p.

Aristizábal G., J.A.; Luna I., W.A.; Mera A., J.A. 2006. Producción de dextrinas de yuca a partir de almidón dulce: Una nueva opción de mercado para las rallanderías. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 124 p.

Averill, D.; Lilja, N.; Manners, G. 2006. Participatory research and gender analysis in agricultural and natural resource management research: A selected review of the literature. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR); Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (PRGA), Cali, CO. 59 p

Duque, M.C. 2006. Todo lo que usted quería saber sobre mapeo genético y detección de QTLs y no se atrevía a preguntar!: Proyecto de agrobiodiversidad e biotecnología, diciembre 13-15. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. v.

Ferris, S.; Kaganzi, E.; Best, R.; Ostertag G., C.F.; Lundy, M.; Wandschneider, T. 2006. A market facilitator´s guide to participatory agroenterprise development. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 130 p. (Enabling rural innovation in Africa. Enabling rural innovation (ERI) guide 2)

Ferris, S.; Laker-Ojok, R. 2006. Growth Prospects for Services within Selected Agricultural Sectors in Uganda. Commissioned Report for World Bank Country Evaluation Memorandum, 2006. 184 pp. (NA)

García, A.; Gallego C., S.; Alonso A., L. 2006. Establecimiento de una planta piloto para producción continua de harina refinada de yuca: Informe final. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 81 p.

Guías para el registro de información en frutales: Lulo y mora [CD-ROM]. 2006. Programa de Agricultura de Precisión y la Construcción de Modelos Campo-Cultivos para Especies de Frutas Tropicales; Corporación Biotec; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 CD.

Integrated soil fertility management in the tropics: TSBF-CIAT´s strategy and work plan, 2002-2005. 2006. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Cali, CO. 95 p. (CIAT publication no. 350)

Quintero, M.; Estrada, R.D.; García C., J.A. 2006. Modelo de optimización para evaluación ex ante de alternativas productivas y cuantificación de externalidades ambientales en cuencas andinas: Modelo de evaluación económica, social y ambiental de usos de la tierra (ECOSAUT). Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), Lima, PE. 76 p.

Rivas R., L.; Holmann, F.J.; García C., J.A. 2006. Nuevos sistemas de producción agropecuaria y servicios ambientales: Una evaluación económica en la altillanura colombiana. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Cali, CO. 62 p. (Documento de trabajo no. 204)

Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). 2006. Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. 257p + CD.

Book Chapters

Alvarez, D.; Cock, J.H.; Llano R., G.A.; Marín A., N.; Muñoz, L.A.; Rojas, A.; Sánchez, J.D.; Sánchez, M. 2006. Agricultura específica por sitio en frutales: Calendario para toma de información en el cultivo de lulo [CD-ROM]. In: Guías para el registro de información en frutales: Lulo y mora [CD-ROM] . Programa de Agricultura de Precisión y la Construcción de Modelos Campo-Cultivos para Especies de Frutas Tropicales; Corporación Biotec; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 32 p.

Alvarez, D.; Cock, J.H.; Llano R., G.A.; Marín A., N.; Muñoz, L.A.; Rojas, A.; Sánchez, J.D.; Sánchez, M. 2006. Guía para registro de información en frutales: Mora [CD-ROM]. In: Guías para el registro de información en frutales: Lulo y mora [CD-ROM] . Programa de Agricultura de Precisión y la Construcción de Modelos Campo-Cultivos para Especies de Frutas Tropicales; Corporación Biotec; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 36 p.

Atzmanstorfer, K.; Oberthür, T.; Laderach, P.; O’Brien, R.; Collet, L.; Quiñónez, G.E. 2006. Probability modelling to reduce decision uncertainty in environmental niche identification and driving factor analysis: CaNaSTA case studies. In: Zeil, P.; Kienberger, S. (eds.) Geoinformation for development: Bridging the divide through partnerships . Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, DE. p. [1-11].

Bado, B.V.; Bationo, A.; Lompo, F.; Segda, Z.; Sédogo, M.P.; Cescas, M.P. 2006. Long-term effects of cropping systems and fertilization on crop production, soil characteristics and nitrogen cycling in the Guinean and Sudanian savannah zones of Burkina Faso (West Africa). In: Management practices for improving sustainable crop production in tropical acid soils: Results of a coordinated research project organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AT. p. 47-63. (Proceedings series)

Bado, B.V.; Sawadogo, A.; Thio, B.; Bationo, A.; Cescas, M.P. 2006. How do cowpea and groundnut improve soil N fertility and yields of succeeding sorghum crop in the Guinean savannah zone of Burkina Faso (West Africa)?. In: Management practices for improving sustainable crop production in tropical acid soils: Results of a coordinated research project organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AT. p. 289-305. (Proceedings series)

Bode, R.; Laderach, P.; Oberthür, T. 2006. Gestión de alta calidad: Percepciones, lenguajes y paradigmas. In: Pohlan, J.; Soto, L.; Barrera, J. (eds.). El cafetal del futuro: Realidades y visiones. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, DE. p. 161-176.

Brown, S.; Shrestha, B. 2006. Assisting community efforts to improve livelihoods & environment. 4.9. The price of milk: Balancing income, workloads and environmental impacts [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 188-202.

Brown, S.; Shrestha, B. 2006. Dynamic changes over time: 1989-2004. 3.1. Population and socio-economic trends [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 19-30.

Brown, S.; Shrestha, B. 2006. Dynamic changes over time: 1989-2004. 3.7. Labour allocation and workloads : The role of women [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 124-130

Brown, S.; Shrestha, B.; Merz, J. 2006. Assisting community efforts to improve livelihoods & environment. 4.5. Reducing women´s workloads: The role of women [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 166-172.

Ceballos, H. [2006]. Introduction to quantitative genetics. In: Cassava Breeding (C. Hershey Ed.). FAO Publishing. (NA)

Cerri, C., Bernoux,M., Volkoff, B. and Rondón, M. 2006. Potential of Soil Carbon Sequestration in The Amazonian Tropical Rainforest. Carbon Sequestration in Soils of Latin America. R. Lal, C. Cerri, M. bernoux, J. Etchevers, E. Cerri (Eds). Food Product Press, New York USA. pp. 245-266. (NA)

Châtel, M.; Ospina, Y.; Trouche, G. 2006. Impact of the rice synthetic population breeding project for Latin America. In: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. France and the CGIAR: Delivering scientific results for agricultural development. CGIAR, Washington, DC, USA. p. 44-47.

Coppens d'E., G.; Debouck, D.G.; Scheldeman, X. 2006. Joint research on the passion fruits and papayas. In: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. France and the CGIAR: Delivering scientific results for agricultural development. CGIAR, Washington, DC, USA. p. 24-25.

Delve, R.J.; Ramisch, J.J. 2006. Land management options in Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda. In: Pender, J.; Place, F.; Ehui, S. (eds.). Strategies for sustainable land management in the East African highlands. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, USA. p. 319-331.

Diels, J.; Dercon, G.; Aihou, K.; Vanlauwe, B. 2006. Improving sustainable intensification of cereal-grain legume cropping systems in the savannahs of West Africa: Quantifying residual effects of legumes on maize, enhancing P mobilization by legumes and studying long-term soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. In: Management practices for improving sustainable crop production in tropical acid soils: Results of a coordinated research project organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AT. p. 65-82. (Proceedings series)

Farias, A.R.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Pragas e seu controle. In: Souza, L. da S.; Farias, A.R.; Mattos, P.L.P. de; Fukuda, W.M.G.s (eds.). Aspectos socioeconômicos e agronômicos da mandioca. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical, Cruz das Almas, BR. p. 591-671.

Ferris, S. 2006. Contributed to introduction, methods and learning alliance chapters. In (Ed) Verkuijl. H. Learning from Implementing Pro-Poor Marketing Chains withsmallholder farmers in Africa.(NA)

Ghesquière, A.; Ahmadi, N.; Albar, L.; Fargette, D.; Jones, M.; Lorieux, M.; Ndjiondjop, M.-N.; Sorho, F. 2006. Improving rice for Africa : Resistance to rice yellow mottle virus and the breeding potential of O. glaberrima. In: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. France and the CGIAR: Delivering scientific results for agricultural development. CGIAR, Washington, DC, USA. p. 30-33.

Gotschi Elisabeth; Robert Delve; Pascal Sanginga; Bernhard Freyer. 2006. Participatory Photography: A Qualitative Approach for Doing Cross-Cultural Research - Chapter 17: In Pranee Liamputtong (Editor). Doing cross-cultural research: Ethical and methodological perspectives, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia. (NA)

Holland, D.; Ashby, J.A.; Mejía M., M.; Voss, J. 2006. Tropical agriculture and social research: An analytical perspective. In: Cernea, M.M.; Kassam, A.H. (eds.). Researching the culture in agri-culture: Social research for international development. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, GB. p. 219-236.

Laderach, P.; Oberthür, T.; Niederhauser, N.; Usma, H.; Collet, L.; Pohlan, J. 2006. Café especial: Factores, dimensiones e interacciones. In: Pohlan, Jürgen; Soto, Lorena; Barrera, Juan (eds.). El cafetal del futuro: Realidades y visiones . Shaker Verlag, Aachen, DE. p. 141-160.

Lehmann, J.; Rondón, M.A. 2006.Bio-char soil management on highly weathered soils in the humid tropics. In: Uphoff, N.; Ball, A.S.; Fernandes, E.; Herren, H.; Husson, O.; Laing, M.; Palm, C.; Pretty, J.; Sánchez, P.; Sanginga, N.; Thies, J. (eds.). Biological approaches to sustainable soil systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA. p. 517-530.

Lentes, P. (2006): Spatial analyses and impact assessment for rural livelihood in mountain regions of Northern Vietnam, pp. 377-409 in Doppler, W.; Praneetvatakul, S.; Munkung, N., Sattarasart, A, Kitchaicharoen, J., Thongthap, C,. Lentes, P., Do Anh Tai; Grüninger, M., Weber, E: Resources and Livelihood in Mountain Areas of South East Asia. Farming and Rural Systems in a changing environment. Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim. (NA)

Lorieux, M. 2006. Exploring natural genetic variation: Developing genomic resources and introgression lines for AA genome rice relatives. In: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. France and the CGIAR: Delivering scientific results for agricultural development. CGIAR, Washington, DC, USA. p. 103.

Melo M., E.L.; Ortega O., C.A.; Gaigl, A.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Evaluación de cinco aislamientos de nemátodos entomoparásitos, nativos e introducidos, para el manejo de chisas rizófagas (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) de tercer instar. In: Parada S., J.C.; Luque Z., J.E.; Piedrahíta C., W. de J. (eds.). Nemátodos entomoparásitos: Experiencia y perspectivas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL); Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Francisco José de Caldas (COLCIENCIAS), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 156-165.

Melo M., E.L.; Ortega O., C.A.; Gaigl, A.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Evaluación de concentraciones de heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Italia) sobre larvas de segundo instar de Phyllophaga menestriesi (coleoptera: melolonthidae). In: Parada S., J.C.; Luque Z., J.E.; Piedrahíta C., W. de J. (eds.). Nemátodos entomoparásitos: Experiencia y perspectivas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL); Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Francisco José de Caldas (COLCIENCIAS), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 186-191.

Melo M., E.L.; Ortega O., C.A.; Gaigl, A.; Ehlers, R.-U.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Parasitismo de dos cepas de entomonemátodos, una nativa (Steinernema feltiae, cepa Colombia) y otra introducida (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora cepa E-Nema), sobre los seis estados de desarrollo de cyrtomenus bergi Froeschner (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) en condiciones de laboratorio. In: Parada S., J.C.; Luque Z., J.E.; Piedrahíta C., W. de J. (eds.). Nemátodos entomoparásitos: Experiencia y perspectivas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL); Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Francisco José de Caldas (COLCIENCIAS), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 175-183.

Melo M., E.L.; Ortega O., C.A.; Gaigl, A.; Koppenhöfer, A.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Evaluación de patogenicidad e infección de la nueva especie Steinernema scarabaei Stock & Koppenhöfer (Rhabdita: Steinernematidae) sobre la risa rizófaga Phyllopaga pos. bicolor. In: Parada S., J.C.; Luque Z., J.E.; Piedrahíta C., W. de J. (eds.). Nemátodos entomoparásitos: Experiencia y perspectivas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL); Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Francisco José de Caldas (COLCIENCIAS), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 127-136.

Melo M., E.L.; Ortega O., C.A.; Susurluk, A.; Gaigl, A.; Ehlers, R.-U. 2006. Búsqueda de nemátodos entomoparásitos asociados a insectos rizófagos en regiones de Colombia y Panamá. In: Parada S., J.C.; Luque Z., J.E.; Piedrahíta C., W. (eds.). Nemátodos entomoparásitos: Experiencia y perspectivas . Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL); Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Francisco José de Caldas (COLCIENCIAS), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 28-32.

Niederhauser, N.; Ritter, W. 2006. Using interface for mobile data collection in rural development areas. In: Kempter, G.; Von Hellberg, P. Information nutzbar machen: Zusammenfassung der Beitrage zum Usability Day IV, 09. Juni 2006. Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, DE. p. 100-104.

Oberson, A.; Bünemann, E.K.; Friesen, D.Keith; Rao, I.M.; Smithson, P.C.; Turner, B.L.; Frossard, E. 2006. Improving phosphorus fertility in tropical soils through biological interventions. In: Uphoff, N. (ed.). Biological approaches to sustainable soil systems. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, USA. p. 531-546.

Place, .; Njuki, J.; Murithi, F.; Mugo, F. 2006. Agricultural enterprise and land management in the highlands of Kenya. In: Pender, J.; Place, F.; Ehui, S. (eds.). Strategies for sustainable land management in the East African highlands. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, USA. p. 191-215.

Rondón, M., D. Acevedo, R. M. Hernández, Y. Rubiano, M. Rivera, E. Amézquita, M. Romero, L. Sarmiento, M. A. Ayarza, E. Barrios and I. M. Rao. 2006. Carbon sequestration potential of the neotropical savannas (Llanos) of Colombia and Venezuela. In: R. Lal and J. Kimble (eds), The Haworth Press, Inc., Binghampton, USA, pp. 213-243. (NA)

Ryan, J.; de Pauw, E.; Gómez, H.; Mrabet, R. 2006. Drylands of the Mediterranean Zone: Biophysical Resources and Cropping Systems. In: Peterson, G.A.; Unger, P.W.; Payne, W.A. (eds.). Dryland Agriculture. 2. ed. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Publishers. Hardcover. p.577. Agron. Monogr. no. 23. (NA)

Savidan, Y.H.; Miles, J.W.; Valle, C.B. do. 2006. Apomixis at work: Breeding tropical forage grasses. In: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. France and the CGIAR: Delivering scientific results for agricultural development . CGIAR, Washington, DC, USA. p. 61-63.

Schreier, H.; Brown, S. 2006. A vision for the future [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 235-240.

Schreier, H.; Brown, S. 2006. Overview of the project [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 1-18.

Schreier, H.; Brown, S. 2006. Successes and lessons learned [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 203-233.

Schreier, H.; Von Westarp, S.; Shah, P.B.; Brown, S. 2006. Dynamic changes over time: 1989-2004. 3.3. Soil nutrient dynamics [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 40-54.

Setter T.; Fregene, M. 2006. Recent advances in molecular breeding of cassava for improved drought stress tolerance. In: Matthew A. Jenks, Paul M. Hasegawa, and S. Mohan Jain (Eds.). Advances in Molecular-breeding toward Drought and Salt Tolerant Crops. Springer, Berlin. (NA)

Shrestha, B.; Brown, S.; Schreier, H. 2006. Dynamic changes over time: 1989-2004. 3.2. Land use dynamics 1947-2004 [CD-ROM]. In: Schreier, H.; Brown, S.; MacDonald, J.R. (eds.). Too little and too much: Water and development in a Himalayan watershed [CD-ROM]. Institute for Resources and Environment (IRES), Vancouver, CA. p. 31-39.

Swift, M.J.; Stroud, A.; Shepherd, K.D.; Albrecht, A.; Bationo, A.; Mafongoya, P.; Place, F.; Tomich, T.P.; Vanlauwe, B.; Verchot, L.V.; Walsh, M. 2006. Confronting land degradation in Africa: Challenges for the next decade. In: Garrity, D.P.; Okono, A.; Grayson, M.; Parrott, S. World agroforestry into the future. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, KE. p. 43-51.

Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.; Hess, H.-D. 2006. Untersuchung zur Optimierung der Verwendung von Polyethylenglykol in Studien mit tanninreichen tropischen Futtermitteln. In: Kreuzer, M.; Wenk, C.; Zuberbühler, C. Tierernährungsforschung zwischen wissenschaftlichem anspruch und praktischer relevanz . Schriftenreihe Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften, Zurich, CH. p. 112-113. (Ernährung-Produkte-Umwelt, ETH Zürich. 28)

Vanlauwe, B.; Sanginga, N.; Diels, J.; Merckx, R. 2006. Case studies related to the management of soil acidity and infertility in the West-African moist savannah. In: Management practices for improving sustainable crop production in tropical acid soils: Results of a coordinated research project organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AT. p. 83-107. (Proceedings series)

Vanlauwe, B.; Ramisch, J.J.; Sanginga, N. 2006. “Integrated soil fertility management: from knowledge to implementation.” In: Uphoff, N., Ball, A.S., Fernandes, E., Herren, H., Husson, O., Laing, M., Palm, C., Pretty, J., Sanchez, P., Sanginga, N., Thies, J. (eds.) Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems. (Boca Raton, Florida: Taylor & Francis, 2006) pp. 257-272.(NA)


Africa fertilizer summit proceedings, June 9-13, 2006, Abuga, Nigeria [CD-ROM]. 2006. Incluye 1 CD: Background papers. International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development (IFDC), Muscle Shoals, AL, USA. 182 p + 1 CD.

Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). 2006. Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya [on line]. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. 403 p.

Bean Workshop Cultivation of Common Bean in Low Input Systems: Bridging Expectations, Accomplishments and Further Needs (BEAN) (2006, Cali, Colombia). 2006. Presentations [CD-ROM]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 CD.

Bean Breeding Strategy Workshop (2006, Cali, Colombia). 2006. Presentations [CD-ROM]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 CD.

Ferris, S. (ed.). Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange: Strengthening market signals and institutions: Proceedings of an expert meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 2005 [on line]. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, NL. . (CTA working document)

Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). 2006. Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 52 p. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Innovation Africa Symposium (2006, Kampala, Uganda). Proceedings. 2006. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Kampala, UG.
International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management: Linking Research to Strengthen Upland Policies and Practices (2, 2006, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR). 2006. Papers presented[on line]. National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute (NAFRI), Luang Prabang, LA. 159 p.

Lilja, N.; Dixon, J.; Manners, G.; La Rovere, R.; Hellin, J.; Feldstein, H.S. (eds.). 2006. New avenues in impact assessment of participatory research and gender analysis: Summary proceedings of the impact assessment workshop CIMMYT Headquarters, Texcoco, Mexico October 19-21, 2005. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Department and Institutional Innovation (PRGA); International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 53 p.

Workshop on Developing Stress-Resistant Common Bean and Brachiaria for the Tropics (2006, Kigali, Rwanda). 2006. Presentations [CD-ROM]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kigali, RW. 1 CD.

Articles in Proceedings

Ahmadi, N., M. Châtel. A glance at Rice research at CIRAD. In: Twenty-first Session International rice commission, Chiclayo, Peru. 3-5 May 2006. (NA)

Alvarez, E. 2006. Avances en el manejo de la enfermedad del moko en Colombia. Foro Internacional sobre Innovaciones y Alianzas para el Desarrollo del Cultivo de Plátano. CIAT, Palmira, Colombia, 6 de diciembre. (NA)

Alvarez, E. 2006. Caracterización genética e inducción de resistencia a Sphaerotheca pannosa, agente causal de mildeo polvoso. Foro de Innovación: Tecnologías para la Eficiencia, Asocolflores – Ceniflores, Bogotá, Colombia, mayo 24 – 25. (NA)

Alvarez, E. 2006. DNA sequence analysis of the 16s rRNA region of phytoplasma associated with lethal wilt in oil palm. International Oil Palm Conference. Nusa Dua- Bali, Indonesia. June 19 -23, 2006. (NA)

Alvarez, E. 2006. Pudriciones radiculares en cultivos tropicales: Pudrición de raíz en yuca (Manihot esculenta Krantz) causada por Phytopthora spp. Memorias. Segundo Curso Internacional de Riesgos fitosanitarios para la agricultura colombiana. Palmira Colombia, Nov 14-16 2006. pags 159 -167. (NA)

Alvarez, E., Llano, G., Loke, J.B. 2006. Efecto de dos especies de Trichoderma sobre el rendimiento y control de pudrición de raíces de yuca. XLVI Annual Meeting American Phytopatholo society (APS) Caribbean Division, XXVII Congreso de ASCOLFI (Asociación Colombiana de Fitopatologia), Annual Meeting III UMNG Internacional Phytopathology Workshop. (NA)
Alvarez, E., Mejia, J.F., Gómez, E. 2006. Diseño y estandarización de una sonda TaqMan para la detección específica de Ralstonia solanacearum Raza 2, en plátano mediante PCR en tiempo real. Memorias XLVI Annual Meeting American Phytopathology Society (APS) Caribbean Division, XXVII Congreso de ASCOLFI (Asociación Colombiana de Fitopatología), Annual Meeting III URNG Internacional Phytopathology Workshop. (NA)

Alvarez, E.; Claroz, J.L.; Loke, J.B. 2006. Mildeo polvoso de rosa: Potencial de un extracto vegetal para su control. In: Varón de A., F.; García R., F.; Agudelo D., O.; Arias M., M.; Varón R., U.; Mosquera, A.T.; Molineros, F. (eds.). Congreso Internacional de Control Biológico (4, 2006, Palmira, Colombia). Memorias: Control biológico de plagas, patógenos y arvenses en la agricultura. Organismo Internacional para Control Biológico (IOBC), Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. p. 130-135.

Alvarez, E.; Llano R., G.A.; Loke, J.B. 2006. Métodos no convencionales para el manejo de fitopatógenos de plantas: Desarrollo de prácticas agrícolas limpias para el manejo del moko de plátano en Colombia. In: Varón de A., F.; García R., F.; Agudelo D., O.; Arias M., M.; Varón R., U.; Mosquera, A.T.; Molineros, F. (eds.). Congreso Internacional de Control Biológico (4, 2006, Palmira, Colombia). Memorias: Control biológico de plagas, patógenos y arvenses en la agricultura. Organismo Internacional para Control Biológico (IOBC), Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. p. 122-129.

Alves, A.A.C.; Ceballos, H.; Fregene, M.A.; Ferguson, M.E.; Setter, T.L. 2006. Identifying the physiological and genetic traits that make cassava oneof the most drought tolerant crops. In: Generation Challenge Programme Competitive and Commisioned Research Project Mid-Year Reports: Proceedings of the GCP 2006 annual research meeting . Generation Challenge Programme (GCP), México, DF, MX. p. 9-10.

Alves, A.A.C.; Mendes, R.A.; Fregene, M.A.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Experiências em pré-melhoramento de mandioca: Utilização do potencial de espécies silvestres de mandioca como fonte de resistência a estresses bióticos e abióticos . In: Curso Internacional de Pré-melhoramento de Plantas: Anais. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Brasília, BR. p. 143-146. (Documentos 185)

Amede, T. 2006. Improving drought resistance of grain legumes in Ethiopia : A physiological approach. In: Ali, K.; Ahmed, S.; Beniwal, S.; Kenneni, G.; Malhotra, R.S.; Makkouk, K.; Halila, M.H. (eds.). Food and forage legumes in Ethiopia: Progress and prospects: Proceedings of the workshop on food and forage legumes 22-26 September 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, SY. p. 185-190.

Amede, T.; Kirkby, R.A.; Stroud, A. 2006. Intensification pathways from farmer strategies to sustainable livelihoods: AHI´s experience. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 86-96.

Amezquita, E. 2006. Manejo productivo y conservacionista en suelos ácidos tropicales y en áreas de ladera. Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006. (NA)

Amézquita, E., Corrales, I.I., Chávez, L.F., Mesa, E. 2006. Labranza,Comportamiento de las Propiedades Físicas y Rendimientos de Maíz en un Oxisol de los LlanosOrientales de Colombia.(NA)

Ampofo, J. 2006. Breeding Crops for Better Nutrition. Presented at the Africa Nutrition Epidemiology Conference (ANEC), Accra, August 2006. (NA)

Ampofo, J. 2006. Where are we? HarvestPlus in Africa.” Presented at the FARA/HarvestPlus Africa Regional Workshop on FARA/HarvestPlus Regional Workshop on “Biofortification Interfacing Agriculture and Health” Mombasa, Kenya, May 4-5, 2006. (NA)

Assefa, H.; Dauro, D.; Tariku, M.; Gebeyehu, S.; Asfaw A., A.; Tesso, B.; Kimani, P.M.. 2006. Participatory plant breeding with women and small-scale farmers: A case study in haricot bean in Ethiopia. In: Ali, K.; Ahmed, S.; Beniwal, S.; Kenneni, G.; Malhotra, R.S.; Makkouk, K.; Halila, M.H. (eds.). Food and forage legumes in Ethiopia: Progress and prospects: Proceedings of the workshop on food and forage legumes 22-26 September 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, SY. p. 30-41.

Avila V., P. 2006. Métodos de extradición y caracterización de taninos condensados, utilizados en CIAT, ventajas y desventajas. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 7-9. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Ayarza, M., Alvarez Welchez L and Somarriba, M. [2006]. Consorcio MIS: una alternativa para fortalecer la generación de tecnologías y el intercambio de conocimiento en el manejo integrado del suelo, el agua y los nutrientes. Presentation at the PCCMCA (NA)

Ayarza, M., Amezquita, E., Barrios, E. Rondon, M and Rao. I. 2006. Retos para intensificar y diversificar la pequeña agricultura en forma sostenible. Presentation at the PCCMCA (NA)

Ayarza, M., Reynolds, J. 2006. Application of the Dahlem Desertification Protocol to evaluate effectiveness of the Quesungual Agroforestry System. Application of the Dahlem Desertification Protocol to evaluate effectiveness of the Quesungual Agroforestry System. Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Ecology Society of America. Merida, Mexico, January 2006. (NA)

Barigye, J.; Ahimbisibwe, H.; Kaganzi, E.; Njuki, J.; Kaaria, S.K. 2006. Sustaining smallholder farmer linkages to high value markets : The role of internal savings and credit institutions. In: Innovation Africa Symposium (2006, Kampala, Uganda). Proceedings [on line]. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 11 p.

Barona A., E.; Girón, E.; Feistner, K.L.; Dwyer, J.L.; Hyman, G. 2006. Método de procesamiento de imágenes MODIS para Colombia. In: Conference Proceedings, Sociedad de Especialistas Latinoamericanos en PercepciónRemota (SELPER ) in Cartagena, Colombia , 24th – 29th September 2006. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 8 p.

Barrios E. [2006]. Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (ESERV). IV Annual Meeting of the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Belowground Biodiversity project (GEF/UNEP), 2006. Xalapa-Catemaco, Mexico. (NA)

Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, M. Blair, E. Tovar, M. A. Grajales y C. Cajiao. 2006. Identificación de QTL para resistencia a sequía en lineas recombinante (RILs) de la cruza MD 23-24 X SEA 5. Paper presented at the LII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Montelimar, Nicaragua. 24-28 April, 2006. (NA)

Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, M. A. Grajales y C. Cajiao. 2006. Evaluación de lineas desorolladas para resistencia a sequía en condiciones de bajo fósforo en Darién, Colombia. Paper presented at the LII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Montelimar, Nicaragua. 24-28 April, 2006. (NA)

Beebe, S.; Rao, I.M.; Terán S., H.; Cajiao V., C.H. 2006. Breeding concepts and approaches infood legumes : The example of common bean. In: Ali, K.; Ahmed, S.; Beniwal, S.; Kenneni, G.; Malhotra, R.S.; Makkouk, K.; Halila, M.H. (eds.). Food and forage legumes in Ethiopia: Progress and prospects: Proceedings of the workshop on food and forage legumes 22-26 September 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, SY. p. 23-29.

Bellotti, A.C.; M. Fregene. 2006. Low-cost Technologies for pyramididng useful genes from wild relatives of cassava into elite progenitors. Generations Challenge Program 2006 Annual Research Meeting. Sep. 12-16, Sao Paolo, Brazil. (NA)

Bellotti, A.C.; Fregene, M.A.; Alves, A.A.C.; Ceballos, H.; Alvarez, E.; Okay, E.; Egesi, C.; Bua, A.; Alicai, T.; Baguma, Y.K. 2006. Development of low-cost technologies for pyramiding useful genes from wild relatives of cassava into elite progenitors. In: Proceedings of the GCP 2006 Annual Research Meeting:Generation Challenge Programme Competitive and Commisioned Research Project Mid-Year Reports. Generation Challenge Programme (GCP), México, DF, MX. p. 24-28.

Bernal, L.; Avila V., P.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Producción de leche de vacas en pastoreo suplementadas con mezclas de leguminosas con y sin taninos. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 50-52. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Bernal, L.; Avila V., P.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Valor nutricional de ensilajes y henos de mezclas de leguminosas con y sin taninos. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 39-41. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Blair, M.W. 2006. Common bean genotyping. In: De Vicente, M.C.; Glaszmann, J.C. (eds.). Molecular markers for allele mining: Proceedings of a workshop, 22-26 August 2005 [on line]. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, IT. p. 21.

Blair, M.W. 2006. Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa. International Workshop on Genomics-Enabled Improvement of Legumes – Asilomar Conference Center. USA, 28 Aug.-1 Sept. (NA)

Blair, M.W. 2006. Mejoramiento de la nutrición humana en comunidades pobres de América Latina utilizando maíz(QPM) y fríjol común biofortificado con micronutrientes. Proyecto FTG-05/03 –IICA/Fontagro assessment meeting. Bogota, CO, 26 July. (NA)

Blair, M.W. 2006. Phaseolus / common bean genotyping: SP1 - Generation Challenge Program. Annual General Meeting Generation Challenge Program. Sao Paulo, Brazil , 13 Sept. (NA)

Blair, M.W. 2006. Race structure and inter gene pool diversity in common bean: the case for introgression. Institute for Genomic Diversity, Cornell University, USA, 27 Oct. . (NA)

Blair, M.W. 2006. Selección de gametos para el mejoramiento de la resistencia a enfermedades en fríjol voluble autóctono de la región Alto Andina” Proyecto FTG-9/99 – IICA/Fontagro assessment meeting. Bogotá, CO, 26 July. (NA)
Blair, M.W. 2006. Tilling mutagenesis for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): tropical legume mutant resource. Annual General Meeting Generation Challenge Program. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 13 Sept. (NA)

Bourdeix R., Mohamed Ag. Hamada, J.C. Rubyogo, L.Some (2006) Analyse du partenariat dans l’ etape de diffusion du material végétal. In: Lançon J., Weltzien E., Floquet A. (éditeurs scientifiques). Gestion du partenariat dans les projets de sélection participative. Actes de l’atelier recherche des 14-18 mars 2005, Cotonou, Bénin. CIRAD, INRAB, Coopération Française, Montpellier, France. Pp 71-76. (NA)

Bueno, J. M. 2006. Situación de la mosca blanca en Colombia y su manejo integrado. In: Memorias en el Seminario Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas en cultivos hortofrutícolas con énfasis en la papa y su incidencia en los problemas fitosanitarios. Medellín, COL, 20 Nov. (NA)

Bueno, J. M. y Jara C.2006. Manejo de mosca blanca en habichuela. In: Memorias Seminario Tecnológico de Mosca Blancas. Corpoica, Centro de Investigación Nataima. Espinal, Tolima, CO. Noviembre 2004. (NA);

Buruchara, R.; Kimani, P. 2006. Sustainable bean seed production. CIALCA Second Planning Workshop, 28 August -1 Sept 2006 Kigali , Rwanda. (NA)

Castro, A. . Barrios, E., Rao, I, Menjivar, J.C., Amézquita,E., Ayarza, M., Asakawa, N., Borrero, G. 2006. Avances en la comprensión del balance de nutrientes en el Sistema Agroforestal Quesungual (Honduras). Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006.(NA)

Ceballos, H. 2006. HarvestPlus: A Global Research Alliance. 14th triennal Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Kerala, India. (NA)

Ceballos, H. 2006. HarvestPlus: Breeding for nutritional quality in cassava – Research emerging from CIAT, IITA and EMBRAPA 14th triennal Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Kerala, India. (NA)

Châtel, M. 2006. Semana Nacional del Arroz. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 18-20 de enero del 2006.(NA)

Châtel, M.; L. Calvert & Cooperadores. “El proyecto Arroz del Cirad en CIAT: 10 años de colaboración regional”. IV Conferencia-Taller Internacional de Mejoramiento Poblacional en Arroz. Chillán, Chile. 27 febrero - marzo 3, 2006. (NA)

Châtel, M., Y. Ospina & Cooperadotes de ALC. Alianzas Estratégicas en Mejoramiento Genético de Arroz Para América Latina y el Caribe: Resultados del Proyecto Regional de Mejoramiento Poblacional. II Congresso Brasileiro da Cadeia Produtiva de Arroz - II CBC Arroz. VIII Reunião Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz - VIII RENATA. Brasilia-Brasil, 26 - 28 de abril de 2006. (NA)

Châtel, M., Y. Ospina and LAC Cooperators. Strategic alliances in rice breeding for Latin America and the Caribbean: Results of a regional rice synthetic population improvement project. Section 1.3 Breeding for aerobic and unfavourable conditions. International Rice Research Conference (IRRC). New Delhi, India. October 9-13, 2006. (NA)

Chirwa, R.M. 2006. Southern Africa Bean Research Network. Drought and Soil Fertility Research Activities. Presentation in the Kick-off workshop of the BMZ-GTZ funded drought and aluminum toxicity project and planning meeting to prepare Legumes proposal to Gates Foundation (BGMF). Kigali, Rwanda, 24 June-1 July. (NA)

Chuma, S.; Ayalew, A.; Amede, T.; Mazengia, W. 2006. Integrating various biological measures for erosion control on soil fertility management: The case of Gununo, Ethiopia. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 139-149.

Connell, J.G.; Phatammovong, O.; Boupha, T. 2006. Agro-enterprise strategies for linking upland farmers to markets. In: International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management: Linking Research to Strengthen Upland Policies and Practices (2, 2006, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR). Papers presented. National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute (NAFRI), Luang Prabang, LA. p. 106-107.

Cook, S.E.; Fisher, M.J.; Díaz N., J.; Lundy, M. 2006. New financial instruments to help improve agricultural water management for poor farmers under conditions of risk. In: World Water Weed (2006, Stockholm, Sweden). [s.n.], Stockholm, CH. [p. 1-13].

Cook, S., A. Jarvis, J-P Gonzalez. 2006. A new global demand for digital soil information, Proceedings of the 2nd Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4th -7th July 2006. (NA)

Debouck, D. 2006. Palmira, Colombia, 15 November 2006, invited conference in the 2nd International Course on Phytosanitary Risks for the Colombian Agriculture MADR-ICA-CIAT: “Germplasm banks and the phytosanitary risks of introducing pests”. (NA)

Debouck, D. 2006. Bogotá, Colombia, 5 September 2006, invited conference at the international MolConnect workshop: “Genetics of plant domestication: the basket and the clay pot challenging the PCR”. (NA)

Debouck, D. 2006. Madrid, Spain, 13 June 2006, presentation at the 1st meeting of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: “Information build trust: how existing information systems can support the Multilateral System of the Treaty”. (NA)

Fahrney, K.; Phongvutipraphan, S.; Varney, G.; Thao, L.; Aye, T.M. 2006. Root crops for people and pigs: Food security and income generation aimed at supporting transition from upland rice cropping in Northern Laos. In: International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management: Linking Research to Strengthen Upland Policies and Practices (2, 2006, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR). Papers presented. National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute (NAFRI), Luang Prabang, LA. p. 68-69.

Ferreira, O., Rondón, M., Hurtado, M.P.; Rao, I. 2006. Flujos de gases de efecto invernadero en el Sistema Agroforestal Quesungual en Lempira, Honduras, Oral presentation at ‘’IV Encuentro RUPSUR”, Cali, Colombia, September 2006. (NA)

Ferris, S.; Engoru, P.; Kaganzi, E. 2006. Making market information services work better for the poor in Uganda. In: Research Workshop on Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders (2006, Cali, Colombia). Summary of Findings. CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), Washington, DC, USA. 13 p.

Ferris, S.; Engoru, P.; Wood, M.; Kaganzi, E. 2006. Market information and innovations [on line]. In: Ferris, S. (ed.). Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange: Strengthening market signals and institutions: Proceedings of an expert meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 2005 [on line]. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, NL. p. 71-81. (CTA working document)

Ferris, S.; Robbins, P. 2006. Findings from the preparatory e-discussion [on line]. In: Ferris, S. (ed.). Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange: Strengthening market signals and institutions: Proceedings of an expert meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 2005 [on line]. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, NL. p. 14-22. (CTA working document)

Ferris, S.; Robbins, P.; Fautrel, V. 2006. Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange: Strengthening market signals and institutions [on line]. In: Ferris, S. (ed.). Expert consultation on market information systems and agricultural commodities exchange: Strengthening market signals and institutions: Proceedings of an expert meeting held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 2005 [on line]. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, NL. p. 3-5. (CTA working document)

Flórez-Ramos, CP; Lentini, Z; Buitrago, ME; and Cock, J. 2006. Somatic embryogeneis and plant regeneration in mango. (Mangifera indica L.) First Congreso of the Colombian Society of Horticultura Science, , SCCH. Bogotá, Colombia. p 77. (NA)

Galindo L.M., Lopez L., Rao I., Tohme J. and Ishitani M. (2006) Are DREB gene(s) associated with the deeper rooting phenotype of common bean under drought stress? The Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences on “From Functional Genomics of Model Organisms to Crop Plants for Global Health”. (NA)

German, L.A.; Amede, T.; Stroud, A. 2006. Participatory integrated watershed management: Evolution of concepts and methods. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 286-304.

Geta, E.; Amede, T. 2006. Searching for effective credit schemes for smallholder farmers: Experience of the African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Southern Ethiopia. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 74-80.

González, A. 2006. Fisiología de Mango. Implicaciones en la Productividad. 2006. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, May 2006. (Invited speaker to Post-graduate school conference session) (NA)

González, A. 2006. CIAT and WAFLA. 2006. Costa Rica, Oct 30, 2006. (Kickoff meeting of the WAFLA Project). (NA)

González, A. 2006. Frutas Tropicales en el Mundo. Diversidad, Uso Actual y Crecimiento de Mercados. In: Memorias 1er Congreso Colombiano de Ciencias Horticolas. Bogotá, Octubre 18 2006. (oral presentation). (NA)

González, A. 2006. Herramientas para el Manejo de N en mango. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, May 2006. (Invited speaker to Post-graduate school conference session). (NA)
Gonzalez, C.E., Jarvis, A., Palacio, J.D. 2006. Biogegraphy of the Colombian oak, Querqus humboldtii Bonpl: Geographical distribution and their climatic adaptation. In: Simposio Internacional sobre Robles y Ecosistemas Asociados (2006, Bogotá, Colombia). [s.n.], Bogotá, CO. [p. 1-10].

González, C.; Johnson, N.L.; Lundy, M. 2006. Social capital and organizational structure in Colombian enterprises. In: Research Workshop on Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders (2006, Cali, Colombia). Summary of Findings. CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), Washington, DC, USA. 17 p.

Gotschi, E.; Hunger, A.; Freyer, B.; Delve, R.J. 2006. Integrating subjectivity, self-reflection and dialogue in agricultural research and development projects. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. [1-8].

Guevara G., C.L.; Mafla B., G. 2006. Manihot collections held at CIAT. In: Engelmann, F. (ed.). Management of field and in vitro germplasm collections: Proceedings of a consultation meeting, 15-20 January 1996, CIAT, Cali, Colombia. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, IT. p. 109-112.

Hess, H.-D.; Noto, F.; Tiemann, T.T. 2006. Efecto del sitio de producción en la composición química y las características de fermentación ruminal de Calliandra calothyrsus var. Patulul. In: Hess, H.-D-; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 1-3. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Holmann, F.J.; Rivas R., L.; Carulla, J.E.; Rivera, B.; Giraldo, L.A.; Guzmán, S.; Martínez, M.; Medina, A.; Farrow, A. 2006. Producción de leche y su relación con los mercados: Caso Colombiano. In: X Seminario de Pastos y Forrajes, 2006. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 149-156.

Howeler, R.H.; Kawano, K.; Ceballos L., H. 2006. CIAT initiatives on cassava improvement in Asia. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 25-31.

Howeler, R.H.; Watananonta, W.; Tran Ngoc Ngoan. 2006. Farmers decide: Aparticipatory approach to the development and dissemination of improved cassava technologies that increase yields and prevent soil degradation. In: Bourgeois, R.H.; Svensson, L.; Burrows, M.L. (eds.). Regional Workshop on Rural Prosperity and Secondary Crops: Towards Applied Pro-poor Research and Policies in Asia and the Pacific (2005, Bogor, Indonesia). Farming a way out of poverty forgotten crops and marginal populations in Asia and the Pacific: Proceedings. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bogor, ID. p. 696-706. (CAPSA monograph no. 48)

Hurtado, M.P., Rondón, M., Ramírez, J.A., Lehmann, J. 2006. Efecto de diferentes dosis de carbón vegetal, en los niveles de gases invernadero y producción de biomasa, generados por Phaseolus Vulgaris L en suelos con baja fertilidad. Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006. (NA)

Hurtado L., P.X.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Moreno C., M.I.; Barrera, E.; Fregene, M.A. 2006. Population structure, phenotypic information, and association studies in longgeneration crops: Cassava update. In: De Vicente, M.C.; Glaszmann, J.C. (eds.). Molecular markers for allele mining: Proceedings of a workshop, 22-26 August 2005 [on line]. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, IT. p. 64.

Hurtado L., P.X.; Marín, J.A.; Ospina, C.; Buitrago R., C.; Castelblanco, W.; Correa, A.M.; Barrera, E.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Santos, L.G.; Mafla B., G.; De Vicente, M. C.; Hearne, S.; Ferguson, M.E.; Alves, A.; Ferreira, C.; Fregene, M.A. 2006. Assessing the global diversity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) genetic resources, according to simple sequence repeat markers. In: De Vicente, M. C.; Glaszmann, J.C. (eds.). Molecular markers for allele mining: Proceedings of a workshop, 22-26 August 2005 [on line]. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, IT. p. 15-16.

Jarvis A. 2006. Agricultura, cambio climático y riesgo. Presented at the IV Encuentro RUPSUR: Variabilidad y Cambio Climático Impacto en el Logro de las Metas del Milenio, Cali, Colombia, 9th November 2006. (NA)

Jarvis, A.; Paternina Q., M.J.; Arcos D., A.L.; Rodríguez, H.J.; Nagles, C.; Melo, N. 2006. Evaluación rápida de la adaptción al medioambiente de plantas promisorias medicinales [en línea]. In: Congreso Internacional de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (2, 2006, Palmira, Colombia). [Trabajos presentados]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 12 p.

Johnson, N.; A J García, A. Moreno, S. Granados, LF Botero, A. Peralta, H. Rodriquez, JA Rubiano, JE Rubiano, M. Quintero, RD Estrada. 2006, “Watershed management and poverty alleviation in the Colombian Andes,” paper presented at the International Forum on Water and Food, Nov 12-17, Vientiane, Lao PDR (NA)

Kaaria, S.K.; Abenakyo, A.; Alum, W.; Asiimwe, F.; Best, R.; Barigye, J.; Chitsike, C.; Delve, R.J.; Gracious, D.; Kahiu, I.; Kankwatsa, P.; Kaganzi, E.; Muzira, R.N.; Nalukwago, G.; Njuki, J.; Sanginga, P.C.; Sangole, N. 2006. Enabling rural innovation : Empowering farmers to take advantage of market opportunities and improve livelihoods [on line]. In: Innovation Africa Symposium (2006, Kampala, Uganda). Proceedings [on line]. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 19 p.

Kaaria, S.K.; Lilja, N.; Sandoval, V.; García, J.A.; Hincapié, F.; Sánchez, F. 2006. Assessing impacts of farmer participatory research approaches: A case study of local agricultural research committee in Colombia (CIALs) [on line]. In: Impact Assessment Workshop, October 19-21, 2005 at CIMMYT Headquarters, Mexico: Draft papers. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Department and Institutional Innovation (PRGA); International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 21 p.
Kaaria, S., J. Njuki, P. Sanginga, P. Pali, G. Nalukwago, and N. Sangole. 2006. Strengthening Community Learning and Reflection: The Role of Community-Driven Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Systems. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association held in Portland, Oregon, United States, from November 1-4, 2006.(NA)

Kaganzi, E.; Ferris, S.; Abenakyo, A.; Sanginga, P.C.; Njuki, J. 2006. Sustaining linkages to high value markets through collective action in Uganda: The case of the Nyabyumba potato farmers. In: Research Workshop on Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders (2006, Cali, Colombia). Summary of Findings. CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), Washington, DC, USA. 13 p.

Kanzikwera, R.C.; Mukalazi, J.; Birungi, P.; Barwogeza, M.; Odongo, W.; Ddungu, S.; Auma, L.; Opondo, C.; Sanginga, P.C. 2006. Farmer innovations and participation in agricultural research and development: A case for the Lake Albert Crescent Zone (LAC) in Uganda. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 279-282
Kelemu, S. 2006. Endophytic life in economically important tropical forage Brachiaria grasses. Invited speaker at the American Phytopathological Society-Caribbean Division together with the XXVII Annual Meeting of the Colombian Society for Phytopathology, (ASCOLFI), Cartagena, Colombia, September 12 - 16, 2006.(NA)

Kelemu, S.; Mahuku, G.S. 2006. Harnessing biotechnology to improve food and forage legumes: The case of plan disease resistance. In: Ali, K.; Ahmed, S.; Beniwal, S.; Kenneni, G.; Malhotra, R.S.; Makkouk, K.; Halila, M.H. (eds.). Food and forage legumes in Ethiopia: Progress and prospects: Proceedings of the workshop on food and forage legumes 22-26 September 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, SY. p. 205-214.

Khanh T.T., Ha N.V., Phengsavanh P., Horne P. and Stür W. (2006). The contribution of livestock systems to livelihood sustainability in the central highlands of Vietnam. International Symposium “Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mountainous Regions”, 7-9 March 2006, Chiang Mai, Thailand.(NA)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Bean improvement in East and Central Africa: Progress and Future directions. JEEP Workshop. Kampala, Uganda,13-14 Sept.(NA)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. CIAT’s bean improvement program in East, Central and Southern Africa: Implications for West Africa. Accra, Ghana, 3-6 Oct.(NA)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Germplasm collection and characterisation for mineral density. Biofortification Workshop. Mukono, Uganda, 3-6 March.(NA)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Highlights of CIAT’s Bean Breeding Program in East and Central Africa- 2006. CIAT Annual Review. Cali, CO, 6-19 May.(NA)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Overview of grain legumes in drought prone areas of East and Central Africa: Issues and Opportunities. Developing and disseminating drought adapted grain legumes Workshop. Kigali, Rwanda, 29 June-1 July,(NA)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Strategies and progress in bean breeding for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Snap Bean Stakeholders Workshop. Thika, Kenya., 11-12 Oct.(NA)

Kimani, P. M., B. Okonda and J. K. Keter. 2006. Influence of fertilization with inorganic macroelements on agronomic performance and micronutrient density in common bean genotypes. Biofortification Workshop. Mukono, Uganda, 3-6 March.(NA)

Kimani, P. M., B. Okonda and J. K. Keter. 2006. Influence of fertilization with iron and zinc on agronomic performance and micronutrient density in common bean genotypes. Biofortification Workshop. Mukono, Uganda, 3-6 March.(NA)

Kimani, P.M., S.Beebe and M. Blair. 2006. Breeding micronutrient dense bean varieties. HarvestPlus Regional Workshop. Mombasa, Kenya, 2-6 May.(NA)

Kimani P. M., R.Buruchara and R.Chirwa. 2006. Agrobiodiversity: Bean research approaches in Africa. CIAT Annual Review. Cali, CO, 6-19 May.(NA)

Kimani, P.M., R. Buruchara and Lunze Lubanga. 2006. Enhancing the resilience of agro-ecosystems in Central Africa through improved, nutrient dense and marketable bean germplasm tolerant to low fertility acid soils. CIALCA Second Planning Workshop. Kigali, Rwanda , 28 Aug.-1 Sept.(NA)

Läderach, P., Collet, L., Oberthür, T., Pohlan, J. 2006. Café especial y sus interacciones con factores de producción. Proceedings of the 2° diplomado sobre cafeticultura sustentable, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.(NA)

Lançon, J.; Bertrand, B.; Clément-Demange, A.; Hocdé, H.; Nouy, B.; Trouche, G. 2006. What determines the stakeholders´ participation in plant breeding programs?: Case studies in the South. In: Lançon, J.; Floquet, A.; Weltzien, E. (eds.). Gestion du partenariat dans les projets de sélection participative: Actes de l´atelier recherche, 14-18 mars 2005, Cotonou, Benin. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Montpellier, FR. p. 179-193.

Lane A., A. Jarvis, R.H. Hijmans.2006. Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change: predicting the loss of important genetic resources, ESSP Global Change Open Science conference, Beijing, China, 9th -12th November.(NA)

Lentini, Z. 2006. Biotecnología y Riesgos Fitosanitarios Invited Key-note lecture. 2do Curso Internacional sobre Riesgos Fitosanitarios para la Agricultura Colombiana. Cali, Colombia December 2006.(NA)

Lentini, Z. 2006. Estimating likelihood and exposure. In: International Symposium on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (9, 2006, Jeju Island, Korea). Proceedings. International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR), Wellington, NZ. p. 114.

Lentini, Z.; Debouck, D.G.; Espinoza, A.M.; Araya V., R. 2006. Gene flow analysis into wild/weedy relatives from crops with center origin/diversity in tropical America. In: International Symposium on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (9, 2006, Jeju Island, Korea). Proceedings. International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR), Wellington, NZ. p. 152-156.

Llano, A., S. Beebe, J. Beaver, J. Molina, M. Guzman. 2006. INTA Seda variedad de frijol rojo para exportación. In: CD con las memorias de la LII Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales, PCCMCA, p. 106. Montelimar, Nicaragua, 24-28 April. (NA)

Loke, J. 2006. Innovación en la Producción de bioetanol: Una oportunidad para Asociaciones de Agricultores. 22 sept. 2006. Fería de Yuca, Espinal, Tolima, Colombia.(NA)

Loke, J., Álvarez, E., González, S., Ospina, B., Cardona J., Ríos, D. de los, López, R. N., Galema, T., Llano, D., Llano, G., Pabón, C. and R. van Eck. 2006. Innovación en la Producción de Combustibles Biológicos: Crear Acceso para Asociaciones de Agricultores a Mercados Ilimitados. Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Agrícola. 3 Noviembre 2006. Neiva, Huila, Colombia. 6 p.(NA)

Lowe-Gaume, A., A. Gaume, I. M. Rao. 2006. Phosphorus utilization in Brachiaria grass species with contrasting growth response to low P supply. Paper presented at an International Frontis Workshop on GENE-PLANT-CROP Relations: Scale and Complexitiy in Plant Systems Research. 23-26 April 2006, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Paper published as an abstract for the Session: Diversity in plant and cropping systems (S4-2: page 66).(NA)

Mahuku, G.S. 2006. Host resistance as a solution to the bean angular leaf spot problem: Lessons learned from genetic analysis and future prospects. APS Caribbean division and ASCOLFI joint meeting, September 12-15, Cartagena, Colombia.(NA)

Mazengia, W.; Stroud, A.; Amede, T.; Opondo, C. 2006. Learning cycle towards enhancing farmer innovation: Experiences of AHI-Areka, Southern Ethiopia. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 325-331.

McNally, K.; Hamilton, R.S.; Billot, C.; Courtois, B.; Benoit, L.; Martínez R., C.P.; Lorieux, M.; Brondani, C.; Han, L.; Ndjiondjop, M.-N.; McCouch, S.R.. 2006. Genotyping composite germplasm sets: Rice. In: De Vicente, M.C.; Glaszmann, J.C. (eds.). Molecular markers for allele mining: Proceedings of a workshop, 22-26 August 2005 [on line]. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, IT. p. 18-19.

Minja, E.M.; Ampofo, J.K.O.; Mziray, H.A.; Hollenweger, U.; Mowo, J.; Matosho, G.A. 2006. Promoting bean IPM technologies through participatory research and development methods: Experiences with AHI collaborating farmers in Lushoto District, Tanzania. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 102-112.

Molina, O. I., E. Barrios, I. Rao y M. Sanchez de Prager. 2006. Efecto de fertilización organica sobre el micelio externo de HMA en rotación maíz-frijol. Proceedings of the Colombian Society of Soil Science, Bogota, Colombia.(NA)

Molina O., Barrios E., Rao I.M., Sanchez De Prager M. 2006. Impact of organic and inorganic soil P additions on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi structural and functional attributes. XIII Colombian Congress of Soil Science. 2006. Bogota, Colombia..(NA)

Monsalve C., L.M.; Avila V., P.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Fermentación ruminal, flujo de proteína al duodeno y absorción de N en ovinos alimentados con mezclas de leguminosas. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 44-47. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Muthoni, R. 2006. Introduction to Participatory Monitoring &Evaluation for National Planning & M&E: Principles, tools & application. Paper presented to IIAM National Planning & Evaluation meeting, 15-18 Aug., Maputo , Nampula , Mozambique .(NA)

Muthoni, R. 2006. Linking Planning to Monitoring and evaluation for enhanced impact of Agricultural Research: The case of PABRA, 1st Strategic development meeting for Designing a strategy for Monitoring & Evaluation in ASARECA M&E, 25- 29 Sept. Mombasa, Kenya.(NA)
Muthoni, R.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Buruchara, R. 2006. Cumulative Progress towards outcomes in PABRA. Paper presented to the Joint External Evaluation of PABRA Meeting, 11-22 Sept., Kampala , Uganda .(NA)

Navia, M., Mahuku, G.S., and Buruchara, R.A. 2006.Identificación de marcadores moleculares ligados a genes de resistencia a pudrición por Pythium sp. APS Caribbean division and ASCOLFI joint meeting, September 12-15, Cartagena, Colombia.(NA)

Niederhauser, N., Ritter, W. 2006. User Interfaces for Mobile Data Collection in Rural Development Areas. UDay IV, 9. June 2006, Vorarlberg University of Applied Science, Austria.(NA)

Njuki, J.; Kaaria, S.K.; Chitsike, C.; Sanginga, P.C. 2006. Participatory monitoring and evaluation for stakeholder engagement, assessment of project impacts, and for institutional and community learning and change [on line]. In: Impact Assessment Workshop, October 19-21, 2005 at CIMMYT Headquarters, Mexico: Draft papers. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Department and Institutional Innovation (PRGA); International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 24 p.

Njuki JM, Kaaria SK, Sanginga P, Chitsike C, Murithi FM, Njunie M and Lewa K (2006) Engaging stakeholders in PM&E: Implications for Organizational Learning and Change. Paper presented at the Innovation Africa Symposium, 21-23rd November 2006 Speke Resort Munyonyo Kampala Uganda.(NA)

Njuki, J., S. Kaaria, P. Sanginga, C. Chitsike, and F. Murithi. 2006. Engaging Local Stakeholders in Project Monitoring and Evaluation: Implications for Institutional Learning and Change. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association held in Portland, Oregon, United States, from November 1-4, 2006.(NA)

Oberthur, T., Cock, J., Niederhauser, N., Kattnig, S. 2006. Information Management for Product Differentiation in Supply Chains: The Case of Specialty Coffee, In: 21st International Conference on Coffee Science in Montpellier, France, from 11 to 15 September 2006.(NA)

Ocampo, C. H. 2006. Molecular markers and genetic diversity in Persea americana Mills: the case of the colombian collection of avocado. Presentation during the CIAT internal seminars. CIAT, Pamira, Colombia, November 29 2006.(NA)

Ohiokpehai, O. (2006) The Soybeans Project At TSBF-CIAT For Sustainable Food And Nutrition Security. Presented at Renewal Kenya Round Table Program Feb 2006.(NA)
Ohiokpehai, O.; Chianu, J. 2006. ‘Challenges and opportunities in incorporating soybeans in the diets of HIV/AIDS patients in Western Kenya’. Paper presented at the 4th Asian Congress of Dietetics April 23 – 26, Manila, Philippines(NA)

Opondo, C.; Best, R.; Stroud, A.; Kirkby, R.A. 2006. Institutionalization and scaling up into NARIs and NGOs: Approach, challenges and lessons. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 378-384.

Otieno, K.; Ojiem, J.O.; Aloo, H.O.; Ekise, I.E.; Odenya, J.; Mbakaya, David S. 2006. Patterns of technology uptake by smallholder farmers: Experiences with AHI interventions in W Kenya. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 224-239.

Pachón H. 2006. Las ventajas y desventajas de la estrategia de la biofortificación para abordar la problemática de deficiencias en micronutrientes y la inseguridad alimentaria. Facilitated discussion. In: Diplomado en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutriciónprogram at Universidad del Cauca, Colombia, October 2006. 1 p. (NA)

Pauli N.; Barrios E.; Oberthur T.; Conacher A. 2006. Earthworms and other soil invertebrates in the Quesungual agroforestry system of Honduras: Distribution patterns and implications for management. IV Annual Meeting of the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Belowground Biodiversity project (GEF/UNEP), 2006. Xalapa-Catemaco, Mexico.(NA)

Pavón, J. and Amezquita, E. 2006. Caracterización física y química del suelo de las parcelas del sistema agroforestal Quesungual (SAQ) en la Microcuenca La Danta-Somotillo, Nicaragua. Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006.(NA)

Pérez, J.C., J. López, H. Ceballos and N. Morante. 2006. Introduction of inbreeding and analysis of inbreeding depression in eight S1 cassava families. 14th triennal Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Kerala, India.(NA)

Pérez, S.A.; Tegbaru, A.; Kantengwa, S.; Farrow, A. 2006. Village Information and Communication Centers (VICS) in Rwanda [on line]. In: Innovation Africa Symposium (2006, Kampala, Uganda). Proceedings [on line]. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 12 p.

Phengsavanh, P.; Stür, W.W. 2006. The use and potential of supplementing village pigs with Stylosanthes guianensis in Lao PDR. In: Preston, R.; Ogle, B. (eds.). Workshop on Forages for Pigs and Rabbits (2006, Phnom Penh, Cambodia). Proceedings. CelAgrid, Phnom Penh, KH. 7 p.
Pyndji, M. 2006. ECABREN: A brief overview. Presented at Snap bean stakeholder meeting. SARI Arusha, Tanzania. 2nd November 2006.(NA)

Pyndji, M. 2006. Overview of bean research in eastern and central Africa. Presented at Stakeholder’s workshop on bean impact assessment. Kibo Palace Hotel Arusha. 10th March 2006.(NA)

Pyndji, M. 2006. Research for Development in Eastern and Central Africa Bean Research Network (ECABREN). Presented at Workshop on potential for production, research and development on bean in west and central Africa. FARA HQs, Accra, Ghana. 4-6 October 2006. (NA)

Raigosa-Flores, N. E., Peraza-Echeverria, L., Kelemu, S. and James-Kay, A. 2006. A biocidal protein isolated from seeds of Clitoria ternatea inhibits the growth of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of black Sigatoka disease.VIII Congreso Internacional/XXXIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatologia, A.C., Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico, 17-20 July, 2006.(NA)

Ramisch, J.J.; Misiko, M.T. 2006. Farmers´ participatory evaluation of a community-based learning process : ¨Strengthening folk ecology¨ for integrated soil fertility management in Western Kenya [on line]. In: Impact Assessment Workshop, October 19-21, 2005 at CIMMYT Headquarters, Mexico: Draft papers. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Department and Institutional Innovation (PRGA); International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 24 p.

Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Polania, J. Ricaurte, C. Cajiao y R. García. 2006. Evaluación de resistencia a sequía en lineas recombinante (RILs) de la cruza MD 23-24 X SEA 5. Paper presented at the LII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Montelimar, Nicaragua. 24-28 April, 2006. (NA)

Rao, I., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, H. Teran, C. Cajiao, G. Manrique, J. Polania, Y. L. Lopez y M. Blair. 2006. Limitaciones edaficas y climaticas para la producción de frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Paper presented at the Seminario de Bioteconologia y ciencias agrarias. Universidad Nacional, Medellin, Colombia. 31 October-I November, 2006. (NA)

Rao, I., J. Miles, P. Wenzl, J. Ricaurte, C. Plazas and R. Garcia. 2006. Avances en el desarollo de hibridos de Brachiaria con adaptación a suelos ácidos. Paper presented at the Seminario de Bioteconologia y ciencias agrarias. Universidad Nacional, Medellin, Colombia. 31 October-I November, 2006.(NA)

Rivera. M. and Amezquita, E, 2006. Evaluación del almacenamiento de agua en suelo con diferente contenido de piedra y frecuencia de riego, en la producción de biomasa de maíz (Zea mays), en invernadero. Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006.(NA)

Rodríguez, M., Amézquita, E., Chaves, J.A., .Galvis, J.H., .Campo, J.M.. 2006. Alternativas para mejorar la productividad de suelos infértiles y degradados. 1. Calidad química. Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006.(NA)

Rossi, M. and Ohiokpehai, O. 2006. Analysis and Proposal of solutions for packaging of soybean derivatives produced into small rural premises. Presented at the World Economic Forum meeting, May, Nairobi, Kenya.(NA)

Rubyogo, J.C. 2006. Renforcer les capacités des systèmes semenciers pour accélérer l´adoption des variétés améliorées de haricot en Afrique de l´Est, centrale et australe. In: Lançon, J.; Floquet, A.; Weltzien, E. (eds.). Gestion du partenariat dans les projets de sélection participative: Actes de l´atelier recherche, 14-18 mars 2005, Cotonou, Benin. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Montpellier, FR. p. 175-178.

Rutto E., H. De Groote, B. Vanlauwe, F. Kanampiu, G. Odhiambo and Z. Khan. 2006. Participatory Evaluation of Integrated Pest and Soil Fertility Management Options Using Ordered Categorical Data Analysis. Contributed paper accepted for presentation at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economics, Gold Coast, Australia, August 2006.(NA)

Sanabria, C.P.; Barahona, R.; Monsalve C., L.M.; Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Hess, H.D.; Martín M., E.; Rodríguez V., F. 2006. Monitoreo de la dinámica poblacional in vivo de los principales grupos de microorganismos ruminales en respuesta a la inclusión de Vigna unguiculata, Flemingia macrophylla y Calliandra calothyrsus en la dieta de ovinos africanos. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 35-38. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Sanabria, C.P.; Barahona, R.; Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Martín M., E.; Rodríguez V., F. 2006. Efecto de la inclusión de forraje de Vigna unguiculata, Flemingia macrophylla y Calliandra calothyrsus a una dieta basal de Brachiaria humidicola sobre los principales grupos de microorganismos ruminales y parámetros de fermentación in vitro. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 30-34. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Sánchez, T, N. Morante, H. Ceballos, J.C. Pérez and F. Calle. 2006. Strategies to develop and identify cassava clones with novel starch types. 14th triennal Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Kerala, India.(NA)

Sanginga, P.C.; Kamugisha, R.N.; Martin, A.; Kahuru, A.; Stroud, A. 2006. Facilitating participatory processes for policy change in NRM : Lessons from the highlands of SW Uganda. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 40-54.

Arial; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA" lang=EN-GB> Arial; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">Sanginga, P. ; R. Kamugisha and A. Martin. 2006. Social Capital and Environmental Governanance: Emergence and Implementation of Community Bylaws in NRM. Paper presented at the System Workshop on Bylaws in NRM. ICRAF-CAPRI, (27-29 Nov. 2006) Nairobi Kenya.(NA)

Tiemann, T.T.; Avila V., P.; Barahona, R.; Hess, H.D. 2006. Análisis de taninos: Astringencia, composición química y peso molecular. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 13-14. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Tiemann, T.T.; Avila V., P.; Ramírez G., G.; Hess, H.D.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Efecto de taninos extraídos de leguminosas arbustivas sobre la dinámica de la fermentación ruminal. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 15-17. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Tiemann, T.T.; Avila V., P.; Rao, I.M.; Hess, H.D.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Valor como fertilizante del estiércol de ovinos alimentados con leguminosas con taninos. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 48-49. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Tiemann, T.T.; Franco, L.H.; Plazas B., C.H.; Avila V., P.; Ramírez G., G.; Hess, H.D.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Efecto de la localidad y nivel de fertilización en la producción de biomasa de leguminosas arbustivas. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 4-6. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Tiemann, T.T.; Wettstein, H.-R.; Avila V., P.; Kreuzer, M.; Hess, H.D. 2006. Efecto de leguminosas con taninos en la emisión de metano en ovinos. In: Hess, H.D.; Gómez, J.; Lascano, C.E. (eds.). Taller Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia (2, 2006, Cali, Colombia). Memorias. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 42-43. (Publicación CIAT no. 352)

Torres, E. and Amezquita, E. 2006. Relaciones entre suelo perdido, escorrentía e infiltración utilizando un minisimulador de lluvia. Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006.(NA)

Torres, E. and Amezquita, E. 2006. Respuesta a la erosión hídrica en diferentes sistemas de manejo de suelo en la zona Andina colombiana (Departamento del Cauca), utilizando un minisimulador de lluvia. Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006.(NA)

Trouche, G.; Hocdé, H.; Aguirre, S. 2006. Sélection participative des sorghos au Nicaragua : Approache et dispositifs. In: Lançon, J.; Floquet, A.; Weltzien, E. (eds.). Gestion du partenariat dans les projets de sélection participative: Actes de l´atelier recherche, 14-18 mars 2005, Cotonou, Benin. Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), Montpellier, FR. p. 159-173.

Voss, J.; Rao, I.; Lascano, C.; Amezquita, E.; Rivas, L. 2006. Strategies and opportunities for intensification and diversification of livestock-based systems in neotropical savannas of Colombia. Invited paper presented at an international workshop on “Transforming Tropical Agriculture: An Assessment of Major Technological, Institutional, and Policy Innovations” held at Brasilia, Brazil. July 17-19, 2006.(NA)

Wagara, I. N. and P. M. Kimani. 2006. Field evaluation of micronutrient dense bean lines for resistance to biotic stresses. Biofortification Workshop. Mukono, Uganda, 3-6 March.(NA)

Watananonta, W.; Tangsakul, S.; Pretprapal, P.; Jantawat, S.; Samuthong, N.; Howeler, R.H. 2006.
Effect of methods of land preparation on the yields of four cassava varieties in Nakhon Ratchasima and Chachoengsao provinces. In: Proc. 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 32-41. (in Thai with English abstract). (NA)

Watananonta, W.; Tran, N.N.; Howeler, R.H. 2006. A participatory approach to cassava production in Thailand and Viet Nam. In: Bourgeois, R.H.; Svensson, L.; Burrows, M.L. (eds.). Regional Workshop on Rural Prosperity and Secondary Crops: Towards Applied Pro-poor Research and Policies in Asia and the Pacific (2005, Bogor, Indonesia). Farming a way out of poverty forgotten crops and marginal populations in Asia and the Pacific: Proceedings. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bogor, ID. p. 231-254. (CAPSA monograph no. 48)

Zarate L., Barrios E., Sanchez De Prager M. 2006. Functional diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soil structure modification. XIII Colombian Congress of Soil Science. 2006. Bogota, Colombia. (NA)

Abstracts in Proceedings

Aguirre A., S.; Valdivia, R.; Trouche, G.; Chow, Z. 2006. Validación de variedades de sorgo de grano blanco en el departamento de Madriz [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 89.

Amede, T. 2006. Multiple models to enhance farmer innovation in sustainable nutrient recycling: AHI´s experience [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 165.

Amézquita C., E.; Rao, I.M.; Rondón, M.A.; Barrios, E.; Ayarza, M.A.; Hoyos G., P.; Molina, D.L. 2006. Improvement of low fertility soils (oxisols) for high productivity and sustainability of crop-livestock systems in tropical savannas of Colombia [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Arias V., B.; Trujillo G., H.E.; Guerrero, J.M.; Hernández, P.; Holguín A., C.M.; Bellotti, A.C.; Alean C., I.; Castillo, J.; Peña, J.E. 2006. Control biológico de moscas blancas en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) y otros cultivos en Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela [resumen]. In: Varón de A., F.; García R., F.; Agudelo D., O.; Arias M., M.; Varón R., U.; Mosquera, A.T.; Molineros, F. (eds.). Congreso Internacional de Control Biológico (4, 2006, Palmira, Colombia). Memorias: Control biológico de plagas, patógenos y arvenses en la agricultura. Organismo Internacional para Control Biológico (IOBC), Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. p. 40-41.

Ayarza, M.A.; Amézquita C., E.; Barrios, E.; Rondón, M.A.; Rao, I.M. 2006. Decision support tools and technologies to assess and reverse land degradation in tropical savanna and hillside agroecosystems of Latin America [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Ayarza, M.A.; Reynolds, J.F. 2006. Application of the dahlem desertification protocol to evaluate effectiveness of agroecological production systems [abstract]. In: ESAI International Conference, Mérida, México, 2006. Ecological Society of America (ESA), Mérida, MX. 2 p.

Aye, T.M.; Howeler, R.H. 2006. Enhancing sustainable cassava production and utilization in Laos through farmer participatory research [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 235-236.

Baquera, N.; Ayarza, M.A; Reynolds, J.F. 2006. Prelminary evaluation of an agroforestry system using the dahlem desertification protocol [abstract]. In: ESAI International Conference, Mérida, México, 2006. Ecological Society of America (ESA), Mérida, MX. 1 p.

Beeching, J.R.; Reilly, K.; Bernal, D.; Cortés B., D.F.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Identifying the full set of genes expressed during cassava post-harvest physiological deterioration [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 115.

Bystricky, M.; Peters, M.; Escobar, G.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Franco, L.H. 2006. Floral biology of Cratylia argentea: First results of a study in Colombia [abstract]. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. 315.

Caicedo, A.M.; Valencia, A.; Montoya L., J.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Respuesta inmune de Cyrtomenus bergi Froeschner (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) en presencia de trypanosomatidae en órganos y hemocelo [resumen]. In: Congreso de Entomología SOCOLEN (33, 2006, Manizales, Colombia). Resúmenes . Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN), Manizales, CO. p. 37-38.

Calvert, L.A.; Lozano, I.; Villareal, N.; Romero, L.E.; Lorieuz, M.; Martínez, C.; Garavito E., A.M. 2006. Molecular analysis of the genetics of resistance to rice hoja blanca virus and its vector Tagosodes orizicolus [abstract]. In: American Phytopathological Society. Annual Meeting (2006, Quebec City, CA). Abstracts of presentations. American Phytopathological Society (APS), Quebec, CA. S18. (Phytopathology 96(6))

Carabalí M., A.; Bellotti, A.C.; Montoya L., J. 2006. Potencial demográfico del biotipo B de Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) sobre genotipos africanos de Manihot esculenta Crantz [resumen]. In: Congreso de Entomología SOCOLEN (33, 2006, Manizales, Colombia). Resúmenes . Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN), Manizales, CO. p. 32.

Carabalí, S.J.ames; Martínez Racines, César P.; Borrero Correa, Jaime; Gutiérrez, Ariel; Duque E., Myriam Cristina; Silva, James. 2006. Evaluación del progreso genético para calidad de grano de arroz mediante selección recurrente [resumen] . In: Congreso Arrocero (2, 2006, San José, Costa Rica). [Resúmenes] . [s.n.], San José, CR. 1 p.

Ceballos, H.; Pérez V., J.C.; Morante, N.; Sánchez, T.; Chávez, A.L.; Calle, F. 2006. Strategies to develop and identify cassava clones with high-protein content in the roots [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 44-45.

Chow, Z.; Trouche, G.; Pérez, M. 2006. Selección participativa de variedades de arroz en sistemas manuales de la region centro norte de Nicaragua [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 64.

Chow, Z.; Trouche, G.; Narváez R., L.; Corrales B., J.; Jarquín, W. 2006. Selección participativa de líneas precoces de arroz en la región pacífico de Nicaragua [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 65.

Correa V., F.J. 2006. Avances en la investigación en enfermedades del arroz: Pyricularia grisea. In: Congreso Brasileiro de la Cadena Productiva de Arroz; Reuniao Nacional de Pesquisa de Arroz (2; 8, 2006, Brasilia, Brasil). [Resúmenes]. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, BR. 1 p.
Correa V., F.J. 2006. Identification of molecular markers for pyramiding rice blast resistance genes [abstract]. In: Research Coordination Meeting (2, 2006, Nanjing, China). [Abstracts]. [s.n.], Nanjing, CN. 1 p.

Correa V., F.J. 2006. Situación del complejo ácaro-hongo-bacteria del arroz. In: Congreso Arrocero (2, 2006, San José, Costa Rica). [Resúmenes]. [s.n.], San José, CR. 7 p.

Correa V., F.J. 2006. Using rice differentials with known blast resistance genes for pathogen characterization and improving rice cultivars in Latin America [abstract]. In: Rice Blast Workshop IRRI-JIRCAS (2006, Los Baños, Laguna). [Abstracts]. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Baños, Laguna, PH. 1 p.

Correa V., F.J.; Martínez R., C.P. 2006. Improving blast resistance for upland rice in Colombia : A challenging task [abstract]. In: Rice Technical Working Group Meeting (31, 2006, The Woodlands, Texas). Abstracts . The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES), Woodland, TX, USA. 1 p.

Delve, R.J.; Chitsike, C.; Kaaria, S.K.; Kaganzi, E.; Muzira, R.N.; Sanginga, P.C. 2006. How can smallholder farmer-marker linkages increase adoption for improved technological options and NRM strategies [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 82.

Estrada, M., Läderach, P., Oberthür, T., Pohlan, H.A.J. 2006. Análisis de las interacciones y del impacto de condiciones ambientales, agronómicas, y el manejo innovador sobre la calidad de taza del café (Coffea arabica L.). X Congreso Internacional de Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecología, Tapachula, Chiapas, México, ISBN 9709712225, Resúmenes, 6-7.(NA)

Flores R., C.; Buitrago, M.E.; Cock, J.H.; Lentini, Z. 2006. Embriogénesis somática y regeneración de plantas de mango (Mangifera indica L.) [resumen] = Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration of mango (Mangifera indica L.) [abstract]. In: Fisher, G.; Miranda, D.; Piedrahíta C., W.; Magnitskiy, S. (eds.). Congreso Colombiano de Horticultura (1, 2006, Bogotá). Memorias. Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas (SCCH), Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 77.

Garza G., R.; Cardona M., C.; Garza G., D.; Jacinto H., C. 2006. Evaluación de líneas F11 de frijol, con resistencia múltiple a organismos dañinos en los Valles Altos de la Mesa Central de México [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 126.

Garza G., R.; Cardona M., C.; Garza G., D.; Jacinto H., C. 2006. Niveles de nitrógeno en maíz (Zea mays) variedad nutrinta blanco para ajustes de coeficientes al nuMASS, en La Mora Arriba, La Concordia, Nicaragua [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 167.

Gichuru, V.G.; Buruchara, R.A.; Okori, P.; Opio, F.; Ugen, M.A. 2006. Identification and characterisation of Phythium spp. of major crops in Southwestern Uganda [abstract]. In: American Phytopathological Society. Annual Meeting (2006, Quebec City, CA). Abstracts of presentations. American Phytopathological Society (APS), Quebec, CA. S40. (Phytopathology 96(6))

Gichuru, V.G.; Buruchara, R.A.; Okori, P.; Opio, F.; Ugen, M.A. 2006. Pathogenicity of bean pathogenic Phythium spp. on major crops in a bean based cropping system [abstract]. In: American Phytopathological Society. Annual Meeting (2006, Quebec City, CA). Abstracts of presentations. American Phytopathological Society (APS), Quebec, CA. p. S40. (Phytopathology 96(6))

González, A. 2006. Frutas tropicales en el mundo, diversidad, uso actual y crecimiento de mercados [resumen] = Tropical fruits in the world, diversity, actual use anmd market growth [abstract]. In: Fisher, G.; Miranda, D.; Piedrahíta C., W.; Magnitskiy, S. (eds.). Congreso Colombiano de Horticultura (1, 2006, Bogotá). Memorias. Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas (SCCH), Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 69.

González, C.; Szurek, B.; Duque E., M.C.; Manceau, C.; Mathieu, T.; Yacouba, S.; Verdier, V. 2006. Molecular and pathogenic characterization highlight substantial differences between Asian and African strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pathovars [abstract]. In: American Phytopathological Society. Annual Meeting (2006, Quebec City, CA). Abstracts of presentations. American Phytopathological Society (APS), Quebec, CA. p. S41. (Phytopathology 96(6))

González T., R.I.; Toro Ch., O.; Duque E., M.C.; Araya V., R.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. Gene flow events among bean species of section Phaseoli in Colombia and Costa Rica using microsatellites markers [abstract] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 221.

Gotschi, E.; Hunger, A.; Freyer, B.; Delve, R.J. 2006. Integrating subjectivity, self-reflection and dialogue in agricultural research and development projects [abstract]. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. 400.

Hernández Ch., M.; Argel M., P.J.; Lobo D., M. 2006. Evaluación agronómica de accesiones e híbridos de Brachiaria en el trópico húmedo de Costa Rica [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 188.

Holguín A., C.M.; Herrera F., C.J.; Bellotti, A.C. 2006. Diagnóstico de moscas blancas (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) en yuca Manihot esculenta de la zona cafetera de Colombia [resumen]. In: Congreso de Entomología SOCOLEN (33, 2006, Manizales, Colombia). Resúmenes. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN), Manizales, CO. p. 125.

Hoogenboom, G.; Gijsman, A.J.; Thornton, P.K. 2006. Using the WISE database to parameterize soil inputs for crop simulation models [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Howeler, R.H. 2006. Production and utilization of cassava in Asia and its potential as a bio-fuel [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 116.

Howeler, R.H. 2006. Production technologies for sustainable cassava production in Asia [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 179.

Kaaria, S.K.; Chitsike, C.; Sanginga, P.C. 2006. Strengthening community learning and change: The role of community driven PM and E. systems [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 374.

Kamugisha, Rick N. 2006. CEED: R&D linkages:A framework for the irrigation of diverse learning approaches [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p.

Kelemu, S.; Abello S., J.; García, C. 2006. Agrobacterium-mediate transformation of Acremonium implicatum with green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene [abstract]. In: American Phytopathological Society. Annual Meeting (2006, Quebec City, CA). Abstracts of presentations. American Phytopathological Society (APS), Quebec, CA. p. S59. (Phytopathology 96(6))

Kelemu, S.; Fory S., P.a.; Rao, I.M.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Endophytic bacteria promote plant growth in tropical forage brachariagrass [abstract]. In: American Phytopathological Society. Annual Meeting (2006, Quebec City, CA). Abstracts of presentations. American Phytopathological Society (APS), Quebec, CA. S59. (Phytopathology 96(6))

Kimani, P.M., S.Beebe and M. Blair. 2006. Breeding micronutrient dense bean varieties. HarvestPlus Regional Workshop. Mombasa, Kenya, 2-6 May. [abstract](NA)

Kulembeka, H.P.; Masumba, E.; Labuschagne, M.T.; Ferguson, M.E.; Kullaya, A.; Fregene, M.A. 2006. Genetic diversity of resistnt and susceptible cassava germplasm in Tanzania: Towards QTL mapping for cassava brown streak resistance [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 87.

Lentes, P.; Peters, M.; White, D.; Holmann, F.J.; Reiber, C. 2006. Assessing and comparing income generation of livestock holders in Olancho, Honduras: An analysis across typical and landscapes and farming systems [abstract]. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. 430.

Llano G., A.; Beebe, S.; Beaver, J.S.; Molina, J.; Guzman, M.. 2006. INTA seda varidad de frijol rojo para exportación [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 106.

Mahuku, G.S.; Henríquez, M.; Ramírez, H. 2006. Analysis of genes expressed during interaction of Phaseolus vulgaris with the angular leaf spot pathogen (Phaeoisariopsis griseola) [abstract]. In: American Phytopathological Society. Annual Meeting (2006, Quebec City, CA). Abstracts of presentations. American Phytopathological Society (APS), Quebec, CA. p. S72. (Phytopathology 96(6))
Manrique C., G.; Rao, I.M.; Beebe, S. 2006. Identification of aluminum resistant common bean genotypes using a hydroponic screening methods [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Martínez R., C.P.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Impacts and achievements for the improvement of human nutrition [abstract]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos . Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 78.

Martínez R., C.P.; Borrero C., J.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Variedades de arroz con mayor valor nutricional para combatir la desnutrición en América Latina [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 78.

Martínez R:, C.P.; Borrero C., J.; Carabalí, S.J.; Delgado, D.; Correa V., F.J.; Tohme M., J. 2006. High-iron and zinc rice lines for Latin America [abstract]. In: Rice Technical Working Group Meeting (31, 2006, The Woodlands, Texas). Abstracts. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES), Woodland, TX, USA. 1 p.

Martínez R., C.P.; Borrero C., J.; Carabalí, S.J.; Sanabria, Y.; Delgado, D.; Correa V., F.J.; Lorieux, M.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Utilization of wild rice species at CIAT to broaden the genetic base of cultivated rice in Latin America [abstract]. In: Rice Technical Working Group Meeting (31, 2006, The Woodlands, Texas). Abstracts. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES), Woodland, TX, USA. 1 p.

Masumba, E.A.; Nchimbi M., Susan; Kulembeka, H.P.; Kullaya, A.; Ferguson, M.E.; Kanju, E.; Fregene, MA. 2006. Assessment of common virus diseases for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) local varieties in Tanzania [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 142-143.

Morales, M.; Trouche, G.; Obando S., R. 2006. Evaluación de genotipos mejorados de sorgo en endosperma blanco en 11 ambientes de Nicaragua [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 74.

Niere, B.; Gold, C.S.; Coyne, D.; Dubois, T.; Ochieno, D. 2006. Banana tissue culture: Benefits for East African farmers [abstract]. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. 420.

Ocampo N., C.H.; Gallego, G.J.; Duque E., M..; Sánchez, I.; Ríos C., D.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. Diversidad genética de la colección colombiana de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) [resumen] = Genetic diversity of the Colombian collection of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) [abstract]. In: Fisher, G.; Miranda, D.; Piedrahíta C., W.; Magnitskiy, S. (eds.). Congreso Colombiano de Horticultura (1, 2006, Bogotá). Memorias. Sociedad Colombiana de Ciencias Hortícolas (SCCH), Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 78.

Opondo, C.; Sanginga, P.C.; Stroud, A.; Mebwesa, B. 2006. Fostering social organization for strengthening the demand side R&D: Lessons from South Western Uganda [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 207.

Ordóñez, J.C.; Schoonhoven, A. van; Holmann, F.J.; Argel M., P.J.; Pérez, E.; Chaves, J. 2006. Estimación y comparación de beneficios debido al uso de heno y ensilaje durante la época seca en sistemas de producción de doble propósito en Honduras [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 183.

Pauli, N.; Conacher, A.; Barrios, E.; Oberthür, T. 2006. Land use change in southern Honduras: Improved practices lead to high biodiversity and productivity, but what happens next? [abstract]. In: IGU 2006 Brisbane regional conference. International Geographical Union (IGU), Montreal, CA. p. 1.

Pérez V., J.C.; López, J.; Ceballos, H.; Morante, N. 2006. Introduction of inbreeding and analysis of inbreeding depression in eight S1 cassava families [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 50-51.

Rachier, G.O.; Odenya, J.; Mbakaya, D.S.; Ikise, I.; Muhindi, S.B. 2006. Institutional and policy changes : Implications of various external and local policies on natural resource management in West Kenya [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 83.

Reiber, C.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M.; Hoffmann, V.; Lentes, P.; Cruz, H.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Adoption and diffusion processes of silage technology in the area of Yoro, Honduras [abstract]. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. 428.

Roothaert, R.L.; Genio-Samson, J.; Magboo, E.; Binh, L.H. 2006. Why do farmers invest in NRM?: Experiences with farmers growing forages in SE Asia and E. Africa [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 166.

Rosas S., J.C.; Beaver, J.S.; Beebe, S.; Llano G., A.; Pérez C., C.A.; Escoto, N.D.; Prophète, E.; Hernández, J.C.; Villatoro, J.C. 2006. Resultados del sistever-2005 de frijol de grano rojo [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 115.

Rubiano A., Y. 2006. Georeferenced system of soil quality indicators for the Eastern plains of Colombia [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Sánchez, T.; Morante, N.; Ceballos, H.; Pérez V., J.C.; Calle, F. 2006. Strategies to develop and identify cassava clones with novel starch types [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 117-118.

Sanginga, P.C.; Chitsike, C.; Best, R.; Delve, R.; Kaaria, S.K.; Kirkby, R.A. 2006. Enabling rural innovation in Africa : An approach for integrating farmer participatory research and market orientation for building the assets of rural poor [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 385.

Sanginga, P.C.; Chitsike, C.; Kaaria, S.K. 2006. Enhancing gender inclusion, equity and social awareness: Approaches, lessons and implications for watershed management [abstract]. In: Amede, T.; German, L.A.; Rao, S.; Opondo, C.; Stroud, A. (eds.). Integrated natural resource management in practice: Enabling communities to improve mountain livelihoods and landscapes: Proceedings of the African highlands initiative conference, 12-15 October, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. p. 208.

Suárez, L.A., Läderach, P.; Oberthür, T., Pohlan, H.A.J. 2006. Impacto de la iluminación y del grado de sombrío en los atributos de la calidad del café. X Congreso Internacional de Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecología, Tapachula, Chiapas, México, ISBN 9709712225, Resúmenes, 4-5.(NA)

Tiemann, T.T.; Kreuzer, M.; Lascano, C.E.; Hess, H.-D. 2006. Cultivation site dependent variations of forage yield and quality of tropical shrub legumes [abstract]. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. 1.

Trouche, G.; Aguirre A., S. 2006. Fitomejoramiento participativo de los sorgos sensibles al fotoperíodo en Nicaragua [resumen] [CD-ROM] . In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 91.

Trouche, G.; Chow, Z.; Narváez R., L. 2006. Fitomejoramiento participativo del arroz para condiciones de secano en Nicaragua [resumen] [CD-ROM]. In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA). Reunión Anual (52, 2006, Montelimar, Nicaragua). Resúmenes de trabajos [CD-ROM]. Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), Montelimar, NI. p. 90.

Watananonta, W.; Howeler, R.H. 2006. Present situation and future potential of cassava production and utilization in Thailand [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 16-17.

Watananonta, W.; Limsila, A.; Tangsakul, S.; Sarawat, P.; Howeler, R.H. 2006. Cassava variety selection for optimizing production of leaves to be used as a protein source for animal feed in Thailand [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 132.

Wenzl, P.; Chaves, A.L.; Buitrago, M.E.; Patiño, G.M.; Miles, J.W.; Rao, I.M. 2006. Development and validation of a hydroponic screening method to identify acid soil adapted genotypes of the tropical forage grass brachiaria [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Wongtiem, P.; Masumba, E.; Xia, L.; Fregene, M.A.; De Vicente, M.C.; Glaszmann, J.C.; Kilian, A. 2006. Validation of diversity arrays technology (DArT) as a platform for whole genome profiling in cassava [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 88-89.

Wongtiem, P.; Sarakarn, S.; Jarunate, J.; Petcharaburanin, C.; Howeler, R.H. 2006. Transfer to and preliminary evaluation of the CIAT cassava core collection in Thailand [abstract]. In: Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (14, 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). Roots and tubers for sustainable development: Issues and strategies: Abstracts of papers. International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC); Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, IN. p. 89-90.

Wopereis, M.C.S.; Giller, K.E.; Maatman, A.; Vanlauwe, B.; Mando, A.; Bationo, A. 2006. Innovations for increasing productivity through improved nutrient use in Africa [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Yamamoto, Y.; Oberthür, T.; Lefroy, R.; Kashiwagi, J.; Sukchan, S. 2006. Capability of satellite imagery for land-use analysis [abstract]. In: International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management: Linking Research to Strengthen Upland Policies and Practices (2, 2006, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR). Papers presented. National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute (NAFRI), Luang Prabang, LA. p. 60.

Zingore, S.; Giller, K.E. 2006. Long-term soil organic matter dynamics in cultivated soils in Zimbabwe [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Zingore, S.; González E., E.; Delve, R.J.; Dimes, J.P.; Herrero, M.; Murwira, H.t K.; Giller, K.E. 2006. Evaluation of resource management options for smallholder farms using an integrated modeling approach [abstract]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Zöfel, K.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M.; Franco, L.H. 2006. Field characterisation of a collection of the forage tree legumes Leucaena diversifolia and L. trichandra: An ongoing project in Colombia [abstract]. In: Asch, F.; Becker, M. (eds.). Prosperity and poverty in a globalized world: Challenges for agricultural research: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2006: Conference on international agricultural research for development, 11-13 October 2006, University of Bonn. University of Bonn, Bonn, DE. p. 317.

Theses Supervised

Afanador, L. 2006. Identificación, caracterización y control in vitro de especies de Cololetotrichum spp. causantes de la antracnosis encultivos de mora (Rubís glaucus) en Colombia. Tesis (Ph.D.). Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.(NA)

Andersson, Meike. 2006. Diversity in the tropical multipurpose shrub legumes Cratylia argentea (Desv.) O. Kuntze and Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merrill. PhD thesis. University of Hohenheim. 176 pp. (NA)

Arango M., J. 2006. Análisis de expresión de los genes de la ruta biosintética de carotenos y cuantificación de carotenos de hojas y raíces de plantas de yuca a diferentes edades. Tesis (Biólogo) [en línea]. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias, Carrera de Biología, Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. 97 p.

Bermúdez S., V.H.; Ceballos B., A. 2006. Evaluación de alternativas para el proceso de obtención de carbón vegetal en la vereda Piles II, Yumbo, Valle del Cauca. Tesis (Ingeniero Químico). Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingeniería, Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Santiago de Cali, CO. 101 p.

Bertschler, C. 2006. Analysis and visualization of spatial information stored in common GIS formats interacting with data stored in relational databases. Diploma Thesis. Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbgH, University of Applied Sciences, Dornbirn, DE. 85 p.

Castañeda O., N. 2006. Phosphorus efficiency of Arachis pintoi genotypes and possible mechanisms for tolerance to low soil P supply. Thesis (Doctor). Georg-August-University Göttingen, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Göttingen, DE. 161 p.

Castillo Z., S. 2006. Uso de Metarhizium anisopliae para el control biológico del salivazo (Aeneolamia spp. y Prosapia spp.) en pastizales de Brachiaria decumbens en El Petén, Guatemala. Tesis (M.Sc. en Agricultura Ecológica) [en línea]. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Programa de Educación para el Desarrollo de la Conservación, Escuela de Posgrado, Turrialba, CR. 78 p.

Castroagudín, V. 2006. Molecular and pathogenic characterization of Rhizoctonia spp. en arroz and selection of resistance sources. Thesis (Ph.D.). Research associate working at the National Rice Program from INTA- Argentina. (NA)

Chavarro F., M.C. 2006. Contribución a la construcción de mapas moleculares e identificación de QTL en frijol común Phaseolus vulgaris L. para tolerancia a calor y sequía. Tesis (Bióloga). Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias, Carrera de Biología, Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. 130 p.

Combariza V., A.; Sánchez T., D. 2006. Estudio de la obtención de un alimento precocido a partir de cultivos biofortificados. Tesis (Ingenieros Químicos). Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingeniería, Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Santiago de Cali, CO. 108 p.

Cuervo I., M. 2006. Caracterización molecular de algunos aislamientos del virus del cuero de sapo de la yuca recolectados en diferentes zonas de Colombia Tesis (Magister en Ciencias con énfasis en Recursos Fitogenéticos Neotropicales). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 71 p.

Giraldo T., A. 2006. Estudio de la obtención de harina de hojas de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) para consumo humano. Tesis (Ingeniero Agroindustrial). Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Ingeniería Agroindustrial, Popayán, CO. 96 p.

Higuera, O. 2006. Association of selection for blast resistance in early generations and stability of the resistance in advanced generations. Thesis (M.Sc.). Research Assistant working for the National Federation of Rice Growers (FEDEARROZ).(NA)

Kizito, E.B. 2006. Genetic and root growth studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): Implications for breeding. Thesis (Doctoral) [on line]. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, SE. 127 p.

Luna I., W.A.; Mera A., J.A. 2006. Producción de dextrinas de yuca a partir de almidón nativo en la rallandería TODOYUCA ubicada en el corregimiento Pescador (municipio de Caldono, departamento del Cauca). Tesis (Ingeniero Agroindustrial). Universidad del Cauca, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Ingeniería Agroindustrial, Popayán, CO. 124 p.

Manrique C., N.C. 2006. Evaluación de nuevas condiciones de crioconservación de ápices de yuca Manihot esculenta Crantz para genotipos de respuesta baja. Tesis (M.Sc.). Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UIA), Sede Iberoamericana Santa María de La Rábida, Palos de la Frontera, ES. 65 p.

Ojulong, H.F. 2006. Quantitative and molecular analyses of agronomic traits in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz).Thesis (Ph.D.). University of the Free State, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Bloemfontein, ZA. 106 p.

Ordóñez C., I.A. 2006. Elaboración de suplementos nutricionales con base en el uso integral de las plantas de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) y batata (Ipomoea lam), por medio de extrusión, para la alimentación de animales monogástricos. Trabajo de grado. Universidad de San Buenaventura, Facultad de Ingenierías, Cali, CO. 115 p.

Pabón V., A.H. 2006. Resistência em genótipos de Bracharia a ninfas de três espécies de cigarrinhas-das-pastagens (Hemiptera: Cercopidae). Tesis (M.Sc.) . Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Viçosa, BR. 55 p.

Pantoja D., W. 2006. Diversidad genética de Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Fabaceae) caribeños cultivados de la Unidad de Recursos Genéticos de (CIAT). Tesis (Magister en Recursos Fitogenéticos Neotropicales). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 86 p.

Payán M., A.Y. 2006. Evaluación participativa de forrajes mejorados para el manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales en la subcuenca del río Jucuapa Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Tesis (M.Sc.) [en línea]. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Programa de Educación para el Desarrollo de la Conservación, Escuela de Posgrado, Turrialba, CR. 124 p.

Ricaurte O., J. 2006. Impacto de genotipos de Brachiaria tolerantes a aluminio sobre la calidad de un Oxisol de altillanura en el Meta, Colombia. Tesis (Magister en Ciencias, área de énfasis en Suelos [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Maestría en Ciencias Agrarias, Area de Enfasis: Suelos, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 132 p.

Rubyogo, J.C. (2006). Genetic identity and seed health assessment of different seed grades and sources of two popular bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Ethiopia using molecular techniques. MSc Thesis submitted to University of Nottingham (UK). Pp 69.(NA)

Sandoval M., T.A. 2006. Cuantificación de fitotatos por espectroscopía en dos poblaciones de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e identificación de QTL´s asociados a su contenido. Tesis (Químico). Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ciencias, Programa Académico de Química, Santiago de Cali, CO. 83 p.

Tehelen B., K. 2006. Elementos principales de una propuesta de pago por servicios ambientales para el manejo de los recursos hídricos en la subcuenca del río Barbas, Quindío, Colombia. Tesis (M.Sc. en Socioeconomía Ambiental). Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Programa de Educación para el Desarrollo y la Conservación, Escuela de Posgrado, Turrialba, CR. 125 p.

Torres T., E.A. 2006. Avaliaçao de linhagens de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) suscetiveis e tolerantes a baixas temperaturas em cruzamentos dialélicos parciais. Tesis (Doutor em Agronomia). Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ), Piracicaba, BR. 143 p.

Valencia C., S.J. 2006. Efectos subletales de resistencia antibiótica a inmaduros en la demografía de adultos de los gorgojos de frijol Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) y Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Tesis (Ingeniero Agrónomo). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 135 p.


Alves, A.A.C.; Fregene, M.A.; Ceballos, H.; Setter, T.L.; Duque, L.; Silva, A.F.;Ferguson, M.E.; Mkamilo, G.; Osei, C. 2006. Identifying the physiological and genetic traits related to drought tolerance in cassava[poster] [on line]. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits, Sao Paulo, BR. 1 p.

Andersson, M.S.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Lascano, C.E.; Peters, M. 2006. Flemingia macrophylla, a tropical shrub legume for dry season supplementation [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Barigye, J., H. Ahimbisibwe, E. Kaganzi, J. Njuki and S. Kaaria (2006) SustainingSmallholder farmer Linkages to High Value Markets: The Role of Internal Savings and Credit Institutions. Poster presented at the Innovation Africa Symposium, 21-23rd November 2006 Speke Resort Munyonyo KampalaUganda.(NA)

Barrios, E.; Mahuku, G.S.; Navia, J.; Cortés, L.; Asakawa, N.; Jara, C.E; Quintero, J. 2006. Green manure impacts on nematodes, arbuscular mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi in tropical soils planted to common beans [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Blair MW, Galeano C, Muñoz C, Pankhurst C,. Lariquet P, Broughton WM. 2006. “TILLING Mutagenesis for Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): A Tropical Legume Mutant Resource” – Annual General Meeting Generation Challenge Program, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2006 (Poster)(NA)

Blair MW, Muñoz C, Garza R, Cardona C. 2006. “Molecular mapping of genes for resistance to the bean pod weevil (Apion godmani Wagner) in common bean”– CIAT board meeting, Cali, Colombia 2006 (Poster)(NA)

Blair, M.W.; Pantoja D., W.; Giraldo Z., M.C.; Durán, L.A.; Beaver, J.S. 2006. Genetic diversity in caribbean accessions of common bean [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Bystricky, M.; Peters, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Franco, L.H.; Escobar, G. 2006. Floral biology of the forage legume Cratylia argentea [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Carabalí M., A.; Bellotti, A.C.; Montoya L., J. 2006. Potencial demográfico del biotipo B de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) sobre genotipos africanos de Manihot esculenta Crantz [poster]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ceballos, H. 2006. Cassava research at CIAT[poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Chacón S., M.I.; González, R.I.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. When gene flow counteracts domestication : The case of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Chianu, J.; Ohiokpehai, O.; Vanlauwe, B.; Okoth, P.; Roing, K.; Adesina, A.A.; Naidoo, P.; Opondo, J.; Sanginga, N. [2006]. A model for promoting a versatile crop that has remained minor: The case of soybean in Kenya [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

The CPWF impact pathways approach[poster] [on line]. 2006. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Delve, R.J.; Pleasant, J.Mt.; Probert, M. 2006. Modeling P dynamics and crop responses in contrasting soils of the tropics [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Diaz LM, Blair MW. 2006. “Race structure within the Mesoamerican gene pool of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) determined by microsatellite markers.”– Annual General Meeting Generation Challenge Program, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2006 (Poster)(NA)

Douglas White, Luz Amira Clavijo, Mark Lundy, Thomas Oberthur, Maria Miguel Ribeiro, Michael Hauser, Ika Darnhofer. 2006. Fostering site-specific market options to improve rural livelihoods and land management in Laos. Poster presentation. IDRC workshop. Community-based Natural Resources Management. Vientiane, Laos. March.(NA)

Escandón D., M.L.; Caetano, C.M.; Sánchez, M.S.; Bonilla, C.R.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Morfología flora, citogenética y palinología de Cratylia argentea (Desvaux) O. Kuntze. (Leguminosae) [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ferguson, M.E.; Dumet, D.; Hurtado, P.; Duque, M.C.; Mkumbira, J.; Fregene, M.A. 2006. Cassava reference set selection and preparation for association mapping[poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Fernando, F., V. Sandoval and S. Kaaria. 2006. Assessing the Social and Human Capital Impacts of Participatory Research Processes: A case study of Local Agricultural Research Committees (CIALs). Poster presented at the Innovation Africa Symposium, 21-23rd November 2006 Speke Resort Munyonyo Kampala Uganda.(NA)

Fory S., L.F.; González, E.; Velásquez, A.; Morales, M.; Arcia, K.; Blanco, A.E.; Quintero M., M.A.; Ortiz D., A.; Pérez A., I.; Duque E., M.C.; Lentini, Z. [2006]. Gene flow analysis in rice wild/weedy relatives in Tropical America: Understanding crop-biodiversity interactions [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Girón, E.; Perea, C.; Hyman, G. 2006. Aplicación de mapeo en la web utilizando soluciones SIG de código abierto para la diseminación de información satelital sobre redes de alta velocidad como apoyo a la investigación agrícola y el manejo de recursos naturales [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

González T., R.I.; Toro Ch., O.; Duque E., M.C.; Araya V., R.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. Gene flow events among bean species of section Phaseoliin Colombiaand Costa Rica using microsatellites markers[poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Gotschi, E.; Hunger, A.; Freyer, B.; Delve, R.J. 2006. Integrating subjectivity, self-reflection and dialogue in agricultural research and development projects [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tegucigalpa, HN. 1 p.

Hess, H.D.; Cortés, J.E.; Carulla, J.E.; Pabón, M.L.; Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.. 2006. Protein digestibility of tannin-containing forages in the rumen and the abomasum as determined in vitro [on line] [poster]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.
Hess, H.D.; Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M. 2006. Effects of different purified condensed tannins from tropical shrub legume species on ruminal fermentation in vitro [on line] [poster]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Iwuafor, E.N.O.; Yusuf, A.A.; Olufajo, O.O.; Abaidoo, R.C.; Sanginga, N. 2006. Residual benefits of two cowpea genotypes and natural fallow to subsequent maize in the Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Kapkiyai, J.J.; Degloria, S.D.; Duxbury, J.M.; Pell, A.N.; Vanlauwe, B.; Mbugua, D.M. 2006. Household level influence on spatial variability of soil properties in Western Kenya [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Kullaya, A.; Mtunda, K.; Masumba, E.A.; Kulembeka, H.P.; Ferguson, M.E.; Ospina, C.; Hurtado L., P.X.; Gutiérrez, J.; Barrera S., E.; Marín, J.A.; Castro, C.; Morillo, A.; Alzate, A.M.; Morante, N.; Ceballos, H.; Tohme M., J.; Fregene, M.A. [2006]. Molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) for improvement of local cassava germplasm in Tanzania for pest and disease resistance [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Lascano, C.E. 2006. An outcome of forage research in SE Asia [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Lentes, P.; Peters, M.; White, D.; Holmann, F.J.; Reiber, C. 2006. Assessing and comparing income generation of livestock holders in Olancho, Honduras: An analysis across typical landscapes and farming systems [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tegucigalpa, HN. 1 p.

Lentini, Z.; Fory S., L.F.; González, E.; Mina, A.; Flórez V., J.C.; Arcia, K.; Duque E., M.C. 2006. Coexistence of weedy rice and rice in tropical America: Gene flow analysis [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Lewa K.K., J. Ndungu, J. Njuki, M.N. Njunie, S. Bimbuzi, A. Mzingirwa, B. M. Muli, S. Kaaria (2006) Enhancing Community Empowerment through Community Driven Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Systems. Poster presented at the Innovation Africa Symposium, 21-23rd November 2006 Speke Resort Munyonyo Kampala Uganda. (NA)

Linking farmers to markets: Participatory agroenterprise development[poster] [on line]. 2006. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Lowe-Gaume, A., A. Gaume, I. M. Rao. 2006. Improved selection criteria for assessment of genotypic diversity and adaptation in tropical pasture grasses. Poster paper presented at 14th Jahrestagung der Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Planzenbauwissenschaften (SGPW) under the theme of " Beitrag des Pflanzenbaus zur Diversitat und Anpassungsfahigkeit der Landwirtschaft" (In english: The contribution of plant diversity to the flexibility of agricultural practices) at the Institute for Plant Science in Bern on 14 March 2006. Poster P-9 on page 27.(NA)

Lozano, J.; Lema, G.; Hyman, G.; Amézquita C., E. 2006. Mapeo del suelo a nivel de finca con métodos geoestadísticos : Estudio de caso en el Valle del Cauca [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Major, J.; Rondón, M.A.; Lehmann, J. 2006. Bio-char applications to a tropical oxisol increase crop yield and modify water relations [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Martínez R., C.P.; Borrero C., J.; Carabalí, S.J.; Delgado, D.; Correa V., F.J.; Tohme M., J. 2006. High-iron and zinc rice lines for Latin America [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Nekesa, A.O.; Okalebo, J.R.; Othieno, C.O.; Njoroge, R.; Kipsat, M.J.; Thuita, M.; Bationo, A. 2006. Responses of maize-bean intercrops to minjingu phosphate rock and lime in terms of nutrient use efficiency and economic benefits on acid soils of Western Kenya [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Niederhauser, N.; Oberthür, T.; Ritter, W.; Bertschler, C. 2006. Geo-information Management for Agricultural High Value Product Supply Chains [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Njunie M.N. K.K Lewa, J. Ndungu, FN Muniu, J. Njuki, and B. Mweri. 2006. Integration of Community based PM&E within the Farmer Field School Curricula. Poster presented at the Innovation Africa Symposium, 21-23rd November 2006 Speke Resort Munyonyo Kampala Uganda.(NA)

Ocampo N., C.H.; Gallego, G.J.; Duque E., M.C.; Sánchez, I.; Ríos C., D.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. Diversidad genética de la colección colombiana de aguacate, Persea americana Mill [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ohiokpehai, O. & Kingolla B. (2006) Soybean Processing and Utilization: A way to good Health (poster and skill sharing). Presented at the Project Concern Zambian Forum for Dual Food and HIV Forum.(NA)

Okoth, P.; Huising, J.; Ramisch, J.J. 2006. Conservation and sustainable management of below ground biodiversity [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Pachón, H.; Liria D., M.R.; Creed-Kanashiro, H.; Glahn, R.P.; Stoltzfus, R.J. 2006. An innovative approach to prevent iron deficiency in infants [poster] [on line]. Cornell University, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Ithaca, NY, USA. 1 p.

Pachón, H.; Liria D., M.R.; Creed-Kanashiro, H.; Glahn, R.P.; Stoltzfus, R.J. 2006. Development of meat-containing infant porridges to prevent iron deficiency[poster] [on line]. Cornell University, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Ithaca, NY, USA. 1 p.

Pachón, H.; Liria D., M.R.; Creed-Kanashiro, H.; Glahn, R.P.; Stoltzfus, R.J. 2006. Diseño y evaluaciónde papillas infantiles para prevenir la deficiencia de hierro en bebés [poster] [en línea]. Cornell University, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Ithaca, NY, USA. 1 p.

Pascal C. Sanginga, Susan Kaaria, Simba Machingadize; Rupert Best; Ignatius Kahiu, Colletah Chitsike; Rogers Kanzikwera, Jemimah Njuki and Michael Hauser. 2006. Strengthening Partnerships for Enabling Rural Innovation in Africa: Achievements, Prospects and Challenges. Poster presented at the Innovation Africa Symposium, 21-23rd November 2006 Speke Resort Munyonyo Kampala Uganda(NA)

Perea, C.; Hyman, G.; Girón, E.; Barona A., E. 2006. Tikiwiki y Mapserver: Herramienta colaborativa y mapas en línea para el monitoreo de clima y vegetación en Colombia usando información satelital [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Pérez V., J.C.; Ceballos, H.; Lentini, Z.; López, J.; Morante, N. [2006]. Introduction of inbreeding and analysis of inbreeding depression in eight S1 cassava families [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Peters, M.; Miles, J.W.; White, D.; Holmann, F. J.; Lascano, C. E. 2006. High value forages: Viable options for smallholder farmers [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Peters, M.; White, D.; Lascano, C.E.; Holmann, F.J. 2006. Jump-starting smallholder farmer participation in markets: Forage-based animal feeds for on-farm pork and poultry production and the feed industry [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rao, I.M. 2006. The African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet) [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Reiber, C.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M.; Hoffmann, V.; Lentes, P.; Cruz, H.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Adoption and diffusion processes of silage technology in the area of Yoro, Honduras [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tegucigalpa, HN. 1 p.
Remington, T., Best, R. and Ferris. S. 2006. Developing Partnerships and Impact through Learning Alliances[poster]. Presented at the Innovation Marketplace, Washington Annual General Meeting of theCGIAR, 2-5th December.(NA)

Roa, C.; Brown, S.; Roa, M.C.; Beltrán G., J.A. 2006. Protocol for the characterization of carbon and water cycles in high elevation ecosystems [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rodríguez, I.V.; Bueno, J. M.; Cardona M., C. 2006. Validación de una alternativa para el manejo racional de Trialeurodes vaporariorum en habichuela [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rondón, M.A.; Molina, D.L.; Hurtado, M. del P.; Ramírez, J.; Lehmann, J.; Major, J.; Amézquita C., E. 2006. Enhancing the productivity of crops and grasses while reducing greenhouse gas emissions through bio-char amendments to unfertile tropical soils [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Sanginga, P.C.; Kaaria, S.; Simba Machingadize; Rupert Best; Ignatius Kahiu, ColletahChitsike; Rogers Kanzikwera, Jemimah Njuki and Michael Hauser (2006) Strengthening Partnerships for Enabling Rural Innovation in Africa: Achievements, Prospects and Challenges. Poster presented at the Innovation Africa Symposium, 21-23th November 2006 Speke Resort Munyonyo Kampala Uganda.(NA)

Thao, L., T.M. Aye, T. Boupha, and K. Fahrney. 2006. Pig Raising Using Locally Grown Feeds in Upland Villages of Northern Laos. [Poster] (in Lao language) presented at the Lao Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Information Market 18-20 Sep 2006, Vientiane, Lao PDR. (NA)

Torres G., A.M.; Ciprián, A.; Toro C., O.; Debouck, D.G. 2006. Distribution of bean and tropical forage germplasm from an international genebank: A service to the global agriculture [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Genetic Resources Unit, Cali, CO. 1 p.

Trejo T., M.T.; Ayarza, M.A.; Smyth, T. J. 2006. Use of the nutrient management expert system NuMass to improve management of nitrogen in maize-based systems in hillsides of Honduras and Nicaragua [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1-2.

Uribe, N.; Oberthür, T.; Hyman, G. 2006. Valoración de los diferentes métodos de correción topográfica en imágenes de satélite aplicado a la respuesta espectral del café [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Waters BM, Li CM, Blair MW, Beebe S, Grusak MA. 2006. “Influence of Rhizosphere pH on Whole-Root Ferric Reductase Activity in Diverse Accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris – ISINIP Conference 2006 (Poster)(NA)

Welchez, L.A.; Ayarza, M.A.; Amézquita C., E.B.; Barrios, E.; Rondón, M.A.; Castro, A.; Rivera, M.; Pavon, J.; Ferreira, O.; Valladares, D.; Sánchez, N.; Rao, I.M. 2006. Unravelling the mysteries of the Quesungal Agroforestry System[poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Yeboah, E.; Abekoe, M.K.; Dowuona, G.N.N.; Vanlauwe, B.; Adiku, S.G.K. 2006. Soil carbon sequestration: The infuence of organic resource quality and quantity [poster]. In: World Congress of Soil Science (18, 2006, Philadelphia, USA). Frontiers of soil science: Technology and the information age: Abstracts. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 1.

Zöfel, K.; Schultze-K., R.; Peters, M.; Franco, L.H. 2006. Field characterisation of a collection of the forage tree legumes Leucaena diversifolia and L. trichandra: An ongoing project in Colombia [poster] on line]. University of Bonn; Cali, CO : Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Bonn, DE. 1 p.

Other Publications

Alvarez, E. 2006. Enfermedades limitantes de la yuca. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 20 p.

Alvarez, E. Amariles F. F.; Peralta, G.; Johnson, N.L. 2006. Linking diversity to organizational effectiveness: Lessons from a culture study at CIAT. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC), Washington, DC, USA. 4 p. (ILAC brief 12)

Alvarez, E. Amariles, Amede, T. 2006. Différentes options pour surmonter la complexité des problèmes liés aux ressources naturelles [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Temps forts le CIAT in Afrique no. 30)

Alvarez, E. 2006. Enfermedades limitantes de la yuca. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 20 p.

Amede, T. 2006. Differential entry points to address complex natural resource constraints in the highlands of Eastern Africa [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 30)

Amede, T. 2006. Pontos de entrada diferenciais para resolver as limitações complexas de recursos naturais nas terras altas da África Orie [en línea] . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 30)

Amede, T.; Bekele, A.; Opondo, C. 2006. Creating niches for integration of green manures and risk management through growing maize cultivar mixtures in Southern Ethiopian highlands. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. 12 p. (Working papers no. 14)

Amede, T.; Belachew, T.; Geta, E. 2006. Reversing degradation of arable lands in Southern Ethiopia. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. 14 p. (Working papers no. 1)

Amede, T.; Delve, R.J. 2006. Improved decision-making for achieving triple benefits of food security, income and environmental services through modeling cropping systems in the Ethiopian highlands. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. 12 p. (Working papers no. 20)

Amede, T.; Diro, M. 2006. Optimizing soil fertility gradients in the enset systems of the Ethiopian highlands. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. 10 p. (Working papers no. 15)

Argel M., P.J.; Miles, J.W.; Guiot G., J.D.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Cultivar mulato (Brachiaria híbrida CIAT 36061): Gramínea de alta produçao e qualidade forrageira para os trópicos. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 26 p.

Argel M., P.J.; Miles, J.W.; Guiot G., J.D.; Lascano, C.E. 2006. Cultivar mulato (Brachiaria hybrid CIAT 36061): A high-yielding, high-quality forage grass for the tropics. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 24

Beebe, S. 2006. Biofortified beans [on line]. HarvestPlus, Washington, DC, USA. 2 p.

Beebe, S. 2006. Frijol biofortificado [en línea]. HarvestPlus, Washington, DC, USA. 2 p.

Beebe, S. 2006. El proyecto AgroSalud. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Honduran Association of Farmer Agricultural Research Committees (ASOCIAL), Siguatepeque, Honduras. April, 2006. (NA)

Better beans for Africa...[on line]. [2006]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA), Kampala, UG. 8 p.

Cadavid L., L.F. 2006. Aspectos tecnológicos sobre producción de yuca. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 29 p.

Chianu, J.N.; Vanlauwe, B. 2006. Soja: Um novo papel no Quénia Ocidental [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 35)

Chianu, J.N.; Vanlauwe, B. 2006. Soybean: A new role in Western Kenya [on line] . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 35)
Chianu, J.N.; Vanlauwe, B. 2006. Un renouveau pour le soja dans l’ouest du Kenya [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Temps forts le CIAT in Afrique no. 35)

Chirwa, R.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Njuki, J.; Magombo, T. 2006. Beans seed supply systems as a business : Empowering communities to improve livelihoods in Kasunga, Central Malawi. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Network on Bean Research in Africa, Kampala, UG. 3 p.

Chirwa, R.; Phiri, M.A.R. 2006. Factors that influence demand for beans in Malawi. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Network on Bean Research in Africa, Kampala, UG. 5 p.

Chow, Z.; Trouche, G. 2006. Informe de las actividades en fitomejoramiento participativo del arroz de secano en Nicaragua, ciclo agrícola 2005. CIAT-CIRAD/INTA. Managua. Nicaragua. 17 p. 35 tab. (NA)

Clark, L. 2006. Manual para el mapeo de redes como una herramienta de diagnóstico. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural, Agropecuario y Medio Ambiente, La Paz, BO. 48 p.

Cook, S.E.; Gichuki, F.; Fisher, M.J. 2006. Analyzing water poverty: Water, agriculture and poverty basins. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Colombo, LK. 18 p. (Basin focal project working paper no. 3)

Des haricots de meilleure qualité pour l´Afrique ...[on line]. [2006]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA), Kampala, UG. 8 p.

Estrada, R.D.; Quintero, M. [2006]. Propuesta metodológica para el análisis de cuenca: Una alternativa para corregir las deficiencias detectadas en la implementación del pago por servicios ambientales. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Cali, CO. 11 p.

Estrada, R.D.; Quintero, M.; Girón, E. 2006. Ex ante evaluation of land use alternatives to internalize environmental externalities and increase rural welfare: Design and construction of optimization model to evaluate land use alternatives according with their impact on environmental and socioeconomic watershed conditions and to valuate environmental externalities. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Cali, CO. 2 p.

Estrada, R.D.; Quintero, M.; Girón, E. 2006. Ex ante evaluation of land use alternatives to internalize environmental externalities and increase rural welfare: Evaluation and selection of land uses for the prioritized URH in Fuquene watershed by its environmental and socioeconomic impact. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Cali, CO. 2 p.

Ferris, S.; Best, R.; Lundy, M.; Ostertag G., C.F.; Gottret, M.V.; Wandschneider, T. 2006. Strategy paper: A participatory and area based approach to rural agro-enterprise development. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 44 p. (CIAT rural agroenterprise development. Good practice guide 1)

Franco, L.H.; Peters, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R. 2006. Lablab purpureus: Una leguminosa multipropósito. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 plegable.
Fuentes, J.L.; Correa V., F.J.; Escobar R., F.; Prado P., G.A.; Aricapa, M.G.; Duque, M.C.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Tagging Pi-l(t) gene for blast resistance in rice via linkage to microsatellite markers. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 16 p.

German, L.A.; Mansoor, H.; Alemu, G.; Mazengia, W.; Amede, T.; Delve, R.J. 2006. Participatory integrated watershed management: Evolution of concepts and methods. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. 18 p. (Working papers no. 11)

Gil, J.L. 2006. Uso de la yuca en alimentación animal. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 12 p.

Graham, R.D.; Welch, R.M.; Saunders, D.A.; Ortiz M., J.I.; Bouis, H.E.; Bonierbale, M.W..; De Haan, S.; Burgos, G.; Thiele, G.; Liria, R.; Meisner, C.A.; Beebe, S.E.; Potts, M.J.; Kadian, M.; Hobbs, P.R.; Gupta, R.K.; Twomlow, S.J. [2006]. Nutritious subsistence food systems. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 60 p.
González, C. N. Johnson, D. White, and F. Hartwich, 2006, Public-private research partnerships in Colombia: An effective leveraging mechanism of private support for agricultural development? CIAT working paper. (NA)
Howeler, R.H. 2006. Cassava in Asia: Trends in cassava production, processing and marketing [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Bangkok, TH. 12 p.

Howeler, R.H.; Ceballos, H. 2006. CIAT initiatives on cassava improvement in Asia [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Bangkok, TH. p. 25-31.

Hyman, G.; Meneses, C.; Barona A., E.; Girón, E.; Perea, C. 2006. Satellite imagery and information networks for monitoring climate and vegetation in Colombia. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 7 p.

Hyman, G.; Suan Pheng Kam; Legg, C.; Farrow, A.; Hodson, D.; Benson, T. 2006. Poverty and food security mapping at country-level : Lessons learned from seven case studies. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 18 p.

Jarvis, A.; Fisher, M.J.; Jones, P.G.; Cook, S.E.; Guarino, L. 2006. Agriculture, risk and climate change. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 4 p.

Kimani, P. 2006. Bean varieties for humid tropical region: Reality or fiction? [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 34)

Kimani, Paul M. 2006. Feijão verde como fonte de receita de pequenos agricultores na África oriental [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 31)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Le haricot vert, source de revenu pour les petits agriculteurs d’Afrique de l’Est [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Temps forts le CIAT in Afrique no. 31)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Snap beans for income generation by small farmers in East Africa [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 31)

Kimani, P.M. 2006. Variedades de feijão para regiões tropicais húmidas: Realidade ou ficção? [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 34)

Lilja N; Bellon M. 2006. Participatory research projects at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). PRGA Program, Cali, Colombia, and CIMMYT, Mexico, DF. 43p. (NA)

Lubobo, A. K.; Chirwa, R. 2006. Role of regional networks in accelerating NARS to identify client-oriented bean varieties : The case of Southern D R Congo. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Network on Bean Research in Africa, Kampala, UG. 3 p.

Lundy, M. 2006. Vínculos entre Productores de Hortalizas de Pequeña Escala y Supermercados en Centroamérica: Casos Honduras y El Salvador. Final report for the ESAE Division of FAO, Rome (P.R. 30169). January. 56 pages. (NA)

Lundy, M.; Gottret, M.V.; Best, R.; Ferris, S. 2006. A guide to developing partnerships, territorial analysis and planning together. Manual 1: Territorial approach to rural agro-enterprise development. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Rural Agro-Enterprise Development Project, Cali, CO. 64 p.

Lundy, M.; Gottret, M.V.; Ostertag G., C.F. [2006]. Formación de grupos de trabajo para procesos de desarrollo empresarial rural. Manual de campo. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Proyecto Desarrollo Agroempresarial Rural, Cali, CO. 38 p.

Martínez R., C.P.; Borrero C., J.; Tohme M., J. 2006. Variedades de arroz con mayor valor nutricional para combatir la desnutrición en América Latina. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Unidad de Biotecnología, Cali, CO. 11 p.

Meenakshi, J.V.; Johnson, N.L.; Manyong, V.M.; De Groote, H.; Javelosa, J.; Naher, F.; González, C.; García C., J.A.; Meng, E. [2006]. How cost-effective is biofortification in combating micronutrient malnutrition? an exante assessment. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 27 p.

Melhores feijoes para Africa ...[on line]. [2006]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA), Kampala, UG. 8 p.

Meneses, C.; Hyman, G.; Muñoz, J.; Jordán, T.; Perea, C. 2006. Assessment of high speed internet for remote sensing data acquisition and exchange in Colombia and Latin America. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 8 p.

Minja, E.M.. 2006. Adoption des technologies de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs du haricot [on line] . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Temps forts le CIAT in Afrique no. 29)

Minja, E.M.. 2006. Agricultores beneficiam da adopção de tecnologias de gestão integrada de pragas do feijão [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 29)

Minja, E.M. 2006. Farmers benefit from adoption of bean integrated pest management technologies [on line] . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 29)

Morales, F.J.; Cardona M., C.; Bueno, J.M.; Rodríguez T., I.V. 2006. Manejo integrado de enfermedades de plantas causadas por virus transmitidos por moscas blancas. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 43 p. (Publicación CIAT no. 351)

Niederhauser, N., Oberthür, T. CinfO Information management for coffee supply chains. Information Platform for Diversification of Coffee Lands. (NA)

Opondo, C.; Sanginga, P.C.; Stroud, A. 2006. Monitoring the outcomes of participatory research in natural resource management: Experiences of the African Highlands Initiative. African Highlands Initiative (AHI), Nairobi, KE. 18 p. (Working papers no. 2)

Peralta, A.; García C., J.A.; Johnson, N.L. 2006. Dynamics and definitions of poverty in the Colombian andes: Participative vs objective approaches. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 35 p.

Pérez, E.; Holmann, F.J.; Schuetz, P. 2006. Evolución de la ganadería bovina en países de América Central: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Cali, CO. 46. (Publicación CIAT no. 205)

Peters, M.; Franco, L.H.; Oberthür, T. 2006. Caupí (Vigna unguiculata), una leguminosa multipropósito. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Proyecto Forrajes, Proyecto Uso de la Tierra, Cali, CO. 1 plegable.

Poscosecha de yuca. 2006. Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 29 p.

Quintero, M.; Estrada, R.D. [2006]. Determining Costs and Benefits of Environmental Externalities as an Instrument to Promote Alliances for Development. Fuquene Watershed (Colombia) . Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Cali, CO. 2 p.

Quintero, M.; Estrada, R.D. 2006. Pago por servicios ambientales en Latinoamérica y sus perspectivas en los Andes: Una visión desde la práctica [en línea]. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Lima, PE. 47 p. (Serie: Contribuciones para el desarrollo sostenible de los Andes no. 4)

Quintero, M.; Otero, W. 2006. Mecanismo de financiación para promover agricultura de conservación con pequeños productores: De la cuenca de la laguna de Fúnque: Su diseño, aplicación y beneficios [en línea]. Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), Lima, PE. 35 p.
Ramisch, J.J. 2006. Building dynamic expertise for integrated soil fertility management in Western Kenya [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 32)

Ramisch, J.J. 2006. Créer une expertise dynamique sur la gestion intégrée de la fertilité des sols dans l’ouest du Kenya [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Temps forts le CIAT in Afrique no. 32)

Ramisch, J.J. 2006. Criação de conhecimento dinâmico para a gestão integrada da fertilidade do solo no ocidente do Quénia [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 32)

Reiber, C.; Cruz, H.; Peters, M.; Franco, L.H.; Lascano, C.E.; Avila, P.; Schmidt, A.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Burgos, C.; Mena, M.; Lentes, P. 2006. El ensilaje, alternativa para conservar forrajes. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 plegable.

Reiber, C.; Cruz, H.; Peters, M.; Franco, L.H.; Lascano, C.E.; Avila, P.; Schmidt, A.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Burgos, C.; Mena, M.; Lentes, P. 2006. Heno, forraje conservado para la época crítica. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 plegable.

Rondón, M.A.; Amézquita C., E.; Chávez, L.F.; Hurtado, M. del P.; Alvarez, A.; Estrada, R.D.; Hesushius, M.; Garzón, G.; Quintero, C. 2006. Soil properties, carbon stocks and fluxes of greenhouse gases in Andean watersheds. Soil properties, carbon stocks and fluxes of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the Fuquene watershed (Colombia) . Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Cali, CO. 3 p.

Roothaert, R.L. 2006. CGIAR, national partners and farmers collaborate to test forages in Ethiopia [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 28)

Roothaert, R.L. 2006. CGIAR, parceiros nacionais e agricultores colaboram na testagem de forragens na Etiópia [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 28)

Roothaert, R.L. 2006. Collaboration entre le CGIAR, les partenaires nationaux et les agriculteurs pour tester les fourrages en Ethiopie [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Temps forts le CIAT in Afrique no. 28)

Roothaert, R.L. 2006. Forages for intensive livestock systems in Uganda [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 33

Roothaert, R.L. 2006. Forragens para sistemas pecuários intensivos no Uganda [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Destaques CIAT em Africa no. 33)

Roothaert, R.L. 2006. La culture fourragère dans le cadre des systèmes d’élevage intensif en Ouganda [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Temps forts le CIAT in Afrique no. 33)

Rubiano M., J.E.; Madrid, O.; Soto, V.; Estrada, R.D.; Quintero, M.; Girón, E.; Pernett M., X. 2006. Incorporation of new isotope techniques for tracing water pollutants used as a mean for the understanding of land use impacts on water resources. Identifying sources of Nitrates and Phosphate in Fuquene Lake. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Cali, CO. 4 p.

Rubyogo, J.C., 2006. Collaboration in translation of Bean Seed Production Manual (Book I) from English to Mbeba (3rd Language in Zambia and also widely spoken in the south-east of Democratic Republique of Congo. (NA)

Rubyogo, J.C., 2006. Collaboration in the design and production: Improved Partnership for the Promotion of Export Haricot Bean Production Technologies–Documents for field days. (NA)

Rubyogo, J.C., 2006. Development and production of 13 different types of brochures (one on pests, 12 on varieties) and leaflets (2 on production , 2 on diseases, 2 on entomology, 1 on soil management) to facilitate promo of the bean programme of southern Highlands of Tanzania. (NA)

Saad, N.; Lilja, N.; Fukuda, W.M.G. 2006. Participatory cassava breeding in Northeast Brazil : Who adopts and why?. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 29 p. (Working document no. 24)

Sanginga, P.C.; Chirwa, R.; Njuki, J.; Magombo, T. 2006. Enabling rural innovation in Africa : Bean as an entry point: The case of Bokosi Village in Kasungi, Malawi. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Network on Bean Research in Africa, Kampala, UG. 3 p.

Sanginga, P.C. and E. Lubega. 2006. Effective Facilitation Skills for Enabling Rural Innovation. A Community Development Facilitators’ Guide. (NA)

Sanginga, P.C. and Opondo, C. J. 2006. Grounding Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in Agricultural Research and Development Organizations in Eastern Africa . (NA)

Shambu P., C.; Hall, A.; Thummuru, L. 2006. Engaging scientists through institutional histories. Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC), Rome, IT. 19 p. (ILAC brief 14)

Soko, L, R. M. Chirwa and E. Mazuma. 2006. Beans a Nutritional Power House. Ministry of Agriculture. Malawi. (NA)

Sperling, L. 2006. Seed aid for seed security: Advice for practitioners. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); Catholic Relief Services, Rome, IT. 10 hojas en carpeta.
Spilsbury, J., Ferris, R.S.B, Walker, S., Nyapendi, R, 2006. Part 1. Evaluating the Marketing Opportunities for Rice and its Products in the Principle Rice Growing Countries of ASARECA, Uganda Market Study. 53p. (NA)

Thottappilly, G.; Fregene, M.A.; Makeshkumar, T.; Calvert, L.A.; Cuervo I., M. 2006. Cassava. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 19 p.

Trouche, G. Castro, B. 2006.Memoria del taller de capacitación en métodos de fitomejoramiento participativo. 31 Oct-3 Nov. 2005, Somoto, Nicaragua. CIRAD, CIPRES, PPB-MA. Página web del grupo de trabajo CIRAD sobre el fitomejoramiento participativo: (NA)

Trouche, G.; Hocdé, H. 2006. Ficha método de fitomejoramiento participativo: Método de evaluación participativa de variedades en campo usando los criterios de los agricultores. CIAT-CIRAD. 4 p. Página web del grupo de trabajo CIRAD sobre el fitomejoramiento participativo: (NA)

Viva bien, coma frijol!: Un rico alimento y un componente de la dieta para ayudar a prevenir enfermedades mortales[en línea]. [2006]. -- Cali, CO: Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Cereales y Leguminosas (FENALCE); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT).

Watananonta, W.; Tangsakul, S.; Katong, S.; Phetprapi, P.; Jantawat, S.; Samuthong, N.; Howeler, R.H. [2006]. Effect of methods of land preparation on the yields of four cassava cultivars in Thailand. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Bangkok, TH. 8 p.

Yamamoto Y., Oberthür T., Lefroy R. 2006. Rainfed Agriculture in Northern Laos - Identification of Land Use Cycles in Slash-and-Burn Agriculture by Satellite Imagery - . JIRCAS Working Report No.47. 1-6. (NA)

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