CIAT Publications 2008

Articles in Refereed Journals / Articles in non Refereed Journals / Books / Book Chapters / Proceedings / Articles in Proceedings / Abstracs in Proceedings / Theses Supervised / Posters / Other Publications

Articles in Refereed Journals

Abello, J.; Kelemu, S.; García, C. 2008. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the endophytic fungus Acremonium implicatum associated with Brachiaria grasses. Mycological Research 112(3):407-413.

Alvarez, E.; Llano R., G.A.; McAdam, E.L. 2008. Controlling cassava root rots with the participation of Tukano communities in the Mitú area of the Colombian amazon. Gene Conserve (28):446-475.

Alvarez, E.; McGee, D.C.; Harrington, T.C. 2008. Molecular variation and pathogenicity of isolates of Fusarium spp affecting corn seed quality. Fitopatología Colombiana 32(2):11-17.

Alvarez, R.M.; Pérez, M.; Reyes, E.; Moreno, O.J.; Delgado, N.; Torrealba N., G.T.; Acevedo, M.A.; Castrillo, W.A.; Navas, M.I.; Salazar, M.; Torres, O.J.; Torres, E.A.; García, P.J.; Pérez, A. 2008. Evaluación comparativa de híbridos y variedades de arroz en los Llanos Centroocidentales de Venezuela = Association between varietal traits and damage caused by the sugarcane stemborer in Portuguesa, Venezuela. Agronomía Tropical 58(2):101-110.

Amela, F.A.; Vallejo C., F.A.; Martínez R., C.P.; Borrero C., J.C. 2008. Parámetros genéticos de la longitud de panícula en arroz = Genetic parameters of panicle length in rice crop. Acta Agronómica 57(4):233-239.

Aquino, A.M. de; Silva, R.F. da; Mercante, F.M.; Correia, M.E.F.; Guimaraes, F.; Lavelle, P. 2008. Invertebrate soil macrofauna under different ground cover plants in the no-till system in the Cerrado. European Journal of Soil Biology 44:191-197. (NA)

Astudillo R., C.; Blair, M.W. 2008. Contenido de hierro y cinc en la semilla y su respuesta a nivel de fertilización con fósforo en 40 variedades de frijol colombianas = Seed iron and zinc content and their response to phosphorus fertilization in 40 colombian bean varieties. Agronomía Colombiana 26(3):471-476.

Aune, J. B.; Bationo, A. 2008. Agricultural intensification in the Sahel the ladder approach. Agricultural Systems 98(2): 119-125. (NA)

Baiyeri, K. P.; Edibo, G. O.; Obi, I. U.; Ogbe, F. O.; Egesi, C. N.; Eke-Okoro, O. N.; Okogbenin, E.; Dixon, A. G. O. 2008. Growth, yield and disease responses of 12 cassava genotypes evaluated for two cropping seasons in a derived savannah zone of south-eastern Nigeria. Agro-Science 7(2):162-169. (NA)

Balesh T.; Aune, J. B.; Johnsen, F. H.; Vanlauwe, B. 2008. The prospects of reduced tillage in tef (Eragrostis tef Zucca) in Gare Arera, West Shawa Zone of Oromiya, Ethiopia. Soil & Tillage Research 99(1):58-65. (NA)

Basamba, T.A.; Barrios, E.; Singh, B.R.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Influence of planted fallows and manure application on soil quality and maize yields on a Colombian volcanic ash soil. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 32(1):1-35.

Beebe, S.E.; Rao, I.M.; Cajiao V., C.H.; Grajales, M. 2008. Selection for drought resistance in common bean also improves yield in phosphorus limited and favorable environments. Crop Science 48:582-592.

Bernal, L.; Avila, P.; Ramírez, G.; Lascano, Carlos E.; Tiemann, Tassilo T.; Hess, H.. 2008. Degradación de nutrientes y emisión de gases al fermentar ensilaje y heno de Calliandra calothyrsus y Vigna unguiculata en el sistema Rusitec . Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal (Puerto Rico) 16(4):199-204.

Bernal, L.; Ávila, Patricia; Ramírez, G.; Lascano, C.. 2008. Efecto de la suplementación con heno de Calliandra calothyrsus y Vigna unguiculata sobre la producción de leche por vacas Holstein x Cebú en Colombia . Archivos Latinoamericanos de Produccíon Animal 16(3):109-114.

Blair, M.W.; Buendía C., H.F.; Giraldo Z., M.C.; Métais, I.; Peltier, D. 2008. Characterization of AT-rich microsatellites in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118:91-103.

Blair, M.W.; Morales, F.J. 2008. Geminivirus resistance breeding in common bean. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 3(093):1-14.

Blair, M.W.; Porch, T.; Cichy, K.A.; Galeano, C.H.; Lariguet, P.; Pankhurst, C.; Broughton, W. 2008. Induced mutants in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and their potential use in nutrition quality breeding and gene discovery. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 55:191-200.
Börner, J.; Wunder, S. 2008. Paying for avoided deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: From cost assessment to scheme design. International Forestry Review 10(3):496-511.

Bourgis, F.; Guyot, R.; Gherbi, H.; Tailliez, E.; Amabile, I.; Salse, J.; Lorieux, M.; Delseny, M.; Ghesquière, A. 2008. Characterization of the major fragance gene from an aromatic japonica rice and analysis of its diversity in Asian cultivated rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117:353-368.

Bravo, E.; Calvert, L.A.; Morales, F.J. 2008. The complete nucleotide sequence of the genomic RNA of bean common mosaic virus strain NL4. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 32(122):37-46.

Calvert, L.A.; Cuervo I., M.; Lozano P., I.; Villareal, N.; Arroyave, J.A. 2008. Identification of three strains of a virus associated with cassava plants affected by Frogskin disease. Journal of Phytopathology 156:647-653.

Carabalí M., A.; Montoya L., J.; Bellotti, A.C. 2008. Desarrollo y reproducción de Bemisia tabaci ¨B¨ (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) sobre genotipos de yuca (Manihot esculenta). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 34(1):28-32.

Ceballos, H.; Sánchez, T.; Denyer, K.; Tofiño R., A.P.; Rosero, E.A.; Dufour, D.L.; Smith, A.; Morante, N.; Pérez V., J.C.; Fahy, B. 2008. Induction and identification of a small-granule, high-amylose mutant in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(16):7215-7222.

Chacón P., J.; Madriñán, S.; Debouck, D.G.; Rodríguez, F.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Phylogenetic patterns in the genus Manihot (Euphorbiaceae) inferred from analyses of nuclear and chlorplast DNA regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49:260-267.

Châtel, M.; Ospina R., Y.; Rodríguez, F.; Lozano, V.H.; Delgado, H. 2008. Upland rice composite population breeding and selection of promising lines for Colombian savannah ecosystem. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical 38(1):1-5.

Chávez, A. L.; Ceballos, H.; Rodríguez-Amaya, D.B.; Pérez, J.C.; Sánchez, T.; Calle, F.; Morante, N. 2008. Sampling variation for carotenoids and dry matter contents in cassava roots. Journal of Root Crops 34(1). 43-49. (NA)

Checa C., O.E.; Blair, M.W. 2008. Mapping QTL for climbing ability and component traits in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Molecular Breeding 22:201-215.

Chianu, J.N.; Ajani, O.I.Y.; Chianu, J.N. 2008. Livelihoods and rural wealth distribution among farm households in western Kenya: Implications for rural development, poverty alleviation interventions and peace. African Journal of Agricultural Research 3(7):455-464.

Chianu, J.N.; Mairura, F.; Ekise, Isaac E.; Chianu, Justina N. 2008. Farm input marketing in western Kenya: Challenges and opportunities. African Journal of Agricultural Research 3(3):167-173.

Chikowo, R.; Corbeels, M.; Tittonell, P.A.; Vanlauwe, B.; Whitbread, A.; Giller, K.E. 2008. Aggregating field-scale knowledge into farm-scale models of African smallholder systems: Summary functions to simulate crop production using APSIM. Agricultural Systems p. 1-16.
Chikoye, D. ; Lum, A. F.; Abaidoo, R.; Menkir, A.; Kamara, A.; Ekeleme, F.; Sanginga, N. 2008. Response of corn genotypes to weed interference and nitrogen in Nigeria. Weed Science 56(3):424-433. (NA)

Chretin, M.; Chikamai, B.; Loktari, P. Ekai; Ngichili, J.; Loupa, N.; Odee, D.W; Lesueur, D. 2008. The current situation and prospects for gun arabic in Kenya: A promising sector for pastoralists living in arid lands. International Forestry Review 10(1):14-22.
Cobo B., J.G.; Barrios, E.; Delve, R.J. 2008. Decomposition and nutrient release from intra-specific mixtures of legume plant materials. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39:616-625.

Da, G.; Dufour, D.L.; Marouzé, C.; Thanh, Mai le; Maréchal, P.-A. 2009. Cassava starch processing at small scale in North Vietnam. Starch/Starke 60(7):358-372.
Dwivedi, S.L.; Upadhyaya, H.D.; Stalker, H.T.; Blair, M.W.; Bertioli, D.J.; Nielen, S.; Ortiz, R. 2008. Enhancing crop gene pools with beneficial traits using wild relatives. Plant Breeding Reviews 30:179-230. (NA)

Faye, J.; Plenchette, C.; Faye, A.; Peltier, R.; Lesueur, D. 2008. Symbiotic status of two protected forests of Acacia milotica var. tormentosa in the Senegal River Valley. Arid Land Research and Management 22(3):255-272.

Fofana, B.; Wopereis, M.C.S.; Bationo, A.; Breman, H.; Mando, A. 2008. Millet nutrient use efficiency as affected by natural soil fertility, mineral fertilzer use and rainfall in the West African Sahel.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 81(1):25-36.

Fuentes, J.L.; Correa V., F.J.; Escobar R., F.; Prado P., G.A.; Aricapa, M.G.; Duque, M.C.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Identification of microsatellite markers linked to the blast resistance gene Pi-1(t) in rice. Euphytica 160:295-304.

Gaitán S., Eliana; Choi, I.-Y.; Quigley, C.; Cregan, P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in common bean: Their discovery and genotyping using a multiplex detection system. The Plant Genome 1(2):125-134.

Galvis, J.H.; Amézquita C., E.; Madero M., E. 2008. Evaluación del efecto de la intensidad de labranza en la formación de costra superficial de un oxisol de sabana en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia: III. Caracterización micromorfológica en superficie = Evaluation of harrowing intensity on surface crusting on an oxisol of the eastern plains of Colombia: III. Micromorphological characterization in soil surface. Acta Agronómica 57(1):19-29.

Garzón G., L.N.; Ligarreto M., G.A.; Blair, M.W. 2008. Molecular marker-assisted backcrossing of anthracnose resistance into andean climbing beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Crop Science 48(2):562-570.

Gentile, R.; Vanlauwe, B.; Chivenge, P.P.; Six, J. 2008. Interactive effects from combining fertilizer and organic residue inputs on nitrogen transformations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40:2375-2384.

Gentile, R.; Vanlauwe, B.; Kavoo, A.; Chivenge, P.P.; Six, J. 2008. Residue quality and N fertilizer do not influence aggregate stabilization of C and N in two tropical soils with contrasting texture. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems p. 1-11.

Ghneim H., T.; Posso D., D.; Pérez A., I.; Torrealba N., G.T.; Pieters, A.J.; Martínez R., C.P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Assessment of genetic diversity in Venezuelan rice cultivars using simple sequence repeats markers. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 11(5):1-14.

González A., M.T.; Panta, A.; Roca, W.M.; Escobar P., R.H.; Engelmann, F. 2008. Development and large scale application of cryopreservation techniques for shoot and somatic embryo cultures of tropical crops. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 92(1):1-17.

Gotschi, E.; Njuki, J.; Delve, R.J. 2008. Gender equity and social capital in smallholder farmer groups in central Mozambique. Development in Practice 18(4-5):650-657.

Halsey, M.E.; Olsen, K.L.; Taylor, N.J.; Chavarriaga A., P. 2008. Reproductive biology of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and isolation of experimental field trials. Crop Science 48:49-58.

Hayashi, K.; Abdoulaye, T.; Gerard, B.; Bationo, A. 2008. Evaluation of application timing in fertilizer micro-dosing technology on millet production in Niger, West Africa. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 80:257-265.

Hess, H.-D.; Mera, M.L.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M. 2008. In vitro assessment of the suitability of replacing the low-tannin legume Vigna unguiculata with the tanniniferous legumes Leucaena leucocephala, Flemingia macrophylla or Calliandra calothyrsus in a tropical grass diet. Animal Feed Science and Technology 147(1):105-115.

Holmann, F.J.; Rivas R., L.; Pérez, E.; Castro, C.; Schuetz, P.; Rodríguez, J. 2008. The beef chain in Costa Rica: Identifying critical issues for promoting the modernization, efficiency, and competitiveness. Livestock Research for Rural Development 20(4):1-42.

Holmann, F.J.; Tiemann, T.T. 2008. Simulation of costs and benefits of supplementing milking cows with legumes during the dry season in two hillside regions of Nicaragua. Livestock Research for Rural Development 20(3):1-7.

Hurtado L., P.X.; Olsen, K.M.; Buitrago R., C.; Ospina, C.; Marín, J.A.; Duque E., M.C.; De Vicente, M.C.; Wongtiem, P.; Wenzl, P.; Killian, A.; Adekele, M.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Comparison of simple sequence repeat (SSR) and diversity array technology (DArT) markers for assessing genetic diversity in cassava Manihot esculenta Crantz). Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 6(3):208-214.

Hyman, G.; Fujisaka, S.; Jones, P.; Wood, S.; De Vicente, M.C.; Dixon, J. 2008. Strategic approaches to targeting technology generation: Assessing the coincidence of poverty and drought-prone crop production. Agricultural Systems 98:50-61.

Hyodo, F.; Tayasu, I. ; Konate, S.; Tondoh, J.E.; Lavelle, P.; Wada. E. 2008. Gradual enrichment of N-15 with humification of diets in a below-ground food web: relationship between N-15 and diet age determined using C-14. Functional Ecology 22:516-522. (NA)

Jarvis, A.; Lane, A.; Hijmans, R.J. 2008. The effect of climate change on crop wild relatives. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 126(1-3):13-23.

Jiménez, J.J., Decaens, T.; Lavelle, P. 2008. C and N concentrations in biogenic structures of a soil-feeding termite and a fungus-growing ant in the Colombian savannas. Applied Soil Ecology 40:120-128. (NA)

Kaaria, S. ; Njuki, J.; Abenakyo, A.; Delve, R.; Sanginga, P. 2008. Assessment of the Enabling Rural Innovation (ERI) approach: case studies from Malawi and Uganda. Natural Resources Forum 32(1):53-63. (NA)

Kung´u, James B.; Kihara, Job; Mugendi, Daniel N.; Jaenicke, Hannar. 2008. Effect of small-scale farmers’ tree nursery growing medium on agroforestry tree seedlings’ quality in Mt. Kenya region . Scientific Research and Essay 3 (8): 359-364.

Labarta, R.A.; White, D.; Swinton, S.M. 2008. Does charcoal production slow agricultural expansion into the peruvian amazon rainforest?. World Development 36(3):527-540.

Larmande, P.; Gay, C.; Lorieux, M.; Périn, C.; Bouniol, M.; Droc, G.; Sallaud, C.; Pérez, P.; Barnola, I.; Biderre-Petit, C.; Martin, J.; Morel, J.B.; Johnson, A.A.T.; Bourgis, F.; Ghesquière, A.; Ruiz, M.E.; Courtois, B.; Guiderdoni, E. 2008. Oryza tag line, a phenotypic mutant database for the génoplante rice insertion line library. Nucleic Acids Research 13:1022-1027.

Lesueur, D.; Sarr, A. 2008. Effects of single and dual inoculation with selected microsymbionts (rizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) on field growth and nitrogen fixation of Calliandra calothyrsus Meissn. Agroforestry Systems 73:37-45.

Lilja, N.; Bellon, M. 2008. Participatory research practice at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Development in Practice 18(4-5):590-598.

Lilja, N.; Bellon, M. 2008. Some common questions about participatory research: A review of the literature. Development in Practice 18(4-5):479-488.

Lilja, N.; Dixon , J. 2008. Operationalising participatory research and gender analysis: New research and assessment approaches. Development in Practice 18(4-5):467-669.

Lilja N; Dixon J, 2008. Responding to the challenges of impact assessment of participatory research and gender analysis. Experimental Agriculture 44:3-19.

Loranger-Merciris, G.; Imbert, D.; Bernhard-Reversat, F.; Lavelle, P.; Ponge, J.-F. 2008. Litter N-content influences soil millipede abundance, species richness and feeding preferences in a semi-evergreen dry forest of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles). Biology and Fertility of Soils 45:93-98.

Mairura, F.S.; Mugendi, D.N.; Mwanje, J.I.; Ramisch, J.J.; Mbugua, P.K.; Chianu, J.N. 2008.
Scientific evaluation of smallholder land use knowledge in Central Kenya. Land Degradation & Development 19(1):77-90.

Marjuki, H.E.; Sulistyo, D.W.; Rini, I.; Artharini, I.; Soebarinoto; Howeler, R.H. 2008. The use of cassava leaf silage as a feed supplemental in diets for ruminants and its introduction to smallholder farmers. Livestock Research for Rural Development 20(6):1-9.

Martínez A., A.K. 2008. Caracterización molecular de un begomovirus del tomate en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia, y búsqueda de fuentes de resistencia para el mejoramiento de la variedad Unapal Maravilla = Molecular characterization of a begomovirus affecting tomato in the Cauca Valle Colombia and identification of sources of resistance to improve the variety Unapal Maravilla. Acta Agronómica 57(3):167-173.

Maxted, N.; Dulloo, M.E.; Ford-Lloyd, B.V.; Iriondo, J.M.; Jarvis, A. 2008. Gap analysis: A tool for complementary genetic conservation assessment. Diversity and Distribution 14(6)1018-1030.

Mayer, J.E.; Pfeiffer, W.H.; Beyer, P. 2008. Biofortified crops to alleviate micronutrient malnutrition. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11:166-170.

Mitja, D.; Miranda, L.D.S.; Velasquez, E.; Lavelle, P. 2008. Plant species richness and floristic composition change along a rice-pasture sequence in subsistence farms of Brazilian Amazon, influence on the fallows biodiversity (Benfica, State of Para). Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 124:72-84. (NA)

Montoya M., C.A.; Leterme, P.; Beebe, S.; Souffrant, W.B.; Mollé, D.; Lalles, J.-P. 2008. Phaseolin type and heat treatment influence the biochemistry of protein digestion in the rat intestine. British Journal of Nutrition 99:531-539.

Montoya M., C.A.; Leterme, P.; Victoria, N.F.; Toro Ch., O.; Souffrant, W.B.; Beebe, S.; Lalles, J.-P. 2008. Susceptibility of phaseolin to in vitro proteolysis is highly variable across common bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56:2183-2191.

Murray, J.D.; Michaels, T.E.; Cardona, C.; Schaafsma, A.W.; Pauls, K.P. 2008. Quantitative trait loci for leafhopper (Empoasca fabae and Empoasca kraemeri) resistance and seed weight in the common bean. Plant Breeding 123(5):474-479. (NA)

Nakamanee, G.; Srisomporn, W.; Phengsavanh, P.; Samson, J.; Stür, W. 2008. Sale of fresh forage: A new cash crop for smallholder farmers in Yasothon, Thailand. Tropical Grasslands 42(2):65-74.

Niederhauser, N.; Oberthür, T.; Kattning, S.; Cock, J.H. 2008. Information and its management for differentiation of agricultural products: The example of specialty coffee. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 61(2):241-253.

Njuki, J.; Mapila, M.T.; Kaaria, S.K.; Magombo, T. 2008. Using community indicators for evaluating research and development programmes: Experiences from Malawi. Development in Practice 18(4-5):633-642.

Njuki, J.; Mapila, M.T.; Zingore, S.; Delve, RJ. 2008. The dynamics of social capital in influencing use of soil management options in the Chinyanja Triangle of southern Africa. Ecology and Society 13(2):[1-16]

Ojulong, H.; Labuschagne, M.T.; Fregene, M.A.; Herselman, L. 2008. A cassava clonal evaluation trial based on a new cassava breeding scheme. Euphytica 160:119-129.

Ojulong, H.; Labuschangne, M.; Herselman, L.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Introgression of genes for dry matter content from wild: Cassava species. Euphytica 164:163-172.

Okogbenin, E.; Marín, J.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. QTL analysis for early yield in a pseudo F2 population of cassava. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(2):131-138.

Ortega A., E. del C.; Coulson R., A.j.; Ordóñez A., L.I.; Pachón, H. 2008. Efectos de la ingesta de maíz de alta calidad de proteína (QPM) versus maíz convencional en el crecimiento y la morbilidad de niños nicaragüenses desnutridos de 1 a 5 años. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición 58(4):377-385.

Pachón, H.; Stoltzfus, R.J.; Glahn, R.P. 2008. Chicken thigh, chicken liver, and iron-fortified wheat flour increase iron uptake in an in vitro digestion/caco-2 cell model. Nutrition Research 28:851:858.

Pachón, H.; Stoltzfus, R.J.; Glahn, R.P. 2008. Homogenization, lyophilization or acid-extraction of meat products improves iron uptake from cereal-meat product combinations in an in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell model. British Journal of Nutrition p. 1-6.

Pérez V., J.C.; Souza J., C.L. de; Narro L., L.A.; Pandey, S.; De León, C. 2008. Genetics effects for maize traits in acid and non-acid soils. Genetics and Molecular Biology 31(1):87-98.

Reddy, B.V.S.; Ramesh, S.; Kumar, A.; Wani, S.P.; Ortiz, R.; Sreedevi, T.K. 2008. Bio-fuel crops research for energy security and rural development in developing countries. Bioenergy Research 1:248-258.

Remans, R.; Beebe, S.; Blair, M.W.; Manrique, G.; Tovar L., E.; Rao, I.M.; Croonenborghs, A.; Torres G., R.; El-Howeity, M.; Michiels, J.; Vanderleyden, J. 2008. Physiological and genetic analysis of root responsiveness to auxin-producing plant growth-promoting bacteria in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant and Soil 302:149-161.

Rao, Idupulapati Madhusudana; Wenzl, Peter; Arango Vélez, Adriana; Miles, John W.; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, Mitsuru; Wagatsuma, Tadao; Manrique, Germán; Beebe, Stephen E.; Tohme M., Joseph; Ishitani, Manabu; Rangel Becerra, Andrés Felipe; Horst, Walter J.. 2008. Advances in developing screening methods and improving aluminum resistance in common bean and brachiaria . Revista Brasileira de Agrociencia Brasília, BR. 14 (4-4) : 01-07.

Roa G., M.C.; Roa G., C.E.; Brown, S.; Cordero, E. 2008. Water resource research and education in mountain communities . Mountain Research and Development 28(3-4):196-200.

Salazar V., F.A.; Narro L., L.A.; Vallejo C., F.A. 2008. Habilidad combinatoria general y específica de líneas endogámicas de maíz tolerantes a bajo fósforo = General and specific combining ability of efficient corn inbreeds to low phosphorus. Acta Agronómica 57(3):155-160.

Schlueter, J.A.; Goicoechea, J.L.; Collura, K.; Gill, N.; Lin J-Y; Yu Y; Vallejos, E.; Muñoz, M.; Blair, M.W.; Tohme, J.; Tomkins, J.; McClean, P.; Wing, R.; Jackson, S.A.2008. BAC-end sequence analysis and a draft physical map of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genome. Tropical Plant Biology 1:40-48.

Sotelo C., P.A.; Miller, M.F.; Cardona M., C.; Miles, J.W.; Sotelo, G.; Montoya L., J. 2008. Sublethal effects of antibiosis resistance on the reproductive biology of two spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) species affecting Brachiaria spp. Journal of Economic Entomology 101(2):564-568.

Sperling, L.; Cooper, H.D.; Remington, T. 2008. Moving towards more effective seed aid. Journal of Development Studies 44(4):586-612.

Tabi, F.O.; Diels, J.; Ogunkunle, A.O.; Iwuafor, E.N.O.; Vanlauwe, B.; Sanginga, N. 2008. Potential nutrient supply, nutrient utilization efficiencies, fertilizer recovery rates and maize yield in northern Nigeria. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 80:161-172.

Tangphatsornruang, S.; Sraphet, S.; Singh, R.; Okogbenin, E.; Fregene, M.; Triwitayakorn, K. 2008. Development of polymorphic markers from expressed sequence tags of Manihot esculenta Crantz. Molecular Ecology Resources 8(3):682-685. (NA)

Tchienkoua , Jemo, M.; Njomgang, R.; Nolte, C.; Sanginga, N.; Takow, J. 2008. Relationship of soil qualities to maize growth under increasing phosphorus supply in acid soils of Southern Cameroon. Pedosphere 18(5):645-652. (NA)

Tchienkoua, C.; Nolte, C.; Jemo, M.; Sanginga, N.; Zech, W. 2008. Biomass and phosphorus uptake responses of maize to phosphorus application in three acid soils from southern Cameroon. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39:1546:1558.

Thomas, F.; Rossi, J.P.; Decaens, T.; Grimaldi, M.; Lavelle, P.; Martins, P.; E. Garnier-Zarli. E. 2008. Comparative analysis of Andiodrilus pachoensis casts in forests and pastures of South-Eastern Amazon (Brazil). European Journal of Soil Biology 44:545-553. (NA)

Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.; Hess, H.D. 2008. The ruminal degradability of fibre explains part of the low nutritional value and reduced methanogenesis in highly tanniniferous tropical legumes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88:1794-1803.

Tiemann, T.T.; Avila V., P.; Ramírez G., G.; Lascano, C.E.; Kreuzer, M.; Hess, H.D. 2008. In vitro ruminal fermentation of tanniniferous tropical plants: Plant-specific tannin effects and counteracting efficiency of PEG. Animal Feed Science and Technology 146:222-241.

Tiemann, T.T.; Lascano, C.E.; Wettstein, H.-R.; Mayer, A.C.; Kreuzer, M.; Hess, H.D. 2008. Effect of the tropical tannin-rich shrub legumes Calliandra calothyrsus and Flemingia macrophylla on methane emission and nitrogen and energy balance in growing lambs. Animal 2(5):790-799.

Tittonell, P.A.; Corbeels, M.; Van Wijk, M.T.; Vanlauwe, B.; Giller, K.E. 2008. Combining organic and mineral fertilizers for integrated soil fertility management in smallholder farming systems of Kenya: Explorations using the crop-soil model FIELD. Agronomy Journal 100(5):1511-1526.

Tittonell, P.A.; Shepherd, K.D.; Vanlauwe, B.; Giller, K.E. 2008. Unravelling the effects of soil and crop management on maize productivity in smallholder agricultural systems of western Kenya: An application of classification and regression tree analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 123:137-150.

Tittonell, P.A.; Vanlauwe, B.; Corbeels, M.; Giller, K.E. 2008. Yield gaps, nutrient use efficiencies and response to fertilisers by maize across heterogenous smallholder farms of western Kenya. Plant and Soil 313:19-37.

Tofiño, A.P.; Cabal, D.; Romero, H.; Ceballos, H. 2008. Caracterización morfológica de una población M1 de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) derivada de semillas irradiadas. Fitotecnia Colombiana 8(1):39-55. (NA)

Tofiño Rivera, Adriana Patricia; Cabal, Diana; Ceballos, Hernán; Pérez, Juan Carlos; Romero, Hernán Mauricio. 2008. Potencial de la técnica tilling para evaluar progenies endocriadas de germoplasma irradiado de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) . Fitotecnia Colombiana 8(2):22-32.

Tofiño R., A.P.; Ceballos, H.; Romero, H.M. 2008. Posibilidades de expansión del cultivo de yuca (Manihot eculentum Crantz) en el caribe seco colombiano a partir de investigación multidisciplinaria. Actualidades Biológicas 30(88):15-27.

Tulema, B.; Aune, J.B.; Johnsen, F.H.; Vanlauwe, B. 2008. The prospects of reduced tillage in tef (Eragrostis tef Zucca) in Gare Arera, West Shawa zone of Oromiya, Ethiopia. Soil and Tillage Research 99:58-65.

Vanlauwe, B.; Idrissa, A.; Diels, J.; Sanginga, N.; Merckx, R. 2008. Plant age and rock phosphate effects on the organic resource quality of herbaceous legume residues and their N and P release dynamics. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 28(3):429-437.

Vanlauwe, B.; Kanampiu, F.; Odhiambo, G.D.; De Groote, H.; Wadhams, L.J.; Khan, Z.R. 2008. Integrated management of striga hermonthica, stemborers, and declining soil fertility in western Kenya. Field Crops Research 107(2):102-115.

Veldwisch, G. J.; Spoor, M. 2008. Contesting rural resources: emerging 'forms' of agrarian production in Uzbekistan. Journal of Peasant Studies 35(3):424-451. (NA)

Velten, G.; Rott, A.; Conde Petit, B.J.; Cardona M., C.; Dorn, S. 2008. Improved bruchid management through favorable host plant traits and natural enemies. Biological Control 47(2):133-140

Watts, J.; Horton, D.E.; Douthwaite, B.; La Rovere, R.; Thiele, G.; Prasad, S.; Staver, C. 2008. Transforming impact assessment: Beginning the quiet revolution of institutional learning and change. Experimental Agriculture 44:21-35.

Were, G.M.; Ohiokpehai, O.; Kimiywe, J.; Mbagaya, G.M.; Okeyo-Owur, J.B.; Kamau, J.; Mbithe, D. 2008. Nutritional status and morbidity among HIV/AIDS-affected children aged 6-9 years in Suba district, Kenya. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 6(2):68-73.

Wisser, R.J.; Murray, S.C.; Kolkman, J.M.; Ceballos, H.; Nelson, R.J. 2008. Selection mapping of loci for quantitative disease resistance in a diverse maize population. Genetics 180(1):583-599.

Zhang, X.; Blair, M.W.; Wang, S. 2008. Genetic diversity of chinese common bean (Phaeolus vulgaris L.) landraces assessed with simple sequence repeat markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117:629-640.

Zingore, S.; Murwira, H. K.; Delve, R.J.; Giller, K. E. 2008. Variable grain legume yields, responses to phosphorus and rotational effects on maize across soil fertility gradients on African smallholder farms. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 80(1):1-18.

Zingore, S.; Delve, R.J.; Nyamangara, J.; Giller, K. E. 2008. Multiple benefits of manure: The key to maintenance of soil fertility and restoration of depleted sandy soils on African smallholder farms. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 80(3):267-282.

Articles in non Refereed Journals

Alvarez, E.; Gómez C., E.A.; Llano R., G.A.; Castillo, C.F. 2008. Mejoramiento del manejo nutricional de la rosa para el control de Peronospora sparsa Berkeley, causante de mildeo velloso. Asocolflores (71):19-29.

Beebe, S.; Rao, I.M.; Polanía, J.; Grajales, M.; Cajiao V., C.H. 2008. Improved harvest index in drought resistant common beans and possible effects on combining ability. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 51:8-9.

Blair, M.W.; Buendía C., H.F.; Díaz, L.M.; Díaz, J.M.; Giraldo Z., M.C.; Tovar L., E.; Duque E., M.C.; Beebe, S.E.; Debouck, D.G. 2008. Utilization of microsatellite markers in diversity assessments for common bean. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 51:14-15.

Blair, M.W.; Caldas, G.V.; Muñoz F., L.C.; Bett, K.E. 2008. Evaluation of condensed tannins in tepary bean genotypes. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 51:130-131.

Blair, M.W.; Iriarte, G.; Beebe, S.E. 2008. Utilization of wild accessions to improve common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties for yield and other agronomic characteristics. Grain Legumes 50:8-9. (NA)

Blair, M.W.; Namayanja, A.R.; Kimani, P.M.; Checa C., O.E.; Cajiao V., C.H.; Kornegay, J.L. 2008. Development and testing of mid-elevation, commercial-type, andean climbing beans. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 51:124-125

Bode, R.; Victoria, P.A.; Arévalo V., D.P. 2008. Knowledge management and communication to address information access and power asymmetries for resource-poor producers in value chains. KM4D Journal: Knowledge Management for Development Journal 4(1):5-20.

Carvajal, A.; Mayorga, O.; Douthwaite, B. 2008. Forming a community of practice to strengthen the capacities of learning and knowledge sharing centres in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Dgroup case study. KM4D Journal: Knowledge Management for Development Journal 4(1):71-81.

Chianu, J.N.; Adesina, Akin; Sanginga, P.C.; Bationo, A.; Chianu, J.N.; Sanginga, N. 2008. Structural change in fertilizer procurement method: Assessment of impact in sub-Saharan Africa. African Journal of Business Management 2(3):065-071.32.

Cock, J. H.; Jones, P.; Oberthür, T. 2008. Homologue and avocados: what will grow on my farm? Acta Horticulturae (794):65-72.

Debouck, D.G.; Ebert, A.W.; Peralta I., M.E.; Barandiaran, M.A.; Ramírez, M. 2008. La importancia de la utilización de la diversidad genética vegetal en los programas de investigación agrícola en América Latina. Revista Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (53):46-55.

Debouck, D.G.; Herrera T., R.; Araya V., R. 2008. New populations of wild common bean disclosed in Nicaragua. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 51:120-121.

Gaiji, S.; Debouck, D.G. 2008. Flujos de germoplasma en las Américas. 30 años de distribución de muestras de frijol por parte del Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Revista Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (53):54-61.

Kamau, J.; Ohiokpehai, O.; Kimiywe, J.; Oteba, L. 2008. Nutrition and Health Status of Orphaned and Vulnerable School Children Aged 6-9 Years In Suba District , Kenya. Applied Biosciences 4:45-53. (NA)

Katungi, E.; Edmeades, S.; Smale, M. 2008. Gender, social capital and information exchange in rural Uganda. Journal of International Development 20(1):35-52. (NA)

Lehner, B.; Verdin, K.; Jarvis, A. 2008. New global hydrography derived from spaceborne elevation data. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 89(10):93-94.

Llano R., G.A.; Alvarez, E.; Mejía, J.F. 2008. El cultivo de la yuca en la era de los biocombustibles: Riesgos fitosanitarios. Revista ASIAVA (81):24-27.

McGuire, S.J.; Sperling, L. 2008. Leveraging farmers´ strategies for coping with stress: Seed aid in Ethiopia. Global Environmental Change 18:679-688.

Miles, John W. 2008. Mejoramiento genético en plantas forrajeras de reproducción apomíctica = Genetic improvement of apomictic forage plants. Revista Argentina de Produccion Animal 28(2):137-145.

Muñoz L., M. del M.; Revelo, M.C.; Pachón, H. 2008. El consumo y la producción familiar de frijol, maíz, yuca, batata y arroz en un municipio rural en Colombia: Evaluación de la posibilidad de implementar la biofortificación de cultivos. Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana 10(1):11-21.

Ocampo N., C.H.; Toro Ch., O. 2008. Phaseolin diversity of nicaraguan common bean germplasm held at CIAT. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 51:122-123.

Phengsavanh, P.; Phimphachanhvongsod, V.; Bouahom, B.; Thongsavath, S.; Phommavong, K. 2008. History of forage research and development in Lao PDR. The Lao Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 16:74-83. (NA)

Porch, T.G.; Blair, M.W.; Lariguet, P.; Broughton, W. 2008. Mutagenesis of bat 93 for tilling in common bean. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 51:18-19.

Salas, M.; Camacho, K.; Staiger R., S.; Villa, C.; Ferguson, J.; Cummings, S. 2008. Knowledge sharing and knowledge management in Latin America and the Caribbean (Part II). KM4D Journal: Knowledge Management for Development Journal 4(1):2-4.

Takabe, T.; Sakai, T. 2008. [Initiatives of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) for transgenic crop breeding] (in japanese). Kagatu to Seibutsu 45(5):427-430.
Valarezo C., O.; Cañarte B., E.; Navarrete C., B.; Guerrero, J.M.; Arias V., B. 2008. Diagnóstico de la ¨mosca blanca¨ en Ecuador. La Granja 7(1):13-20.

Watananonta, W.; Atchara Limsila; Peaingpen Sarawat; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Cassava variety selection for optimizing the production of leaves to be used as a protein source for animal feed. Thai Agric. Research J. 26(2):117-129. (NA)


Bationo, A. 2008. Integrated soil fertility management options for agricultural intensification in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa. Academy Science Publishers (ASP), Nairobi, KE. 204 p.

Bationo, A.; Tabo, R.; Waswa, B.S.; Okeyo, J.; Kihara, J.; Fosu, M.; Kabore, S. (eds.). Synthesis of soil, water and nutrient management research in the Volta Basin. Ecomedia, Nairobi, KE. 332 p.

Estrada, R.D.; Holmann, F.J. 2008. Competitividad de los pequeños productores de leche frente a los tratados de Libre Comercio en Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Colombia. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Cali, CO. 74 p. (Documento de trabajo no. 207)

Ferris, S.; Kaganzi, E.; Best, R.; Ostertag G., C.F.; Lundy, M.; Wandschneider, T. 2008. A market facilitator´s guide to participatory agroenterprise development. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 130 p

Horton, D.E.; Alexaki, A.; Bennett-Lartey, S.; Brice, K.N.; Campilan, D.; Carden, F.; Silva, J. de S.; Duong, Le Thanh; Khadar, I.; Maestrey B., A.; Kayes M., I.; Pérez, J.; Somarriba C., M.; Vernooy, R.; Watts, J. 2008. Evaluación del desarrollo de capacidades: Experiencias de organizaciones de investigación y desarrollo alrededor del mundo [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 233 p. (Publicación CIAT no. 362)

Mannetje, L. t.; Amézquita, M.C.; Buurman, P.; Ibrahim, M.A. (eds.). 2008. Carbon sequestration in tropical grassland ecosystems. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL. 221 p.

Morales G., F.J.; Castaño J., M. 2008. Enfermedades virales del frijol común en América Latina. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 86 p. (Publicación CIAT no. 364)

Moreira, F.M.S.; Huising, J.; Bignell, D.E. (eds.). 2008. A handbook of tropical soil biology: Sampling and characterization of below-ground biodiversity. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. 218 p.

Porro, R.; Börner, J.; Jarvis, A.; Mulligan, M.k; Benítez, S.; Barrera R., M.X.; Naranjo, L.G.; Quintero, M.; Estrada, R.D.; Rubiano, J.E.; Ortega, S.C.; Vosti, S.A.; Fujisaka, S.; Piñero Q., A.M.; Suárez, C.; Sáenz C., L.; Keizer, E.; Peralvo, M.; Nelson, E.; Tallis, H.; Mendoza, G. 2008.
Challenges to managing ecosystems sustainably for poverty alleviation: Securing well-being in the Andes/Amazon: Final report. Ecosystems Susatainably for Poverty Alleviation Program (ESPA), Belém, BR. 120 p.

Ruiz, N.; Lavelle, P.; Jiménez, J. 2008. Soil macrofauna field manual:Technical level[on line]. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome , IT. 113 p.

Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. (eds.). 2008. Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers´ livelihoods. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. 405 p.

Sperling, L. 2008. When disaster strikes: A guide to assessing seed systems security. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 71 p. (CIAT publication no. 363)

Walker, T.; Maredia, M.; Kelley, T.; La Rovere, R.; Templeton, D.; Thiele, G.; Douthwaite, B. 2008. Strategic guidance for ex post impact assessment of agricultural research. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Science Council, Rome, IT. v.

Book Chapters

Amézquita, M.C.; Amézquita C., E.; Casasola, F.; Ramírez, B.L.; Giraldo, H.; Llanderal,T.; Velásquez, J.E.; Gómez, M.E.; Ibrahim, M. 2008. C stocks and sequestration. In: Mannetje, L. t.; Amézquita, M.C.; Buurman, P.; Ibrahim, M.A. (eds.). Carbon sequestration in tropical grassland ecosystems. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL. p. 49-67.

Bado, V.B.; Bationo, A.; Lompo, F.; Sédogo, M.P.; Cescas, M.P.; Thio, B. 2008. Rôle des légumineuses sur la fertilité des sols et la productivité des systèmes de cultures. In: Bationo, A.; Tabo, R.; Waswa, B.S.; Okeyo, J.; Kihara, J.; Fosu, M.; Kabore, S. (eds.). Synthesis of soil, water and nutrient management research in the Volta Basin. Ecomedia, Nairobi, KE. p. 127-141.

Bationo, A.; Tabo, R.; Okeyo, J.; Kihara, J.; Maina, F.; Traore, P.C.S.; Waswa, B.S. 2008. General characteristics of the Volta Basin. In: Bationo, A.; Tabo, R.; Waswa, B.S.; Okeyo, J.; Kihara, J.; Fosu, M.; Kabore, S. (eds.). Synthesis of soil, water and nutrient management research in the Volta Basin. Ecomedia, Nairobi, KE. p. 1-23.

Börner, Jan; Hohnwald, M.; Vosti, S.A. 2008. Critical analysis of options to manage ES in the andes/Amazon region. In: Coelho, A.B.; Teixeira, E.C; Braga, M.J. (eds.). A situation analysis to identify challenges to sustainable management of ecosystems to maximise poverty alleviation: Securing biostability in the Amazon/Andes (ESPA-AA). Viçosa Federal University, Recursos Naturais e Crescimento Econômico, Viçosa, BR. p. 1-9.

Buruchara, R.A. 2008. How participatory research convinced a sceptic. In: Fortmann, Louise (ed.). Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods: Doing science together. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. p. 18-35. (Conservation science and practice no. 3)

Buurman, P.; Mosquera V., O. 2008. Analysis of soil variability and data consistency. In: Mannetje, L. t.; Amézquita, M.C.; Buurman, P.; Ibrahim, M.A. (eds.). Carbon sequestration in tropical grassland ecosystems. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL. p. 69-90.

Calvert, L. A.; Lentini, Z. 2008. Rice hoja blanca virus. In: Characterization, diagnosis & management of plant viruses. Volume 4: grain crops & ornamentals. p. 85-98. (NA)

Cook, S.E.; Jarvis, A.; González, J.P. 2008. A new global demand for digital soil information. In: Harteming, A.E.; McBratney, Alex; Mendonça-Santos, Maria de Lourdes (eds.). Digital soil mapping with limited data. Springer, Wageningen, NL. p. 31-41.

Dulloo, M.E.; Labokas, J.; Iriondo, J.M.; Maxted, N.; Lane, A.; Laguna, E.; Jarvis, A.; Kell, S.P. 2008. Genetic reserve location and design. CAB International, Wallingford, GB. p. 23-63.
Edwardson, B.; Best, R. 2008. Rural agroenterprise: Cassava development in Latin America. In: Earle, M.; Earle, R. (eds.). Case studies in food product development. CRC Press, Cambridge, GB. p. 81-97.
Engelmann, F.; González A., M.T.; Wu, Y.; Escobar P., R.H. 2008. The development of encapsulation dehydration. In: Reed, Barbara M. (ed.). Plant cryopreservation: A practical guide. Springer, Corvallis, OR, USA. p. 59-75.

Fortmann, L.; Ballard, H.; Sperling, L. 2008. Change around the edges: Gender analysis, feminist methods, and sciences of terrestrial environments. In: Schiebinger, Londa L. (ed.). Gendered innovations in science and engineering. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, USA. p. 79-96.

Gepts, P.; Aragão, F.J.L.; Barros, E. De; Blair, M.W.; Brondani, R.; Broughton, W.; Galasso, I.; Hernández, G.; Kami, J.; Lariguet, P.; McClean, P.; Melotto, M.; Miklas, P.; Pauls, P.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Porch, T.; Sánchez, F.; Sparvoli, F.; Yu KangFu. 2008. Genomics of Phaseolus beans: A major source of dietary protein and micronutrients in the tropics. In: Genomics of tropical crop plants. Springer, New York, NY, USA. v. 1, p. 113-143.

González, J.P.; Jarvis, A.; Cook, S.E.; Oberthür, T.; Rincón R., M.E.; Bagnell, J.A.; Dias, M.B. 2008. Digital soil mapping of soil properties in Honduras using readily available biophysical datasets and gaussian processes. In: Harteming, A.E.; McBratney, A.; Mendonça-S., M. de L. (eds.). Digital soil mapping with limited data. Springer, Wageningen, NL. p. 367-380.

Hijmans, R.J.; Jarvis, A.; Guarino, Li. 2008. Climate envelope modeling: Inferring the ranges of species to facilitate biological exploration, conservation planning, and threat analysis. In: Gibbs, J.P.; Hunter, M.L.; Sterling, E.J. Problem-solving in conservation biology and wildlife management: Exercises for class, field, and laboratory. Blackwell, Malden, MA, USA. p. 244-254.

Hilje, Luko; Morales, Francisco José. 2008? Whitefly bioecology and management in Latin America. [S.l. : s.n., s.d.]. p. 4250-4260.

Hood-Nowotny, R.; Van Kessel, C.; Vanlauwe, B. 2008. Use of tracer technology for the management of organic sources. In: Guidelines on nitrogen management in agricultural systems. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AT. p. 181-203. (IAEA-TCS-29/CD)

Huising, J. 2008. Description and classification of land use at sampling locations for the inventory of below-ground biodiversity. In: Moreira, F.M.S.; Huising, J.; Bignell, D.E. (eds.). 2008. A handbook of tropical soil biology: Sampling and characterization of below-ground biodiversity. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 184-212.

Huising, J.; Coe, R.; Cares, J.E.; Louzada, J.N.; Zanetti, R.; Moreira, F.M. de S.; Susilo, F.X.; Konaté, S.; Noordwijk, M. van; Huang, S.P. 2008. Sampling strategy and design to evaluate below-ground biodiversity. In: Moreira, F.M.S.; Huising, J.; Bignell, D.E. (eds.). 2008. A handbook of tropical soil biology: Sampling and characterization of below-ground biodiversity. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 17-42

Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Abenakyo, A.; Delve, R.J.; Sanginga, P.C. 2008. Enabling rural innovation: Empowring farmers to take advantage of market opportunities and improve livelihoods. In: Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. (eds.). 2008. Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers´ livelihoods. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 167-185.

Meijer, M.; Rodríguez, I.; Lundy, M.; Hellin, J. 2008. Supermarkets and small farmers. In: McCullough, E.B.; Pingali, P.L.; Stamoulis, K.G. (eds.). The transformation of agri-food systems: Globalization, supply chains and smallholder farmers. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 333-353.

Morales, F.J. 2008. Bean golden mosaic. In: Encyclopedia of Virology. Third Edition, Elsevier. pp. 295-301. (NA)

Morales, F.J. 2008. Cereal Viruses: Rice. In: Encyclopedia of Virology. Third Edition, Elsevier. pp. 482-489. (NA)

Nasirumbi, L.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Ugen, M.; Namayanja, A.R.; Luyima, G. 2008. Reaching farmers in remote reas with improved bean varieties: Lessons from Uganda. In:Thijssen, M.H.; Bishaw, Z.; Beshir, A.; De Boef, W.S. Farmers, seeds and varieties: Supporting informal seed supply in Ethiopia. Wageningen International, Wageningen, NL. p. 113-118.

Njuki, J.; Kaaria, S.K.; Sanginga, P.C.; Murithi, F.; Njunie, M.; Lewa, K. 2008. Building capacity for participatory monitoring and evaluation: Integrating stakeholders´ perspectives. In: Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. (eds.). 2008. Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers´ livelihoods. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 358-373.

Pérez, S.A.; Tegbaru, A.; Katengwa, S.; Farrow, A. 2008. Village information and communication centres in Rwanda. In: Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-B., A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. (eds.). Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers´ livelihoods. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 267-277.

Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-B., A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. 2008. Innovation Africa: Beyond rhetoric to praxis. In: Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-B., A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. (eds.). Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers´ livelihoods. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 374-386.

Sanginga, P.C.; Abenakyo, A.; Kamugisha, R.N.; Martin, A.M.; Muzira, R.N. 2008. Tracking outcomes of social and institutional innovations in natural resource management. In: Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-B., A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. (eds.). Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers´ livelihoods. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 220-235.

Swift, M.J.; Bignell, D.E.; Moreira, F.M. de S.; Huising, J. 2008. The inventory of soil biological diversity: Concepts and general guidelines. In: Moreira, F.M.S.; Huising, J.; Bignell, D.E. (eds.). 2008. A handbook of tropical soil biology: Sampling and characterization of below-ground biodiversity. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p. 1-16.

Tabo, R.; Bationo, A.; Hassane, O.; Fatondji, D.; Abdou, A.; Koala, S. 2008. Way forward and future perspectives. In: Bationo, A.; Tabo, R.; Waswa, B.S.; Okeyo, J.; Kihara, J.; Fosu, M.; Kabore, S. (eds.). Synthesis of soil, water and nutrient management research in the Volta Basin. Ecomedia, Nairobi, KE. p. 325-331.

Thornton, P.K.; Jones, P.; Farrow, A.; Alagarswamy, G.; Andresen, J. 2008. Crop yield response to climate change in East Africa: Comparing highlands and lowlands. In: IHDP update. International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP), Bonn, DE. p. 23-26.

Van, Cleemput, O.; Zapata, F.; Vanlauwe, B. 2008. Use of tracer technology in mineral fertilizer N management. In: Guidelines on nitrogen management in agricultural systems. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, AT. p. 19-125. (IAEA-TCS-29/CD)

Waters-Bayer, A.; Sanginga, P.C.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. 2008. Innovation Africa: An introduction. In: Sanginga, P.C.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Kaaria, S.K.; Njuki, J.; Wettasinha, C. (eds.). 2008. Innovation Africa: Enriching farmers´ livelihoods. Earthscan, London, GB ; Sterling, VA, USA. p, 1-5.

Welchez, L.A.; Ayarza, M.A.; Amézquita C., E.; Rondón, M.A.; Castro, A.; Rivera, M.; Pavon, J.; Ferreira, O.; Valladares, D.; Sánchez, N.; Rao, I.M. 2008. No-burn agricultural zones in Honduran hillsides: Better harvests, air quality, and water availability by way of improved land management. In: Managing land and landscapes: A sourcebook. Web edition. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. p. 97-103.

Zingore, S.; Chikowo, R.; Nyamadzawo, G.; Nyamugafata, P.; Mafongoya, P.L. 2008. Developments in the research of the potential of agroforestry for sustaining soil fertility in Zimbabwe. In: D.R. Batish; R.K. Kohli; S. Jose; H.P. Singh (Eds.) Ecological Basis of Agroforestry. CRC Press, Florida. pp. 217-238. (NA)


Howeler, R.H. (ed.). 2008. Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. 252 p.

Sperling, L.; Nagoda, S.; Tveteraas, A. 2008. Moving from emergency seed aid to seed security: Linking relief with development: Proceedings,Oslo May 14th 2008. Drylands Coordination Group (DCG), Oslo, NO. 37 p. (DCG proceedings no. 24)

Articles in Proceedings

Alvarez, C.; López, X.; Fernández, A.; Díaz, A.; Gibert, O.; Dufour, D. 2008. Variabilidad del plátano en el proceso de cocción: Estudio de textura. In: J.S. Borja ; C. Nogales ; C. Orrantia ; R. Paladines ; V. Quimi and L. Tazan (eds.). CD-Proceedings, Acorbat 2008, XVIII International Meeting, November 11-14/2008, Guayaquil, Ecuador. -8 p. (NA)

Amézquita, M.C.; Murgueitio R., E.; Ibrahim, M.; Ramírez, B.L. 2008. Carbon sequestration in pasture and silvo-pastoral systems under conservation management in four ecosystems of tropical America. In: FAO/CTIC Conservation Agriculture Carbon Offset Consultation (2008). Proceedings. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, IT. p. 1-11.

Aye, T.M.; Kanthavong, P.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Improving the productivity and sustainability of cassava in small farmer holding in Lao PDR. In: The international seminar on Sustainable agriculture development in responses to global climate change, June 6 and 7, 2008, Sofitel Hotel, Khon Kaen. Khon Kaen University (KKU), Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen, TH. 8 p.

Barois I.; Velasquez, E.; Lavelle, P.; Negrete-Yankelevich, S.; García, J.A.; Santos, M.; Álvarez-Sánchez, J.;Castillo-Campos, G.; Cram, S.; Fragoso, C.; Franco-Navarro, F.; Martínez-Romero, E.; Meza, E.; Morón, M.A.; Rodríguez, P.; Rojas, P.; Sosa, V.; Trejo, D.; Varela, L.; Bueno-Villegas, J.; Gómez, J.A.; Sormani, C. 2008. Soil quality parameters that determine the below ground biodiversity in Los Tuxtlas Veracruz México. 15th International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, Curitiba , Brazil . 25-29, August 2008.(NA)

Bohórquez C., A.; Arias V., B.; Bellotti, A.C.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Inmunidad en plantas a insectos herbívoros: Caso de mosca blanca (Aleurotrachelus socialis, Bondar)-yuca (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). In: Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (35, 2008, Cali, Colombia). Conferencias magistrales, simposios y resúmenes [CD-ROM]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 12 p.

Candelo, C.; Cantillo, L.; González, J.; Roldán, A.M.; Johnson, N.L. 2008. Catalysing collective action in water management and scaling up and out in multiple use systems: Empowering communities to co-manage natural resources: Impacts of the Conversatorio de Acción Ciudadana. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 2, p. 201-205.

Cárdenas, J.C.; Johnson, N.L.; Rodríguez, L.A. 2008. Vertical asymmetries and collective action in watershed management. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 2, p. 284-291.

Castro, A.; Rivera, M.; Ferreira, O.; Pavon, J.; García, E.; Amézquita C., E.; Ayarza, M.A.; Barrios, E.; Rondón, M.A.; Pauli, N.; Baltodano, M.E.; Mendoza, B.; Welchez, L.A.; Cook, S.E.; Rubiano M., J.E.; Johnson, N.L.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Is the Quesungual System an option for smallholders in dry hillside agroecosystems?. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. p. 1-5.

Ceballos, H.; Sánchez, T.; Rosero, A.; Tofiño, A.P.;Denyer, K.; Smith, A.;Dufour, D.; Morante, N.; Pérez, J.C.; Fregene, M.; Egesi, C. 2008. High-value cassava: from a dream to a concrete reality. In: 8th Asian Cassava Research Workshop. Vientiane , LAO PDR. 20-24 Oct. 2008. Lecture. (NA)

Ceballos, H.; Fregene, M.; Debouck, D.; Dufour, D.; Tohme,J.; Sánchez, T.; Mafla, G.; Morante, N.; Pérez, J.C. 2008. High-value cassava germplasm: a reality that will open markets to cassava farmers. In: First Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership GCP-1. Cassava: meeting the challenges of the new millennium, 21-25 July, IPBO, Ghent University , Belgium . Lecture, p 113. (NA)

Cook, S.E.; Harrington, L.G.; Huber-Lee, A. 2008. Higher level institutions and policies: Water and food in river basins in Africa, Asia and Latin America: A comparative analysis. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 3, p. 107-111.

Corredor, E.; Cruz, M.; Jennings, P.; Zorrilla, G. 2008. Rice Breeding for Temperate Latin America. In: Proceedings, 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. San Diego , California , February 18th-21rst 2008. p. 67. (NA)

Cruz, M.; Corredor, E.; Jennings, P.; Zorrilla, G. 2008. Evaluation of Cold Tolerance in Rice under Controlled Conditions. In: Proceedings, 32nd Rice Technical Working Group. San Diego , California , February 18th-21rst 2008. p. 68. -(NA)

Da, G.; Dufour, D.; -Giraldo, A.; Moreno, M.; Sánchez T.; Marouze, C. 2008. A comparison between cassava processing at small-scale in Vietnam and in Colombia. In: First Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership GCP-1. Cassava: meeting the challenges of the new millennium, 21-25 July, IPBO, Ghent University, Belgium.(NA)

Díaz, A.; Torres, A.M.; Alvarez, E.; Fernández, A.; Dufour, D. 2008. Influencia varietal del plátano en los procesos de deshidratación osmótica y fritura. In: J.S. Borja ; C. Nogales ; C. Orrantia ; R. Paladines ; V. Quimi and L. Tazan (eds.).CD-Proceedings, Acorbat 2008, XVIII International Meeting, November 11-14/2008, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 8 p. (NA)

Dufour, D.; Dufour, E.; Escobar, A.; Giraldo, A.; Sánchez, T. 2008. Evaluation of Altitude Cassava for the Starch Production in Colombia. In: First Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership GCP-1. Cassava: meeting the challenges of the new millennium, 21-25 July, IPBO, Ghent University , Belgium . Lecture, p 96. (NA)

Dufour, D.; Giraldo, A.; Gibert, O.; Sánchez, T.; Reynes, M.; González, A.; Fernández, A.; Díaz, A. 2008. Propiedades físico-químicas y funcionales de los bananos de postres, plátanos de cocción y FHIA híbridos: preferencia varietal de los consumidores en Colombia. In: J.S. Borja ; C. Nogales ; C. Orrantia ; R. Paladines ; V. Quimi and L. Tazan (eds.). CD-Proceedings, Acorbat 2008, XVIII International Meeting, November 11-14/2008, Guayaquil , Ecuado. 33p. (NA)

Fisher, M.J.; Terrasson, I.; Andah, W.; Lemoalle, J. 2008. Simulated yields and water productivity of rainfed grain crops in the Volta Basin: Fertilizer impact. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings.Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 2, p. 125-130.

Fosu, M.; Sawadogo-Kabore, S.; Bationo, A.; Tabo, R.; Buah, S.S.; Bonzi, M.; Fatondji, D.; Hassane, O.; Abdou, A. 2008. Efficient rainwater harvesting and nutrient management for high crop productivity in Volta Basin. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 2, p. 131-139.

Howeler, R.H. 2008. Background and general methodology used in the Nippon Foundation Project. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 5-32.

Howeler, R.H. 2008. Does cassava cultivation degrade the soil?. Paper presented at First Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership (CCP-1), held in Gent , Belgium , July 21-25, 2008. (NA)

Howeler, R.H. 2008. Results, achievements and impact of the Nippon Foundation cassava project. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 161-209.

Howeler, R.H.; Fahrney, K. 2008. Cassava production and utilization in Asia and its potential as a bio-fuel. Paper presented at Nex Gen Bio-Ethanol Conference, held in Bangkok , Thailand . April 22-24, 2008. (NA)

Jarvis, A.; Ramirez, J.; Guevara, E.; Zapata, E. 2008. Global impacts and implications of climate change on banana production systems. 18 International Meeting ACORBAT, Guayaquil (Ecuador), 10-14, Nov 2008. 18 p. (NA)

Juang, J.; Li, K.; Ye, J.; Guodao, L.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. The FPR project in Hainan Province of China. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 33-45.

Keonouchanh, S.; Phengsavanh, P.; Stür, W.; Kopinski, J.S.; Leterme P. 2008. Performance of the Lao local pig breed Moolat fed a nutrient dense diet. Proceeding of the 13th AAAP congress: Animal Agriculture and the role of small holder farmers in a global economy, held in Hanoi , Vietnam 22-27 Sept 2008. (NA)

Kihara, J.; Vlek, P.L.G.; Martius, C.; Amelung, W.; Bationo, A. 2008. Influence of conservation tillage on soil microbial diversity, structure and crop yields in sub-humid and semi-arid environments in Kenya. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 4 p.

Kpongor, D.S.; Tabo, R.; Bationo, A.; Fosu, M.; Vlek, P.L.G. 2008. Simulating sorghum yield response to mineral fertilizer in semi-arid northern Ghana. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 2, p. 160-162.

Laderach, P.; Jarvis, A.; Ramírez, J. 2008. The impact of climate change in coffee-growing regions. In: Taller de adaptación al cambio climático en las comunidades cafetaleras de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas, 16-28 de noviembre del 2008, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. [s.n.], Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, MX. p. [1-5]

Miles, J. W. 2008. Mejoramiento Genético en Plantas Forrajeras de Reproducción Apomíctica. Invited paper presented at 31 st Annual Congreso of the Argentine Association for Animal Production, Protrero de los Funes (San Luis Province ). 15-17 October 2008. (NA)

Mulligan, M.; Rubiano, J.E.; White, D.; Hyman, G.; Saravia, M. 2008. Participatory modeling and knowledge integration: Basin focal project (BFP Andes): Concepts and advances. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 1, p. 143-145.

Muñoz, L.S.; Sarria, P.; Martens, S.; Peters, M.; Aguirre, P.A.; Montoya M., C.A. 2008. Nutritional characterisation of Vigna unguiculata as alternative protein source for monogastric. In: International Grassland Congress; International Rangeland Congress (21; 8, 2008, Hothot, China). Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world: Proceedings. Guangdong People´s Publishing House, Guangzhou, CN. v. 2, p. 728.

Nguyen, T.H.L.; Dao, T.P.; Le, V.P.; Le, V.A.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. The FPR cassava project and its impact of the use of ensiled cassava roots and leaves for on-farm pig feeding in Central Vietnam. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 130-139.

Peters, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Vivas, N.; Hernández R., L.A.; Tabares C., M.C.; Zöfel, K. 2008. Integration of on-station and farmer participatory evaluation of multipurpose legumes: A case from Cauca, Colombia. In: International Grassland Congress; International Rangeland Congress (21; 8, 2008, Hothot, China). Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world: Proceedings. Guangdong People´s Publishing House, Guangzhou, CN. v. 2, p. 1126.

Peters, M.; White, D.; Muñoz, L.S.; Sarria, P.; Vivas, N.; Holmann, F.J.; Lundy, M.; Oberthür, T.; Lentes, P.; Schmidt, A.; Mena, M.; Fujisaka, S. 2008. Tropical forage for monogastric animals: Enhancing smallholders competitiveness in local and emerging markets. In: International Grassland Congress; International Rangeland Congress (21; 8, 2008, Hothot, China). Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world: Proceedings. Guangdong People´s Publishing House, Guangzhou, CN. v. 2, p. 1073.

Phengsavanh, P. 2008. Goat production in Lao PDR : Potential, limitations and approaches of forage development. In: Goats: Undervalued assets in Asia: Proceedings of the APHCA-ILRI regional workshop on goat production systems and markets, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, 24-25 October 2006. Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA); International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Bangkok, TH. p. 26-30.

Phengsavanh, P.; Stür, W.W. 2008. Farmer-led research in village pig production in Lao PDR. In: Thorpe, W.; Jemaneh, T. (eds.). Pig systems in Asia and the Pacific: How can research and development enhance benefits to the poor? Proceedings of a regional workshop. International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, ET. p. 57-63.

Phengsavanh, P.; Stür, W.; Keonouchanh, S. 2008. Adoption of the forage legume Stylo 184 (Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 184) in smallholder pig systems in Lao PDR. Proceeding of the 13th AAAP congress: Animal Agriculture and the role of small holder farmers in a global economy, held in Hanoi , Vietnam 22-27 Sept 2008. (NA)

Phengsavanh, P.; Stür W.; Keonouchanh, S. 2008. Scaling out improved pig production based on the used of Stylo CIAT 184. Proceeding of the regional workshop on Conservation Agriculture: Investing in Sustainable Agriculture The Case of Conservation Agriculture and Direct Seeding Mulch-Based Cropping Systems, Xiengkhuang, Lao PDR, 28 Oct -30 Nov 2008. (NA)

Pizarro, E.A.; Hare, M.D.; Miles, J.W. 2008. Brachiaria hybrids: Their origin and potential forage use. In: International Grassland Congress; International Rangeland Congress (21; 8, 2008, Hothot, China). Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world: Proceedings. Guangdong People´s Publishing House, Guangzhou, CN. v. 2, p. 489.

Quintero, M.; Comerford, N.; Estrada, R.D., F. 2008. Is soil carbon sequestration part of the bundle of ecosystem services provided by conservation agriculture in the Andes?. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. p. 1-5.

Ramirez, J; Jarvis, A; Van den Bergh, I. 2008. Presión de la Sigatoka Negra y Distribución Espacial de Genotipos de Banano y Plátano: Resultados de 19 Años de Pruebas con Musáceas. 18 International Meeting ACORBAT, Guayaquil (Ecuador), 10-14, Nov 2008. 92p. (NA)

Reiber, C.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M.; Cruz, H. 2008. Smallholder innovation and adoption of hay and silage technologies in Honduras. In: International Grassland Congress; International Rangeland Congress (21; 8, 2008, Hothot, China). Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world: Proceedings. Guangdong People´s Publishing House, Guangzhou, CN. v. 2, p. 1113.

Rubiano, J.E.; Cook, S.E.; Douthwaite, B. 2008. Adapting to change: How to accelerate impact. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 1, p. 16-21.

Rudebjer, P.; Baidu-forson, J.; Van schagen, B.; Jarvis, A.; Staver, C.; Hodgkin, T. 2008. Agrobiodiversity and climate change: what do students need to know? Key note paper presented at 2nd ANAFE International Symposium: Mainstreaming climate change into Agricultural Education: Tools, Experiences and challenges. 28th July-1st August, 2008, University of Malawi. (NA)

Sánchez, T.; Ceballos, H.; Dufour, D.; Denyer, K.; Smith, A.; Fregene, M.; Pérez, J.C.; Morante, N.; Rosero, A.; Tofino, A.P. 2008. Characterization of amylose-free and high-amylose strach mutation. In: First Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership GCP-1. Cassava: meeting the challenger of the new millennium, 21-25 July, IPBO, Ghent University, Belgium. -Lecture, P 93 (N.A)

Schepp, K.; Laderach, P. 2008. Adaptación para los pequeños productores de café al cambio climático: Presentación de los resultados intemediarios y experiencias del proyecto piloto AdapCC: Una cooperación pública-privada entre Cafédirect y la GTZ. In: International workshop SIAASE: Adaptation to climate change: The role of ecosystem services, 3-5 November 2008, CATIE, Costa Rica. -Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba, CR. p. [1-2]

Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M.; Franco, L.H.; Hincapie, B. 2008. Dendrolobium spp: A source of tropical multipurpose legumes. In: International Grassland Congress; International Rangeland Congress (21; 8, 2008, Hothot, China). Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world: Proceedings. Guangdong People´s Publishing House, Guangzhou, CN. v. 2, p. 266.

Sotelo, G.; Cardona M., C. 2008. Estrategias para el manejo integrado del salivazo de los pastos (Hemiptera: Cercopidae). In: Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (35, 2008, Cali, Colombia). Conferencias magistrales, simposios y resúmenes [CD-ROM]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 7 p.

Sperling, L. 2008. Emergency seed aid: Overview of field. In: Sperling, L.; Nagoda, S.; Tveteraas, A. Moving from emergency seed aid to seed security: Linking relief with development: Proceedings, Oslo May 14th 2008. Drylands Coordination Group (DCG), Oslo, NO. p. 5-10. (DCG proceedings no. 24)

Sperling, L. 2008. Updates of tools which may help managers and organizations move to more effective responses. In: Sperling, Louise; Nagoda, Sigrid; Tveteraas, Astrid. Moving from emergency seed aid to seed security: Linking relief with development: Proceedings, Oslo May 14th 2008. Drylands Coordination Group (DCG), Oslo, NO. p. 17-20. (DCG proceedings no. 24)

Stür, W.W.; Connell, J.; Phengsavanh, P.; Khanh, T.T. 2008. Unlocking the potential of smallholder livestock production-using managed forages as an entry point. In: International Grassland Congress; International Rangeland Congress (21; 8, 2008, Hothot, China). Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world: Proceedings. Guangdong People´s Publishing House, Guangzhou, CN. v. 2, p. 999.

Subbarao, G.V.; Ito, O.; Ishikawa, T.; Watanabe, T.; Nakahara, Kazuhiko.; Rao, I.M.; Hurtado, M. del P.; Rondón, M.A.; Tomohiro, B.; Masahiro, K.; Hash, C.T. 2008. Is there a genetic strategy to control nitrification and N2O emissions from agricultural systems? : Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI). In: International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008) (2008, Sapporo, Japan). Sustainability on food, feed, fiber, water, energy: Science, technologies, and global strategies: Proceedings. Interamerican Council for Sustainable Agriculture (ICSA), Sapporo, JP. p. 248-254.

Trinh, T.P.L.; Thai, P.; Hoang, V.T.; Dao, H.C.; Nguyen, H.; Nguyen, T.B.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. The FPR cassava project and its impact in Ha Tay, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa Provinces of North Vietnam. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 113-123.

Vandeplas, I.; Vanlauwe, B.; Merckx, R.; Deckers, J. 2008. Bridging the gap between farmers and researchers through collaborative experimentation: Cost and labour reduction in soybean production in South-Nyanza, Kenya. In: Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (12, 2008). [Papers]. European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), Ghent, BE. p. [1-6]

Vankaew, B.; Petpraphai, P.; Watananonta, W.; Vongkasem, W.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. The use of a farmer participatory approach in cassava technology transfer in Thailand. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 74-77

Van Zonneveld, M.; Leibing, C.; Dvorak, W.; Jarvis, A. 2008. Conservación de poblaciones naturales de pinos centroamericanos en el contexto del cambio climatico. In: Seminario Internacional Bosques Tropicales y Desarrollo, Jardin Botanico de Medellin Joaquin Antonio Uribe, Medellin (Colombia) 18-21 Nov 2008. Jardin Botanico de Medellin (Colombia). (NA)

Vongkasem, W.; Klakhaeng, K.; Srakaew, K.; Sevatasai, R.; Watananonta, W.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Farmer participatory research (FPR) and extension (FPE) methodologies used in Thailand. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 65-73.

Watananonta, W.; Klakhaeng, K.; Vongkasem, W.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Adoption of new technologies and their impact on cassava production in Thailand. In: Howeler, R.H. (ed.). Integrated cassava-based cropping systems in Asia: Working with farmers to enhance adoption of more sustainable production practices: Proceedings of the workshop on the Nippon Foundation Cassava Project in Thailand, Vietnam and China, held in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Oct. 27-31, 2003. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 78-87.

Zingore, S.; González E., E.; Delve, R.J.; Dimes, J.P.; Herrero, M.; Murwira, H.K.; Giller, K.E. 2008. Evaluation of resource management options for smallholder farms using an integrated modeling approach. In: International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18, 2006. Blackwell Synergy, Malden, MA, USA. 14 p.

Abstracts in Proceedings

Adeyemo, S.O.; Davis, S.; Chavarriaga A., P.; Tohme M., J.; Ceballos, H.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Strategies for enhancing flowering in cassava using molecular tools: Towards a more efficient breeding program [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Akinbo, O.; Fregene, M.A.; Labuschagne, M.T. 2008. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of protein content in backcross derivatives of inter-specific hybrids from M. esculenta sub spp. Flabellifolia and cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) [abstract] [on line]. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (16, 2008, San Diego, California). [Abstracts]. Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA. 1 p. (P124: SSR)

Akinbo, O.; Labuschagne, M.T.; Ospina, C.; Marín, J.A.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Bringing wild alleles back into the primary gene pool: Introgression of high protein content from Manihot esculenta ssp flabelillifolia into cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Akiyama, K.; Ishitani, M.; Shinozaki, K.; Sakurai, T. 2008. Conception for organizing informatin on cassava [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Alvarez, E. 2008. Cassava diseases in Latin America, Africa and Asia [abstract]. In: Asian Cassava Research Workshop (8, 2008, Vientianne, Lao PDR). Program and abstracts. The Nippon Foundation, Vientiane , LA. p. 43-44.

Alves, A.A.C.; Fregene, M.A.; Setter, T.L.; Duque, L.; Ferguson, M.E.; Mkamilo, G. 2008. Identifying the physiological and genetic traits related to drought tolerance mechanisms in cassava [abstract]. In: Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership (GCP-1) (1, 2008, Ghent, Belgium). Proceedings. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO), Ghent, BE. p. 142.

Alves, A.A.C.; Rodriguez, M.A.D.; Farias, A.R.N.; Silva, A.F.; Bellotti, A.C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Pré-melhoramento de mandioca: Utilizaçao de espécies silvestres de Manihot como fonte de resistência a estresses bióticos e abióticos [abstract]. In: Simpósio de Recursos Genéticos Vegetais (2008, Brasília, Brasil). Anais. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Centro Nacional de Recursos Genéticos (CENARGEN), Brasília, BR. p. 78.

Alves, A.A.C.; Rodriguez, M.A.D.; Souza, A.; Silva, A.F.; Fregene, M.A.; Ceballos, H.; Setter, T.L.; Duque, L.; Ferguson, M.E.; Mutegi, R.; Mkamilo, G.; Adjebeng-Danquah, J.; Kamau, J. 2008.
Identifying the physiological and genetic traits that make cassava one of the most drought tolerant crops: January 2005 - December 2007; no-cost extension to December 2008 [abstract]. In: Generation Challenge Programme. Project abstracts 2008 [on line]. GCP, México, DF, MX. p. 30-31.

Amede, T.; Okori, P.; Baguma, Y.K.; Ferguson, M.E.; Nzuki, I.; Kawuki, R.S.; Pariyo, A.; Fregene, M.A.; Bua, A. 2008. Genotyping Ugandan cassava breeding populations using SSR markers for resistance to cassava mosaic disease [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Arango, J.; Chavarriaga A., P.; Salazar, B.; Welsch, R.; Al-Babili, S.; Beltrán G., J.A.; Ladino F., Y.J.; Vacca, O.; López, D.; García, M.; Tohme M., J.; Beyer, P. 2008. Towards ¨golden¨ cassava: gene expression analysis and identification of storage root promoters [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Asfaw A., A.; Blair, M.W. 2008. Population genetics structure of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces from Ethiopia and Kenya [abstract] [on line]. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (16, 2008, San Diego, California). [Abstracts]. Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA. 1 p. (P130: SSR)

Aye, T.M.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Cassava in Laos: Enhancingg sustainable production and utilization through farmer participatory research [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Bellotti, A.C. 2008. Cassava: Pest interactions at the crossroads [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Bellotti, A.C.; Fregene, M.A.; Alves, A.A.C.; Okogbenin, E.; Egesi, C.; Okai, E.; Baguma, Y.K.; Pariyo, A. 2008. Development of low-cost technologies for pyramiding useful genes from wild relatives of cassava into elite progenitors: January 2005-December 2007 [abstract]. In: Generation Challenge Programme. Project abstracts 2008 [on line]. GCP, México, DF, MX. p. 36-37.

Beltrán G., J.A.; Jaimes, H.; Echeverry, M.; Ladino F., Y.J.; López, D.; Duque E., M.C.; Chavarriaga, P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Quantification of copy number and mRNA levels of transgenes in cassava using quantitative real-time PCR [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Beltrán G., J.A.; Ladino F., Y.J.; Vacca, O.; López, D.; Al-Babili, S.; Beyer, P.; Chavarriaga A., P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Partial functional characterization of the promoters CP1+ and CP2-, derived from a cassava Glutamic Acid-rich protein gene, in cassava and carrot transgenic plants [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p. (En proceso)

Beltrán G., J.A.; Ladino F., Y.J.; Vacca, O.; López, D.; Arango, J.; Chávez, A.L.; Al-Babili, S.; Beyer, P.; Chavarriaga A., P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Increasing phytoene and ß-carotene content in cassava roots by expression of an exogenous phytoene synthase (CrtB) gene [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Beltrán G., J.A.; Maldonado, B.; Chavarriaga A., P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Searching for a molecular explanation of differences in carotenoid content of cassava roots: Identification and expression analysis of a caroteinoid cleavage dioxygenase I (CCD I) [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Bermúdez, C.; Chacón de U., P.; Lozano V., F.; Jiménez, E. 2008. Diferentes escalas de análisis de riqueza, diversidad y composición de hormigas de hojarasca en un paisaje andino [resumen]. In: Chacón de U., P.; Osorio, A.M. (comps.). Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (35, 2008, Cali, Colombia). Resúmenes. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 105.

Blair, M.W.; Buendía C., H.F.; Díaz, L.M.; Díaz, J.M.; Giraldo Z., M.C.; Tovar L., E.; Duque E., M.C.; Beebe, S.E.; Debouck, D.G. 2008. Microsatellite marker diversity in common bean [abstract] [on line]. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (16, 2008, San Diego, California). [Abstracts]. Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA. 1 p. (P131: SSR)

Bohórquez C., A.; Bernal, D.; Arias V., B.; Bellotti, A.C.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Isolation of genes differentially expressed during the defense response of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) to whitefly (Aleurotrachelus socialis Bondar) attack [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Börner, J.; Hohnwald, M.; Vosti, S.A. 2008. From natural resource to pro-poor ecosystem service management in the Amazon: How to make the right choices? [abstract]. In: Tielkes, Eric. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. p. 505.

Calan, A.; Paltrinieri, S.; Duduk, B.; Mejía, J.f.; Alvarez, E.; Carraro, L.; Bertaccini, A. 2008. Genomic variability within conserved genes of 16SrIII phytoplasma strains in micropropagated periwinkles and in naturaly infected host plants [abstract]. In: Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology (17, 2008, Tianjin, China). Abstracts. Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, CN. p. 45.

Calle, F.; Lenis C., J.I.; Pérez V., J.C.; Mafla B., G.; Debouck, D.G.; Tohme M., J.; Morante, N. 2008. Multilocal evaluation of the cassava core collection from CIAT [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Castelblanco, W.; Westerbergh, A. 2008. Phenotypic and genetic changes as a result of cassava domestication [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Ceballos, H.; Pérez V., J.C.; Calle, F.; Lenis C., J.I.; Morante, N.; Fregene, M.A.; Sánchez, T.; Chávez, A.L. 2008. Recent progress in cassava breeding technologies [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Chacón P., J.; Madriñán, S.; Debouck, D.G.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Phylogenetic patterns in the genus manihot (Euphorbiaceae) inferred from a combined analysis of six DNA regions [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Changhu, W.; Tabares Z., E.; Quintero M., M.A.; Ceballos, H.; Sautter, C; Zhang, P; Lentini, Z. 2008. Development of the microspore in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) and androgenesis [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Cobo B., J.G.; Dercon, G.; Delve, R.J.; Cadisch, G. 2008. Assessing the variability of soil quality and crop productivity at different spatial scales in three settlement schemes in NE Zimbabwe by integrating mid-infrared spectroscopy and geostatistical tools [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Cortés S., Simón; Cortés R., J.; Chavarriaga A., P.; López, C.E. 2008. Silencing of starch biosynthesis genes in cassava plants through RNAi [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Cuéllar J., M.E.; Morales G., F.J.; Montoya L., J. 2008. Eficiencia de transmisión del virus del arrugamiento foliar del frijol por los biotipos A y B de Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) [resumen]. In: Chacón de U., P.; Osorio, A.M. (comps.). Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (35, 2008, Cali, Colombia). Resúmenes. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 169

Debouck, D.G. 2008. Experiencias con los recursos genéticos del frijol y yuca en CIAT [resumen]. In: López Guzmán, Víctor (ed.). Congreso Latinoamericana de Genética; Congreso de Genética (13; 6, Lima, Perú). Memorias de actividades y participantes. Editorial Hozlo S.R.L., Lima, PE. p. 159.

Douthwaite, B.; Barr, A.; Alvarez, S. 2008. Characterisation of scaling out and scaliing up networks of CPWF projects [abstract]. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 3, p. 183.

Douthwaite, B. 2008. Scaling up and out of food and water innovations: Scaling up and out mechanisms that work: Evidence from a CPWF impact evaluation [abstract]. In: International Forum on Water and Food (2, 2008, Addis Ababa). Proceedings. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Addis Ababa, ET. v. 3, p. 182.

Duduk, B.; Mejía, J.f.; Paltrinieri, S.; Contaldo, N.; Alvarez, E.; Varón de A., F.; Bertaccini, A. 2008. Molecular differentiation of phytoplasmas affecting corn [abstract]. In: International Scientific Seminar on Plant Health (6, 2008, Havana, Cuba). Proceedings. American Phytopathological Society (APS), La Habana, CU. 1 p.

Dufour, D.L.; Dufour, E.; Escobar, A.; Giraldo, A.; Sánchez, T. 2008. Evaluation of altitude cassava for the starch production in Colombia [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Duque, L.; Setter, T.L.; Ceballos, H.; Fregene, M.A.; Alves, A.A.C. 2008. Evaluation of drought tolerance in contrasting cassava varieties genotypes under field controlled water stressed environment [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Egesi, C.; Cuambe, C.E.; Rosero, A.; Sánchez, T.; Morante, N.; Ceballos, H.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Controlling delayed post harvest physiological deterioration (PPD) in cassava [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Escobar P., R.H.; Manrique C., N.C.; Muñoz, L.C.; Ríos, A.; Debouck, D.G.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Implementation of a cryopreservation system to establish a duplicate of the cassava core collection [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Escobar P., R.H.; Muñoz, M.; Rengifo, M.M.; Reyes, J.; Narváez, G.; Anaya, B.; Gómez, R.; Laignelet, A.; Perry R., S.; Tohme M., J. 2008. In vitro low cost technology: How it could be implemented on seed system with smalle-scale farmers [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Fregene, M.A.; Moreno C, M.I.; Ospina, C.; Marín, J.A.; Hurtado, P.; Santos, L.G.; Barrera, E.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Okogbenin, E.; Egesi, C.; Mba, C.; Buitrago R., C.; Ceballos, H.; Tomkins, J.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Cassava genomics research at CIAT [abstract] [on line]. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (16, 2008, San Diego, California). [Abstracts]. Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA. 1 p. (W160 : Euphorbiaceae)

Fregene, M.A.; Moreno C., M.I.; Ospina, C.; Marín, J.A.; Hurtado, P.; Santos, L.G.; Barrera, E.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Okogbenin, E.; Egesi, C.; Mba, C.; Buitrago R., C. 2008. Cassava molecular markers in cassava breeding [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Hansethasuk, J.; Wongtium, P.; Youngmod, A.; Sarakarn, S.; Juthanka, S.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Root quality characterization of the core collection [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Hernández M., M. del P.; Arias V., B.; Bellotti, A.C. 2008. Moscas blancas (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) y parasitoides asociados al cultivo de yuca en América del Sur [resumen]. In: Chacón de U., P.; Osorio, A.M. (comps.). Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (35, 2008, Cali, Colombia). Resúmenes. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 45.

Hershey, Clair H.; Debouck, D.G. 2008. A global conservation strategy for cassava and wild Manihot species [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Hoek, R. van der; Douxchamps, S.; Benavídez, A.; Mena, M.; Rao, I.M.; Schmidt, A.; Oberson, A.; Frossard, E.l; Peters, M. 2008. Potential of Canavalia brasiliensis as a dry season supplement in Central American mixed crop-livestock systems [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Hoek, R. van der; Peters, M.; Hoffmann, V. 2008. Modalities of farmer-led research with multipurpose forages [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Holmann, F.J.; Rivas R., L.; Schuetz, P. 2008. The beef chain in Costa Rica: Identifying critical issues for promoting the modernization, efficiency, and competitiveness [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Howeler, R.H. 2008. Does cassava degrade soils? [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Humbert, F.; Douxchamps, S.; Hoek, W. van der; Benavídez, A.; Mena, M.; Schmidt, A.; Rao, I.M.; Bernasconi, S.; Frossard, E.; Oberson, A. 2008. -Impact of Canavalia brasiliensis on nitrogen budgets in smallholder crop-livestock farms of the Nicaraguan hillsides[abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Hurtado L., P.X.; Ospina, C.; Marín, J.A.; Buitrago R., C.; Castelblanco, W.; Correa, A.M.; Alfonso, P.; Barrera, E.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Fregene, M.A.; Hearne, S.; Ferguson, M.E.; Alves, Alfredo; Ferreira, C.; De Vicente, M.C. 2008. Assessment of the diversity in global cassava genetic resources based on simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Hyman, G.; Geerts, S.; Shrestha, N.; Raes, D. 2008. Environmental assessment for phenotyping network [abstract]. In: Generation Challenge Programme. CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme. Annual Research Meeting (2008, Bangkok, Thailand). Poster abstracts [on line]. GCP, México, DF, MX. p. 72.

Kim, H.; Nguyen, Van Bo; Howeler, R.H.; Ceballos, H. 2008. Current situation of cassava in Vietnam and the selection of cassava doubled haploid (dh) lines derived from CIAT [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Kim, H.; Van Nagai, N.; Howeler, R.H.; Ceballos, H. 2008. New progress of cassava research and extension in Vietnam [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Kulembeka, H.P.; Ferguson, M.E.; Kanju, E.E.; Labuschagne, Maryke T.; Herselman, L.; Mkamilo, G.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Progress in determining the genetic basis and genetic linkage mapping of cassava brown streak disease tolerance in Tanzania [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Ladino F., Y.J.; Vacca, O.; López, D.; García, M.; Beltrán G., J.A.; Arango, J.; Al-Babili, S.; Beyer, P.; Chavarriaga A., P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. New constructs carrying multiple genes to increase Beta-carotene in cassava roots [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

López, D.; Beltrán G., J.A.; Ceballos, H.; Duque E., M.C.; Zhang, P.; Gruissem, W.; Chavarriaga, P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Transgenic plants carrying an isopentenyl transferase (ipt) gene of Agrobacterium, under the control of a senescence-inducible promoter from Arabidopsis, increased foliage under field conditions [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Martens, S.; Avila V., P.; Franco, L.H.; Peters, M. 2008. Canavalia brasiliensis and Vigna unguiculata at different growth stages [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Martens, S.; Avila V., P.; Franco, L.H.; Peters, M. 2008. Rapid assessment of ensilability of Vigna unguiculata and Canavalia brasiliensis as an option for alternative pig feeding [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Martens, S.; Avila V., P.; Gil, J.L.; Franco, L.H.; Peters, M. 2008. Silage quality of the legumes Vigna unguiculata and Canavalia brasiliensis solely and with sweet potato roots as an alternative pig feeding [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Moreno C., M.I.; Tomkins, J.; Hurtado, P.; Okogbenin, E.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Progress in positional cloning of CMD2: The gene that confers high level of resistance to the cassava mosaic disease (CMD) [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Mutegi, R.; Ferguson, M.E.; Maass, B.L.; Tiessen, H.; Mkamilo, G.; Kamau, J.; Adjebeng-Danquah, J.; Alves, A.A.C.; Setter, T.L.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Field evaluation of cassava varieties under drought stress in Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Nayak, S.; Balaji, J.; Chattopadhyay, D.; Upadhyaya, H.D.; Hash, T.; Polavarapu, K.; Baum, M.; McNally, K.; Rodríguez, L.M.; Blair, M.W.; This, D.; Hoisington, D.A.; Varshney, R. 2008. Isolation and sequence analysis of DREB2A homologs in five crop species [abstract] [on line]. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (16, 2008, San Diego, California). [Abstracts]. Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA. 1 p. (P66: Gene Isolation)

Nkala, P.; Njuki, J.; Hauser, M. 2008. An assessment of livelihood transitions triggered through conservation agriculture in different vulnerable productions systems in Central Mozambique [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Ochoa, J.C.; Verdier, V.; Beltrán, J.A.; Chavarriaga A., P.; López, C.E. 2008. Functional validation of two resistance gene candidates RXam1 and RXam2 to cassava bacterial blight employing RNAi [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Okogbenin, E.; Egesi, C.; Kahya, S.; Mba, C.; Eke-Okoro, O.N.; Ekwelem, E.; De Vicente, M.C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Genetic diversity assessment of cassava landraces and elite cultivars in Nigeria with simple sequence repeats (SSR) [abstract]. In: Generation Challenge Programme. CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme. Annual Research Meeting (2008, Bangkok, Thailand). -Poster abstracts [on line]. GCP, México, DF, MX. p. 15.

Okogbenin, E.; Egesi, C.; Olasanmi, B.; Mba, C.; Kahya, S.; Ospina, C.; Hurtado, P.; Marín, J.A.; Gómez, H.; De Vicente, M. Carmen; Fregene, M.A. 2008. SSR analysis of F1 intra specific crosses of cassava for the identification of new sources of CMD resistance in African germplasm [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Ospina P., B. 2008. CLAYUCA: Ten years of experience promoting sustainable cassava development in LAC through public and private partnerships [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Pérez V., J.C.; Ramírez, I.C.; Lenis C., J.I.; Calle, F.; Morante, N.; Ceballos, H. 2008. Correction for missing plants in cassava evaluation trials [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Plata, G.; Rodríguez Z., F.; Sakurai, T.; Seki, M.; Sakedo, A.; Tohme M., J.; Sakaki, Y.; Toyoda, A.; Ishiwata, A. 2008. Computational analysis of the cassava transcriptome, gene discovery and regulatory element prediction [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Plata, G.; Rodríguez Z., F.; Sakurai, T.; Seki, M.; Salcedo, Andrés; Tohme M., J.; Sakaki, Y.; Toyoda, A.; Ishiwata, A.; Shinozaki, K. 2008. Making a cassava full-length cDNA library for gene discovery and its application for cassava improvement [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Reiber, C.; Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M. 2008. Effect of partial substitution of commercial concentrate by cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) on smallholder milk production and net income in Honduras [abstract]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohengeim, DE. 1 p.

Rewe, M.; Dercon, G.; Rasche, F.; Cobo B., J.G.; Cadisch, G. 2008. Development of a generic model to quantify soil organic matter applying infra-red spectroscopy and therman stability of soil [abstract]. In: Tielkes, Eric. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, Centre for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, Hohenheim, DE. 1 p.

Rodriguez, M.A.D.; Alves, A.A.C.; Silva, A.F.; Bellotti, A.C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Evaluation of cassava interspecific hybrids for disease resistance [abstract]. In: Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership (GCP-1) (1, 2008, Ghent, Belgium). Proceedings. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO), Ghent, BE. p. 146.

Rodriguez, M.A.D.; Alves, A.A.C.; Silva, A.F.; Bellotti, A.C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Cassava wild species: Diseases evaluation in different regions of Brazil [abstract]. In: Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership (GCP-1) (1, 2008, Ghent, Belgium). Proceedings. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO), Ghent, BE. p. 147.

Sanabria, Y.; Carabalí, S.J.; Olaya, C.A.; Martínez R., César P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Using molecular markers to search for wild introgressions from a relative tetraploid species into Oryza sativa L. [abstract] [on line]. In: Plant & Animal Genomes Conference (16, 2008, San Diego, California). [Abstracts]. Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA. 1 p. (P224: Rice)

Sánchez, T.; Ceballos, H.; Debouck, D.G.; Mafla B., G.; Calle, F.; Pérez V., J.C.; Dufour, D.L.; Morante, N.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Variation in starch and root quality traits in cassava [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Sánchez, T.; Ceballos, H.; Dufour, D.L.; Denyer, K.; Smith, A.; Fregene, M.A.; Pérez V., J.C.; Morante, N.; Rosero, E.A. 2008. Characterization of amylose-free and high-amylose starch mutations in cassava [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Santos M., L.G.; Alzate, A.M.; N´oez, A.; Falla, D.; Ospina, C.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Tissue culture in cassava genetics program-CIAT: An effective tool to complement cassava breeding [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Tohme M., J. 2008. Harvestplus [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Tohme M., J.; Fauquet, C.M. 2008. Cassava: A gift to the world and a challenge for scientist [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Tovar, C.; Hyman, G.; Wood, S. 2008. Indicators of attractiveness and feasibility of GCP technologies [abstract]. In: Generation Challenge Programme. CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme. Annual Research Meeting (2008, Bangkok, Thailand). Poster abstracts [on line]. GCP, México, DF, MX. p. 70.

Van Zonneveld, M.; Jarvis, A.; Dvorak, W.; Koskela, J.; Vinceti, B.; Snook, L.C. 2008. Impact of climate change on distribution and performance of tropical pine species in Central America and Southeast Asia [abstract]. In: International Confrence on Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies and Practices (2008, Umea, Sweden). Booik of abstracts and preliminary program. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppasala, SE. p. 257.

Vanlauwe, B.; Pypers, P.; Sanginga, N. 2008. The potential of integrated soil fertility management to improve the productivity of cassava-based systems [abstract]. In: Fauquet, C.M. Cassava: Meeting of the challenges of the New Millenium: Proceedings of the first scientific meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership 21-25 July, 2008, Ghent, Belgium [CD-ROM]. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO); Ghent University, Ghent, BE. 1 p.

Zúñiga E., E.; Cardona M., C.; Sotelo, G.; Miles, J.W. 2008. Resistencia de genotipos de Brachiaria spp. al daño causado por adultos de salivazo (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) [resumen]. In: Chacón de U., P.; Osorio, A.M. (comps.). Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (35, 2008, Cali, Colombia). Resúmenes. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN), Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. p. 170.

Theses Supervised

Akinbo, O. 2008. Introgression of high protein and pest resistance genes from inter-specific hybrids of Manihot esculenta ssp flabellifolia into cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Thesis (Ph.D.). University of the Free State, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Bloemfontein, ZA. 254 p.

Amela, F.A. 2008. Determinación de los parámetros genéticos del carácter longitud de panícula en arroz, Oryza sativa L.Tesis (M.Sc.). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 69 p.

Arcia M., K.A. 2008. Identificación de especies silvestres del género Oryza del estado de Portuguesa-Venezuela, mediante caracterización molecular y morfológica. Tesis (M.Sc.). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 73 p.

Balling J., A. 2008. Ex-ante economic impact assessment of introducing cassava or maize biofortified with pro-vitamin A in four Latin American countries. Thesis (M.Sc.) [on line]. University of Copenhagen, Department of Human Nutrition Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen, DK. 100 p.

Caicedo O., Y.J. 2008. Evaluación de características agronómicas de cuatro líneas interespecíficas de arroz (Oryza sativa latifolia) cmparadas con dos variedades comerciales y una nativa en el corregimiento # 8 de Zacarías, municipio de Buenaventura. Tesis (Agrónomo del Trópico Húmedo) [en línea]. Universidad del Pacífico, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Programa de Agronomía del Trópico Húmedo, Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca, CO. 48 p.

Castillo L., C.F. 2008. Mejoramiento del manejo nutricional de la rosa para el control preventivo de Peronospora sparsa causante del mildeo velloso. Tesis (Ingeniero Agrónomo). Universidad de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Programa de Agronomía, Departamento de Fitotecnia, Manizales, CO. 84 p.

Damba, G.P. 2008. Evaluación de métodos para análisis de estabilidad en diferentes ambientes en genotipos de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Tesis (M.Sc.). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 93 p.

Dessalines, M. 2008. The role of sweet potatoes in the diet and nutrition of rural haitian families. Thesis (M.Sc.) [on line restricted]. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA. 195 p.

Díaz B., E.B. 2008. Distribución del contenido de carbono orgánico en agregados de diferentes tamaños, procedentes de varios sistemas de uso y altitudes en suelos de la Cuenca del rió Cauca, Colombia. Tesis (Magister en Ciencias Agrarias con énfasis en Suelos) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Maestría en Ciencias Agrarias, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 74 p.

Espinosa A., J.D. 2008. Evaluación de dos procesos para mejorar la calidad nutricional de la harina de yuca (raíces y follaje) como alimento para cerdos en la etapa de ceba. Tesis (Ingeniero Agroindustrial) [en línea]. Universidad de San Buenaventura, Facultad de Ingenierías, Programa de Ingeniería Agroindustrial, Santiago de Cali, CO. 87 p.

Ferreira C., O.I. 2008. Flujos de gases de efecto invernadero, potencial de calentamiento global y evaluación de energía del sistema agroforestal quesungual en el sur de Lempira, Honduras. Tesis (M.Sc.). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 81 p.

González M., L.F. 2008. Evaluación de la diversidad genética en una colección de germoplasma de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) de Ruanda (Africa). Tesis (Bióloga) [en línea]. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Ciencias, Carrera de Biología, Bogotá, CO. 130 p.

Gorrón G., E.A. 2008. Diseño de primers degenerado con el metodod de expectación maximización para lineamientos múltiples locales y su aplicación para hallar fragmentos homólogos a genes asociados a Apomixis en Brachiaria sp. Tesis (Biólogo y Microbiólogo). Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Biología, Santafé de Bogotá, DC, CO. 137 p.

Iglesias G., A.M. 2008. Identificación y desarrollo de marcadores moleculares asociados a genes de resistencia a mancha angular en el desarrollo de frijol común G 5686. Tesis ((Biólogo con mención en Genética). Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Programa Académico de Biología, Santiago de Cali, CO. 77 p.

López V., D. 2008. Establecimiento de una metodología para la evaluación agromorfológica, bioquímica y molecular de clones transgénicos de yuca (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) sembrados en el campo: El caso de plantas que expresan el gen ipt de Agrobacterium tumefaciens para retención foliar. Tesis (M.Sc.) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 130 p.

Marín C., J.A. 2008. Carotenos en yuca : Mapeo genético y análisis de QTLs en una población S1 de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crants). Tesis (Magister en Ciencias Agrarias) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 216 p.

Martínez A., A.K. 2008. Caracterización molecular de un nuevo begomovirus del tomate en el Valle del Cauca y busqueda de fuentes de resistencia para el mejoramiento de la variedad Unapal Maravilla. Tesis (Mgister en Ciencias Agrarias con énfasis en Fitomejoramiento) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 68 p.

Monserrate R., F.A. 2008. Análisis del proceso de biofortificación de variedades de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) andino de tipo comercial "calima" en Colombia. Tesis (Ingeniero Agrónomo). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Agronomía, Bogotá, DC, CO. 97 p.

Ospina, C.A. 2008. Selección asistida por marcadores (MAS) un ejemplo de su integración a un esquema clásico de mejoramiento en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), en el desarrollo de materiales resistentes al virus del mosaico africano de yuca (CMD). Tesis (Magíster en Ciencias Agrarias con énfasis en Fitomejoramiento) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Escuela de Postgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 83 p.

Pavón T., J. del C. 2008. Aplicación de los principios del sistema agroforestal quesungual en Nicaragua. Caracterización de la calidad física y química del suelo y susceptibilidad a la erosión en la Danta, Somotillo. Tesis (M.Sc.). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 81 p.

Rivera P., M. 2008. Determinación de la dinámica del agua en el sistema agroforestal quesungual e identificación de factores suelo-planta para el mejoramiento de la productividad del agua en los cultivos. Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agrarias con énfasis en Suelos) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Posgrados, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 335 p.

Rodríguez M., M.E. 2008. Aislamiento y caracterización de secuencias de genes expresados diferencialmente en Brachiaria decumbens Sttapff cv. Basilisk, asociados a la resistencia al estrés por aluminio (al+3) en suelos ácidos. Tesis (Magister en Ciencias Agrarias, Area Fitomejoramiento) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Agronomía, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 115 p.

Rosero A., E.A. 2008. Avances en la introgresión asistida por marcadores moleculares de la resistencia al deterioro fisiológico post-cosecha desde Manihot walkerae Croizat en poblaciones de yuca M. esculenta Crantz. Tesis (Magíster en Ciencias Agrarias con énfasis en Mejoramiento Genético de Plantas) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Maestría en Ciencias Agrarias, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 117 p.
Serrano, A.; Vílchez, E.; Sandino, M. 2008. Estudio florístico de especies forestales
y su uso potencial para el establecimiento del sistema agroforestal quesungual de la microcuenca hidrográfica La Danta, Somotillo, Chinandenga. Trabajo de diploma [en línea] . Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA), Facultad de Recursos Naturales y del Medio Ambiente, Managua, NI. 135 p.

Serrano, A.; Vílchez, E.; Sandino, M. 2008. Evaluación sensorial de camote, variedad ¨440189¨, con niños en edad escoar, municipio de San José de Cusmapa, Departamento de Madriz, enero-mayo 2008. Tesis (Licenciatura en Nutrición) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN), Instituto Politécnico de la Salud (IPS), Departmento de Nutrición, Managua, NI. 135 p.


Adeyemo, S.O.; Davis, S.; Chavarriaga A., P.; Tohme M., J.; Ceballos, H.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Strategies for enhancing flowering in cassava using molecular tools: Towards a more efficient breeding programme [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Akinbo, O.; Labuschagne, M.T.; Ospina, C.; Marín, J.A.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Bringing wild alleles back into the primary gene pool: Introgression of high protein content from Manihot esculenta ssp labelillifolia into cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Akiyama, Kenji; Ishitani, M.; Shinozaki, K.; Sakurai, T. 2008. Conception for organizing information on cassava [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Alvarez, C.; López, X.; Fernández, A.; Díaz, A.; Olivier, G.; Dufour, D.L. 2008. Comportamiento de la musáceas colombianas en la cocción de agua: Estudio de textura [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Alves, A.A.C.; Mendes, R.A.; Carvalho, P.C. de; Costa, I.; Rodriguez, M.A.D.; Noronha, A.C. da S.; Silva, A.F.; Tavares Filho, L.; Ledo, C.A. da S.; Fregene, M.A.; Bellotti, A.C. 2008. Cassava wild relatives utilization at EMBRAPA [poster] [on line]. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits, Cruz das Almas, BR. 1 p.

Alves, A.A.C.; Setter, T.L.; Fregene, M.A.; Ferguson, M.E.; Duque, L.; Mutegi, R.; Mkamilo, G. 2008. Traits related to drought tolerance mechanisms in cassava [poster] [on line]. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits, Cruz das Almas, BR. 1 p.

Alzate, A.M.; Fregene, M.A.; Ceballos, H. 2008. Avances del trabajo de tesis ¨Identificación de la variabilidad genética de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivada por pequeños agricultores de la región de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Amede, Tilahun; Okori, P.; Baguma, Yona K.; Ferguson, M.E.; Nzuki, I.; Kawuki, Robert S.; Pariyo, Anthony; Fregene, M.A.; Bua, A. 2008. Genotyping Ugandan cassava breeding populations using SSR markers for resistance to cassava mosaic disease [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Andersson, M.S.; Alvarez S., D.F.; Jarvis, A.; Hyman, G.; De Vicente, M.C. 2008. Gene flow risk assessment in centres of crop origin and biodiversity [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Avilés, D.; Aristizábal, J.M. 2008. CIAT scientists mainstreaming gender in research [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Aye, T.M.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Improving cassava productivity and developing potential markets for farmers in Lao PDR [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Aye, T.M.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Cassava in Laos: Enhancingg sustainable production and utilization through farmer participatory research [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Balcázar, M. del S.; Rivera, A.L.; Pineda L., B. 2008. Preliminary results of in vitro antagonist bacteria on development of fungi isolated from Brachiaria brizantha seeds [on line] [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Baltodano, M.E.; Alpízar M., D. 2008. Valoración económica de la oferta del servicio ambiental hídrico en las subcuencas Calico y Jucuapa de Nicaragua [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Comunidades y Cuencas, Cali, CO. 1 p.

Beltrán G., J.A.; Jaimes, H.; Echeverry, M.; Ladino F., Y.J.; López, D.; Duque E., M.C.; Chavarriaga, P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Quantification of copy number and mRNA levels of transgenes in cassava using quantitative real-time PCR [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Beovides, J.; Buitrago R., C.; Barrera, E.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Fregene, M.A.; Alves, A.A. 2008. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) assessment of genetic diversity of local cassava varieties from Cuba [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Berrío O., L.E.; Corredor, E.; Cruz G., M.; Jennings, P.R.; Zorrilla de San Martín, G. 2008. Genetic improvement at FLAR [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Fondo Latinoamericano para Arroz de Riego (FLAR), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Blair, M.W.; Buendía C., H.F.; Díaz, L.M.; Díaz, J.M.; Giraldo Z., M.C.; Tovar L., E.; Duque E., M.C.; Beebe, S.E.; Debouck, D.G. 2008. Microsatellite marker diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Blair, M.W.; Buendía C., H.F.; Díaz, L.M.; Díaz, J.M.; Giraldo Z., M.C.; Moreno, N.; González, L.; Duque E., M.C.; Debouck, D.G.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S.; Peloso, M.J. del; Brondani, R.; Borba, T.O.; Kresovich, S.; Mitchell, S.E.; Asfaw, A.; Kimani, P.M.; Chirwa, R.; Avila, T.; Rojas, X.; Dávila, A.; Gil, H.; Pérez, N.M.; Acosta, J.; Lorigados, S. 2008. World-wide common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) diversity and race structure [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Bohórquez C., A.; Bernal, D.; Arias V., B.; Bellotti, A.C.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Isolation of genes differentially expressed during the defense response of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) to whitefly (Aleurotrachelus socialis Bondar) attack [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Börner, J.; Wunder, S. 2008. Divergent opportunity costs of REDD on private lands in the Brazilian Amazon [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Castelblanco, W.; Westerbergh, A. 2008. Phenotypic and genetic changes as a result of cassava domestication [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Castro, A.; Rivera, M.; Ferreira, O.; Pavon, J.; García, E.; Amézquita C., E.; Ayarza, M.A.; Barrios, E.; Rondón, M.A.; Pauli, N.; Baltodano, M.E.; Mendoza, B.; Welchez, L.A.; Johnson, N.L.; Cook, S.E.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Adaptation to climate change: Is the Quesungual system an option for smallholders in dry hillsides agroecosystems? [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Castro, A.; Rivera, M.; Ferreira, O.; Pavón, J.; García, E.; Amézquita C., E.; Ayarza, M.A.; Barrios, E.; Rondón, M.A.; Pauli, N.; Baltodano, M.E.; Mendoza, B.; Welchez, L.A.; Johnson, N.L.; Cook, S.E.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Improving the efficiency of rain water use in smallholder farms in sub-humid tropics: Agricultural and environment benefits of Quesungual agroforestry system [poster] [on line]. In: Water for Development. Annual Conference (2008, Zurich). Prospects for integrated water resources management: Proceedings. North-South Centre, Zurich, CH. 1 p.

Châtel, M.; Ospina R., Y.; Rodríguez, F.; Taboada P., R.; Guzmán A., R.; Viruez J., J.; Callaú, V.H. 2008. ¨Esperanza¨: A fruitful collaborative research: First upland/aerobic rice variety coming from rice synthetic population breeding [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Cobo B., J.G.; Dercon, G.; Delve, R.J.; Cadisch, G. 2008. Scaling-up nutrient balances from plot to village level under small-holder settlement schemes in sub-humid Zimbabwe [poster] [on line]. Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Cortés S., S.; Cortés R., J.; Chavarriaga A., P.; López, C.E. 2008. Silencing of starch biosynthesis genes in cassava plants through RNAi [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Corredor, E.; Cruz G., M.; Jennings, P.R.; Zorrilla de San Martín, G. 2008. Rice breeding for temperate Latin America [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Cruz G., M.; Corredor, E.; Jennings, P.R.; Zorrilla de San Martín, G. 2008. Cold tolerance evaluation in rice under controlled conditions [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Disla, Y.; Pachón, H.; Humphreys, D. 2008. Proceso para evaluar el impacto nutricional del consumo de maíz biofortificado [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Douxchamps, S.; Van der Hoek, W.; Benavides, A.; Humbert, F.; Mena, M.; Oberson, A.; Rao, I.M.; Schimidt, A.; Frossard, E. 2008. Realizing the benefits of cover crop legumes in smallholder crop-livestock farms of the hillsides of Central America [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Dufour, D.L.; Giraldo, A.; López, X.; Castellanos, F.J.; Sánchez, T.; Fernández, A.; Díaz, A. 2008. Diversidad del plátano de cocción consumido en Colombia [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Escobar P., R.H.; Manrique C., N.C.; Muñoz, L.C.; Ríos, A.; Debouck, D.G.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Implementation of a cryopreservation system to establish a duplicate of the cassava core collection [poster]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Food safety & hygiene messages: Soy bean processing and utilization for improving health and nutrition of rural households in HIV/AIDS affected areas of Kenya[poster] [on line]. 2008. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Gentile, R.; Vanlauwe, B.; Kavoo, A.; Chivenge, P.P.; Six, J. 2008. Residue quality does not influence C and N stabilization [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Nairobi, KE. 1 p.

Giraldo P., O.X.; Quintero, C.; Plata, G.; Rodríguez, F.; Borrero C., J.; Martínez R., C.P.; Tohme M., J. 2008. Identification of SNPs markers for biofortification in rice [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Gómez, L.K.; Restrepo, J. 2008. Mercadeo social para nutrientes: Introducción del maíz y frijol biofortificados en instituciones que apoyan programas de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia [poster] [en línea]. AgroSalud, Cali, CO. 1 p.

Hansethasuk, J.; Wongtium, P.; Youngmod, A.; Sarakarn, S.; Juthanka, S.; Petcharabooranin, C.; Howeler, R.H. 2008. Root quality characterization of the cassava core collection [poster]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Hoek, R. van der; Mena, M.; Benavídez, A.; Schmidt, A.; Hess, H.-D.; Peters, M. 2008. Dry season feeding systems for smallholder dairy cattle in Central-America [poster] [on line]. North-South Centre, Zurich, CH. In: Water for Development. Annual Conference (2008, Zurich). Prospects for integrated water resources management: Proceedings. North-South Centre, Zurich, CH. 1 p.

Holmann, F.J.; Rivas R., L.; Pérez, E.; Castro, C.; Schuetz, P.; Rodríguez, J. 2008. The beef chain in Costa Rica: Identifying critical issues for promoting the modernization, efficiency, and competitiveness [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p
Hoyos V., V.; Polanía, J.A.; Morales, F.J.; Miles, J.W.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Phenoypic differences in adaptation to drought stress in Brachiaria grasses [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Hurtado L., P.X.; Marín, J.A.; Ospina, C.; Buitrago R., C.; Castelblanco, W.; Correa, A.M.; Barrera, E.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Santos, L.G.; De Vicente, M.C.; Hearne, S.; Ferguson, M.E.; Alves, A.; Ferreira, C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. An assessment of the diversity in global cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) genetic resources based on simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Hyman, G.; Geerts, S. 2008. Environmental assessment for phenotyping network [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Kim, H.; Nguyen, Van Bo; Howeler, R.H.; Ceballos, H. 2008. Current situation of cassava in Vietnam and the selection of cassava doubled haploid (dh) lines derived from CIAT [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Kim, H.; Tran Ngoc Ngoan; Van Nagai, N.; Howeler, R.H.; Ceballos, H. 2008. New progress of cassava research and extension in Vietnam [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Kulembeka, H.P.; Ferguson, M.E.; Kanju, E.E.; Labuschagne, M.T.; Herselman, L.; Mkamilo, G.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Progress in determining the genetic basis and genetic linkage mapping of cassava brown streak disease tolerance in Tanzania [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Martens, S.; Avila V., P.; Franco, L.H.; Peters, M. 2008. Canavalia brasiliensis and Vigna unguiculata at different growth stages [poster] [on line]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Martens, S.; Avila V., P.; Franco, L.H.; Peters, M. 2008. Rapid assessment of ensilability of Vigna unguiculata and Canavalia brasiliensis as an option for alternative pig feeding [poster] [on line]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Martens, S.; Avila V., P.; Gil, J.L.; Franco, L.H.; Peters, M. 2008. Soil quality of the legumes Vigna unguiculata and Canavalia brasiliensis solely and with sweet potato roots as an alternative pig feeding [poster] [on line]. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Competition for resources in a changing world: New drive for rural development: Book of abstracts, Tropentag 2008. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Monserrate R., F.A.; Vesga, A.L.; Pachón, H.; Hyman, G. 2008. Identificando sitios candidatos para implementar la estrategia de cultivos biofortificados en Latinoamérica y el Caribe [poster] [en línea]. AgroSalud; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Montes, L.; Azudia, C.D.; Buitrago R., C.; Debouck, D.G.; Tohme M., J.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) assessment of genetic diversity of local cassava varieties from Guatemala [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Motta A., J.R.; Serrano S., M.L.; Hernández T., J.; Castillo V., G.; Debouck, D.G.; Chacón S., M.I. 2008. Domestication patterns in wild lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) from the Americas [on line] [poster]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Mutegi, R.; Ferguson, M.E.; Maass, B., L.; Tiessen, H.; Mkamilo, G.; Kamau, J.; Adjebeng-Danquah, J.; Alves, A.A.C.; Setter, T.L.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Field evaluation of cassava varieties under drought stress in Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana [poster] [on line]. -Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits, Cruz das Almas, BR. 1 p.

Njuki, J.; Muthoni, R. 2008. Participatory monitoring and evaluation for institutional learning and community empowerment [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ocampo P., J.; Coppens d'E., G.; Scheldeman, X. 2008. Biogeografía y diversidad de la familia caricaeae en Colombia [poster] [en línea]. Biodiversity International; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ocampo P., J.; Coppens d'E., G.; Jarvis, A.; Risterucci, A.-M.; Feldmann, P.; Scheldeman, X. 2008. Study of the genetic diversity of genus Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) and its distribution in Colombia [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ochoa, J.C.; Verdier, V.; Beltrán, J.A.; Chavarriaga A., P.; López, C.E. 2008. Functional validation of two resistance gene candidates RXam1 and RXam2 to cassava bacterial blight employing RNAi [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ohiokpehai, O.; King´olla, B. 2008. Improving soil health: Series 1: Soybean processing utilization for improving health and nutrition of rural households in HIV/AIDS affected areas of Kenya [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Ohiokpehai, O.; King´olla, B. 2008. Nutrition and utilization for health and income generation: An incentive for the promotion of legumes in Kenya [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Okogbenin, E.; Egesi, C.; Mbanaso, E.N.A.; Ogbe, F.; Santos, L.G.; Gutiérrez A., J.P.; Marín, J.A.; Mba, C.; Ukpabi, U.J; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Development of cassava germplasm resources for the improvement of high value root quality traits through induced mutation and marker aided breeding in Nigeria [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Okogbenin, E.; Egesi, C.; Olasanmi, B.; Mba, C.; Kahya, S.; Ospina, C.; Hurtado, P.; Marín, J.A.; Gómez, H.; De Vicente, M.C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. SSR analysis of F1 intra specific crosses of cassava for identification of new sources of CMD resistance in African germplasm [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Okoth, P.F.; Huising, J.; Ichami, S.; Mung´atu, J. 2008. Do forests preserve soil biodiversity?: An inventory of five soil organisms in seven tropical countries [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Nairobi, KE. 1 p.

Ortiz, D.A.; Pachón, H. 2008. Laboratorio de calidad nutricional [poster] [en línea]. AgroSalud; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Pérez S., S.; Balling J., A. 2008. La biofortificación, una alternativa económicamente viable y eficaz para luchar contra la deficiencia de micronutrientes en América Latina y el Caribe? [poster] [en línea]. AgroSalud; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Plata, G.; Rodríguez Z., F.; Sakurai, T.; Seki, M.; Salcedo, Andrés; Tohme M., J.; Sakaki, Y.; Toyoda, A.; Ishiwata, A.; Shinozaki, K.; Ishitani, M. 2008. Computational analysis of the cassava transcriptome, gene discovery and regulatory element prediction [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Polanía, J.A.; Grajales, M.; Cajiao V., C.H.; García, R.; Ricaurte, J.J.; Beebe, S.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Physiological evaluation of drought resistance in elite lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under field conditions [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Porro, R. 2008. RAVA: Amazon livelihood and environment network [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Quiros, C.A.; Thiele, G. 2008. Sistemas nacionales de innovación agrícola que funcionan a favor de los pobres: Programa Alianza Cambio Andino [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rangel B., A.F.; Rao, I.M.; Horst, W.J. 2008. Short and medium-term root-growth responses to aluminium in common bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

angel B., A.F.; Rao, I.M.; Horst, W.J. 2008. Spatial aluminium sensitivity of root apices of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rincón, J.D.; García, R.; Miles, J.W.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Phenoypic variation in waterlogging tolerance of brachiaria genotypes [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rodriguez, M.A.D.; Alves, A.A.C.; Silva, A.F.; Bellotti, A.C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Cassava wild species: Diseases evaluation in different regions of Brazil [poster] [on line]. -Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits, Cruz das Almas, BR. 1 p.

Rodriguez, M.A.D.; Alves, A.A.C.; Silva, A.F.; Bellotti, A.C.; Fregene, M.A. 2008. Evaluation of cassava interspecific hybrids for disease resistance [poster] [on line]. -Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits, Cruz das Almas, BR. 1 p.

Rosero P., M.; Varela, J. 2008. La estrategia de comunicación e información en el proyecto AgroSalud [poster] [en línea]. AgroSalud; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rubiano M., J.E.; Soto, V.; Rajasekharan, M.; Cook, S.E.; Douthwaite, B.; Rao, I.M. 2008. Extrapolation domain analysis: A method to estimate potential global impacts of research projects [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rubyogo, J.C.; Sperling, L.; Muthoni, R.; Buruchara, R.A. 2008. The power of partnerships: Accelerating bean seed production and delivery with and among african farmers [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Rubyogo, J.C.; Tembo, F.; Chirwa, R.; Amane, M.; Madata, C.S. 2008. Collaborative research program for creating impact oriented bean seed delivery systems for the poor in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Sánchez, T.; Marín, J.A.; Dufour, D.L.; Morante, N.; Ceballos, H. 2008. Caracterización fisicoquímica del primer almidón natural de yuca ceroso (libre de amilosa) descubierto en CIAT [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Sánchez T., J.D.; Cock, J.H.; Castaño, M.A.; Marín A., N.; Fernández B., Y.; Alvarez, D.M.; Sánchez M., M.; Llano R., G.A. 2008. Agricultura específica por sitio basada en la experiencia de los agricultores [poster] [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Corporación BIOTEC, Cali, CO. 1 p.

Serrano S., M.L.; Hernández T., J.; Castillo V., G.; Debouck, D.G.; Chacón S., M.i. 2008. Gene pools in wild lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) and their origin [on line] [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Setter, T.L.; Duque, L.; Alves, A.A.C.; Fregene, M.A.; Ceballos, H.; Ferguson, M.E.; Mkamilo, G. 2008. Drought tolerance mechanisms in cassava [poster]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Sperling, L.; Remington, T.; Cooper, H.D.; McGuire, S.; Haugen, J.M.; Nagoda, S.; Teshale, A.; Rubyogo, J.C. 2008. How research is improving response in really high stress systems: Emergency seed aid in Africa [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Trouche, G.; Chow, Z.; Châtel, M.; Martínez R., C.P.; Narváez, L.; Obregón, J.R. 2008. Participatory breeding of upland rice in Nicaragua: Matching the needs of small rice producers [poster] [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Velarde, S.J.; Porro, R.; Amegger, M. 2008. Amazon student exchange and collaboration [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Waddington, S.R.; Dixon, J.; Li, X.; Hyman, G.; De Vicente, M.C. 2008. Assessing production constraints and opportunities for GCP priority food crops and farming systems [poster]. -Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Mexico, DF, MX. 1 p.

Zapata, E.; Monserrate R., F.A.; Hyman, G.; Vesga, A.L.; Pachón, H. 2008. Avances en la identificación de sitios candidatos para implementar la estrategia de cultivos biofortificados en Latinoamérica y el Caribe [poster] [en línea]. AgroSalud; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

Other Publications

Alvarez, E.; Mejía, J.F.; Llano R., G.A.; Loke, J.B. 2008. Enfermedades limitantes de la yuca. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), Cali, CO. 24 p.

Cadavid L., L.F. 2008. Fertilización del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) [en línea]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Consorcio Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Yuca (CLAYUCA), Cali, CO. 65 p.

Chirwa, R.; Sperling, L.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Mazuma, E.D.; Amane, M.; Madata, C.S.; Tembo, F. 2008. Getting back to basics: Creating impact oriented bean seed delivery system for the poor (and others) in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania: Annual Report 2008. McKnight Foundation, Collaborative Crop Research Program, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 27 p.

Douthwaite, B.; Alvarez, S.; Thiele, G.; Mackay, R. 2008. Participatory impact pathways analysis : A practical method for project planning and evaluation. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC), Washington, DC, USA. 4 p. (ILAC brief 17)

Ferris, S.; Engoru, P.; Kaganzi, E. 2008. Making market information services work better for the poor in Uganda. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, USA. 20 p. (CAPRi working paper no. 77)

Ferris, S.; Kaganzi, E. 2008. Evaluating marketing opportunities for haricot beans in Ethiopia [on line]. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, KE. 67 p.

García C., J.A.; González, M.C.; Johnson, N.L. 2008. MAIN: A Model for Assessing the Impact of Nutritional inventions to reduce deficiencies of vitamin A, iron, and zinc. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 32 p

Gómez H., J.E.; Narváez V., J.A.; Narváez T., E. 2008. Proyecto: Desarrollo e implementación de una red nacional para certificación fitosanitaria de cítricos componente a nivel mundial (PR 05100265): Informe de resultados. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (CORPOICA); Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 38 p.

Holmann, F.J.; Argel, P.; Pérez, E. 2008. Beneficios de la adopción de pasturas mejoradas en fincas de pequeños productores en Centroamérica: Análisis expost. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Cali, CO. 13 p. (Documento de trabajo no. 208)

Institutional knowledge sharing in the CGIAR: ICT-Program interventions one year later. 2008. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Cali, CO. 16 p.

Johnson, N.L.; García, J.; Rubiano M., J.E.; Quintero, M.; Estrada, R.D.; Mwangi, E.; Moreno, A.; Peralta, A.; Granados, S. 2008. Watershed management and poverty alleviation in the Colombian Andes. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN), Cali, CO. 26 p.

Kaganzi, E.; Ferris, S.; Barham, J.; Abenakyo, A.; Sanginga, P.C.; Njuki, J. 2008. Sustaining linkages to high value markets through collective action in Uganda: The case of the Nyabyumba potato farmers [on line]. CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), Washington, DC, USA. 39 p. (CAPRi working paper no. 75)

Kalyebara, R.; Andima, D.; Kirkby, R.A.; Buruchara, R.A. 2008. Improved bean varieties and cultivation practices in Eastern-Central Africa: Economic and social benefits. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 37 p.

Kalyebara, R.; Buruchara, R.A. 2008. Farm level impacts of improved bean varieties and agronomic technologies in Rwanda [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 41)

Kalyebara, R.; Buruchara, R.A. 2008. The impact of improved bean production technologies in northern Tanzania [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 42)

Kalyebara, R.; Buruchara, R.A. 2008. The impact of improved bush bean varieties in Uganda [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 43)

Kalyebara, R.; Buruchara, R.A. 2008. The impact of new bean technologies on rural livelihoods in seven African countries [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Kampala, UG. 2 p. (Highlights: CIAT in Africa no. 44)

Laderach, P.; Jarvis, A.; Ramírez, J.; Fisher, M.J. 2008. Predictions of land use changes under progressive climate change in coffee growing regions of the AdapCC project: Final report Chiapas, Mexico, Cali, Colombia: October 2008[on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 65 p.

Laderach, P.; Jarvis, A.; Ramírez, J.; Fisher, M.J. 2008. Predictions of land use changes under progressive climate change in coffee growing regions of the AdapCC project: Final report Nicaragua, Cali, Colombia: October 2008 [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 62 p.

Laderach, P.; Jarvis, A.; Ramírez, J.; Fisher, M.J. 2008. Predictions of land use changes under progressive climate change in coffee growing regions of the AdapCC project: Final report Piura, Peru, Cali, Colombia: October 2008 [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 66 p.

Laderach, P.; Jarvis, A.; Ramírez, J.; Fisher, M.J. 2008. Predictions of land use changes under progressive climate change in coffee growing regions of the AdapCC project: Final report Veracruz, Mexico, Cali, Colombia: October 2008 [on line]. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 66 p.

Quintero, M.; Holmann, F.J.; Estrada, R.D. 2008. Ex ante analysis of legumes: The dilemma of using legumes as forage for animal nutrition during the dry season or as grey manure for soil improvement. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 22 p. (Documento de trabajo)

Stangoulis, J.; Pfeiffer, W.H.; McClafferty, B.; Meenakshi, J.V.; Hotz, C.; Bouis, H.E. 2008. HarvestPlus agenda in relation to tropical fruits. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 5 p.

Tenywa, M.M.A.; Grunwald, S.; Mwang'ombe, A.W.; Hesse, E.; Vanlauwe, B.; Fungo, B. [2008]. Experiences in implementing the strengthening agricultural and environmental capacities through distance education (SAEC-DE) project. -Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 6 p.

Vorley, W.T.; Lundy, M.; MacGregor, J. 2008. Business models that are inclusive of small farmers. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, IT. 34 p.

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